Dennis Adams
Annalisa Alloatti and Mirella Bentivoglio
Reyner Banham
Lane Barden
Welton Becket
Natale Bonifacio
Bruno Braquehais
Sergei Petrovich Burylin
Claude-Joseph-Désiré Charnay
Joyce Cutler-Shaw
Tacita Dean
Ruben Woodin Dechamps and Oscar Hudson
Theaster Gates
Gianfranco Gorgoni
Mikhail Karasik
Leandro Katz
Karl Gernot Kuehn
Alexander Liberman
Michael Light
Benedetta Cappa Marinetti
Raissa Gavrilovna Matveyeva
Pál után Pátzay
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Edward Ranney
Ed Ruscha
Ursula Schulz-Dornburg
Robert Smithson
Louis Vignes
Lebbeus Woods
December 4, 2018–April 21, 2019Getty Research Institute
Monumentality evokes an aura of greatness, a sense of power and gravity that demands public recognition. As markers of history and repositories of collective memory, monuments can project multiple and sometimes contradictory meanings.
Scale and size have figured prominently in human efforts to mark cosmic and geological time, from patterns etched on land in ancient rituals to earthworks created in the 1970s. Across centuries and cultures, power is envisioned through the planning of cities and their monuments, both real and imagined. While monuments are often meant to legitimate ideological regimes or promote the myth of cultural superiority, the documentation and mediation of such structures provides fertile ground for contemporary artists to challenge the status quo.
This exhibition investigates various paradigms of monumentality, how they are generated through systems of belief and structures of power, and why certain monuments endure and others fall.

The Getty Iris
Essays complementing the exhibition

Ed Ruscha's Hollywood Boulevard, 1973 and 2002
Artist's photo series

A Second World

All Monuments Must Fall
Crowd-sourced syllabus organized by New York University

Monument Lab
Conversations around the past, present, and future of monuments

Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square
London public art commission

Monuments for a New Era
New York Times opinion piece

The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra
Online exhibition
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.
December 4, 2018–April 18, 2019
(Note: no tours on December 25 and 27, or January 1)
- To schedule a guided tour of 15 people or more, please contact
- Book a school tour