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jute (fiber) (plant fiber, natural fiber, ... Materials (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Bast fiber derived from either of two East Indian plants (Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis). The pale brown fibers are soft, lustrous, and coarse, ranging in length from 4 to 10 feet. The brittle fibers are used to produce a thread called hessian. Jute becomes so weak when wet that a thin twine can be broken by hand. It turns brown and degrades with time, sunlight, water, acids, alkalis, and bleach. Jute has been used since prehistoric times. It is used to make sackcloth, burlap cloth, gunnysacks, twine, paper, and carpet backing. It was also used to make brown paper in Europe in the mid-19th century. |
Terms: |
jute (fiber) (preferred,C,U,LC,English-P,D,U,N)
jute (fiber) (Norwegian (Bokmål)-P,AD,U,SN)
jute (Norwegian (Nynorsk)-P,AD,U,SN)
jute (vezel) (Dutch-P,D,U,U)
Hindi pat (fiber) (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
allyott (fiber) (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
黃麻 (纖維) (C,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,U,U)
黃麻纖維 (C,U,Chinese (traditional),UF,U,U)
huáng ma (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,UF,U,U)
huang ma (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones)-P,UF,U,U)
huang ma (Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles),UF,U,U)
huang-ma (fiber) (C,U,Chinese (transliterated)-P,D,U,U)
paklinnen (vezel) (C,U,Dutch,UF,U,U)
Jutefaser (C,U,German-P,D,U,U)
juta (fibra) (C,U,Italian-P,D,U,U)
juta (fibra) (Portuguese-P,D,U,U)
yute (fibra) (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: M.MT |
Hierarchical Position:
Materials Facet |
.... Materials (hierarchy name) (G) |
........ materials (substances) (G) |
............ <materials by form> (G) |
................ <materials by physical form> (G) |
.................... <fiber and fiber by product> (G) |
........................ fiber (G) |
............................ natural fiber (G) |
................................ plant fiber (G) |
.................................... jute (fiber) (G) |
Additional Notes: |
Chinese (traditional) ..... 取自兩種東印度植物(長蒴黃麻與黃麻)的韌皮纖維,呈淡棕色,質地軟而粗、具有光澤,長度範圍由4到10英呎。這種質脆的纖維可用來製作稱為「黑森麻線」(hessian)的黃麻繩線。黃麻在潮溼時會變得很脆弱,甚至徒手即可損壞細的麻繩。黃麻會因時間過去、日照、水分、酸、鹼以及漂白劑的影響而轉為棕色,而且品質也會隨之下降。黃麻遠自史前時代便已為人所用,可用於製作麻袋用布、粗麻布、粗麻布袋、合股線、紙張以及地毯裡襯,於西元十九世紀中期的歐洲則用以製作棕色包裝紙。 |
Dutch ..... De glimmende vezel van één van twee Oost-Indische planten (Corchorus olitorius en C. capsularis); wordt hoofdzakelijk gebruikt voor jute, zakkengoed en goedkopere twijnsoorten. |
Spanish ..... Fibra brillante de dos plantas del este de la India (Corchorus olitorius y C. capsularis), utilizada fundamentalmente para hacer sacos, arpilleras y variedades de bajo precio de bramante. |
Related concepts: |
derived/made from .... |
Corchorus capsularis (species) |
................................ |
(Corchorus (genus), Malvaceae (family), ... Living Organisms (hierarchy name)) [300375518] |
derived/made from .... |
Corchorus olitorius (species) |
................................ |
(Corchorus (genus), Malvaceae (family), ... Living Organisms (hierarchy name)) [300375517] |
Sources and Contributors: |