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ID: 300068483
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Record Type: concept
vernacular architecture (architecture genres, <genres in the visual arts>, ... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name))


Note: Broad term for any architecture built of local materials to suit particular local needs, generally constructed outside any academic tradition and without professional guidance. It is often of unknown authorship and makes little reference to established styles or theories of architecture. Most architectural works in the world are vernacular architecture.
vernacular architecture (preferred,C,U,LC,English-P,D,U,N)
architecture, vernacular (C,U,English,UF,U,N)
local architecture (vernacular architecture) (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
風土建築 (C,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,U,U)
fēng tǔ jiàn zhú (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,UF,U,U)
feng tu jian zhu (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones)-P,UF,U,U)
feng t'u chien chu (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles)-P,UF,U,U)
lokale architectuur (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
arquitetura vernacular (C,U,Portuguese-P,D,SN)
arquitectura vernácula (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,U)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  B.BM

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Associated Concepts Facet
Associated Concepts Facet
Hierarchy of Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)
.... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of <concepts in the arts and humanities>
........ <concepts in the arts and humanities> (G)
Hierarchy of <genres in the visual arts>
............ <genres in the visual arts> (G)
Hierarchy of architecture genres
................ architecture genres (G)
Hierarchy of vernacular architecture
.................... vernacular architecture (G)

Additional Notes:
Chinese (traditional) ..... 用當地材料所建造,以符合特殊地方需求的建築,建造者通常無法考據,同時很少參考主要的建築風格或理論。 
Dutch ..... Te gebruiken voor inheemse architectuur waarbij vakmensen traditionele plannen, constructiemethoden en lokale bouwmaterialen gebruikten. 
Portuguese ..... Arquitetura construída com materiais locais para atender a necessidades locais específicas, geralmente de autoria desconhecida e fazendo pouca referência aos principais estilos ou teorias da arquitetura. 
Spanish ..... Arquitectura construida de materiales locales para satisfacer necesidades locales particulares, usualmente de autoría desconocida y haciendo poca referencia a los estilos principales o teorías arquitectónicas. 

Related concepts:
meaning/usage overlaps with ....  anonymous architecture
..................................................  (architecture genres, <genres in the visual arts>, ... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) [300444300]
meaning/usage overlaps with ....  folk architecture
..................................................  (architecture genres, <genres in the visual arts>, ... Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) [300444299]
related to ....  Masonry Vernacular
..................  (<modern North American architecture styles and movements>, modern North American, ... Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) [300444315]

Sources and Contributors:
風土建築............  [AS-Academia Sinica Preferred]
...........  TELDAP database (2009-)
architecture, vernacular............  [VP]
.........................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
arquitectura vernácula............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred]
.........................................  Trebbi del Trevigiano, Arquitectura espontánea y vernácula en América latina: Teoría y Forma (1985)
arquitetura vernacular............  [CVAA-BR Preferred]
.........................................  CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
fēng tǔ jiàn zhú............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.............................  TELDAP database (2009-)
feng t'u chien chu............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
...................................  TELDAP database (2009-)
feng tu jian zhu............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.............................  TELDAP database (2009-)
local architecture (vernacular architecture)............  [VP]
.......................................................................  BWR Data Reconciliation for CONA (2020-2021)
lokale architectuur............  [AAT-Ned Preferred]
...................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
vernacular architecture............  [GCI Preferred, VP Preferred]
.........................................  AATA database (2002-) 130248 checked 26 January 2012
.........................................  Avery Index (1963-)
.........................................  CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-)
.........................................  Contributed as a candidate term Candidate comment -- NALLON -- 14/92; broaden scope note ; suggest THDAT entry as preferable.
.........................................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1973)
.........................................  Oxford Art Online (2008-)
.........................................  Placzek, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects (1982)
.........................................  RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982)
.........................................  RILA, Subject Headings (1975-1990)
.........................................  Walker, Glossary of Art (1977)
Subject: .....  [AAT-Ned, AS-Academia Sinica, CDBP-SNPC, CVAA-BR, GCI, VP]
............  AAT-Ned (1994-)
............  AATA database (2002-) 130248 checked 26 January 2012
............  CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
English .......... [VP]
.......... Lucie-Smith, Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms (1986)
.......... Oxford Art Online (2008-)
Chinese (traditional) .......... [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......... TELDAP database (2009-)
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
Portuguese .......... [CVAA-BR]
.......... CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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