III. Roman-Period Clay Lamps / Types from Eastern Provinces only / Augustan and Imperial Lamps

“Daroma,” or southern Judean, lamp


Derived from the wheelmade “Herodian lamp type,” in favor during Herod’s reign, this new type evolved some time in the first century A.D. The “Daroma” lamp introduced into the local Palestinian lamp production a new technique already common elsewhere in the Roman world: the molding process. Contrary to the Herodian model, the shoulder of this new type, instead of being plain, is now decorated with geometric and floral motifs, sometimes with Jewish symbols. It always has a small handle, pierced or not. The nozzle is flanked by half-volutes strongly encroaching on the shoulder. Because most examples have been found in southern Judea, Sussman 1972 has proposed calling them “Daroma” or “southern” Judean lamps. They correspond to Kennedy type 7 and Da Costa type 5. Date: end of first to second century A.D.(?).

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