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Semantic View (JSONRDFN3/TurtleN-Triples)

ID: 300007624
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Record Type: concept
hypaethral temples (<temples by form>, temples (buildings), ... Built Environment (hierarchy name))


Note: Temples whose sanctuary spaces are wholly or partly open to the sky.
hypaethral temples (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
hypaethral temple (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
temples, hypaethral (C,U,English,UF,U,N)
露天寺廟 (C,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,U,U)
lù tiān sì miào (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,UF,U,U)
lu tian si miao (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones)-P,UF,U,U)
lu t'ien ssu miao (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles)-P,UF,U,U)
hypaitherostempels (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
hypaitherostempel (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
Hypaithraltempel (C,U,German,D,B)
Hypäthraltempel (C,U,German-P,AD,B)
hípetros (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)
hípetro (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,SN)
hipetro (C,U,Spanish,UF,U,SN)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.RK

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Built Environment (hierarchy name)
.... Built Environment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of Single Built Works (hierarchy name)
........ Single Built Works (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of single built works (built environment)
............ single built works (built environment) (G)
Hierarchy of <single built works by specific type>
................ <single built works by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of <single built works by function>
.................... <single built works by function> (G)
Hierarchy of ceremonial structures
........................ ceremonial structures (G)
Hierarchy of religious structures
............................ religious structures (G)
Hierarchy of religious buildings
................................ religious buildings (G)
Hierarchy of temples (buildings)
.................................... temples (buildings) (G)
Hierarchy of <temples by form>
........................................ <temples by form> (G)
Hierarchy of hypaethral temples
............................................ hypaethral temples (G)

Additional Notes:
Chinese (traditional) ..... 聖所空間為露天或半露天的廟宇。 
Dutch ..... Antieke tempels waarvan de cella niet overdekt is; in de open ruimte kan een klein cultustempeltje staan. DEB. 
German ..... Tempel, dessen Altarraum vollständig oder teilweise zum Himmel geöffnet ist. 
Spanish ..... Templo en el que el espacio del santuario se encuentra total o parcilmente abierto al cielo. 

Sources and Contributors:
露天寺廟............  [AS-Academia Sinica Preferred]
...........  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
hípetro............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred]
.................  Koch, Baustilkunde (1991)
hipetro............  [CDBP-SNPC]
.................  Ching, Diccionario Visual de Arquitectura (1997)
hípetros............  [CDBP-SNPC]
.................  Comité, Plural del término en singular
hypaethral temple............  [VP]
................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
hypaethral temples............  [VP Preferred]
...................................  Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece (1975) 106
...................................  Sturgis, Dictionary of Architecture and Building (1901) Vol. 2, 455
hypaitherostempel............  [RKD, AAT-Ned]
................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
................................  Koch, Europese bouwstijlen (1988)
hypaitherostempels............  [RKD, AAT-Ned Preferred]
...................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
...................................  Koch, Europese bouwstijlen (1988)
Hypaithraltempel............  [IfM-SMB-PK]
.............................  RDK-web [online] (2007-) "Dübel", accessed 16. July 2014
.............................  Realexikon der Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, rdk-Labor (2014-) [online] "Dübel", accessed 16. July 2014
Hypäthraltempel............  [IfM-SMB-PK Preferred]
.............................  Duden [online] (2011-)
.............................  GND - Gemeinsame Normdatei
.............................  Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon (1905-1909) [online];
.............................  Schoch, Die doppelte Aphrodite (2009) 169
lu tian si miao............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.............................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
lù tiān sì miào............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.............................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
lu t'ien ssu miao............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
................................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
temples, hypaethral............  [VP]
...................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
Subject: .....  [AS-Academia Sinica, CDBP-SNPC, IfM-SMB-PK, RKD, AAT-Ned, VP]
............  Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece (1975) 392; hypaethral
............  Koch, Europese bouwstijlen (1988)
............  Kostof, Castillo, and Tobias, History of Architecture (1995) GLOS; hypaethral
............  Oxford English Dictionary (1989) hypaethral; hypethral
............  Random House Unabridged Dictionary (1993) hypaethral; hypethral
............  Robertson, Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture (1929) GLOS; hypaethral
............  Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) hypaethral
English .......... [VP]
.......... Legacy AAT data
Chinese (traditional) .......... [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......... AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
Dutch .......... [RKD, AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... Koch, Europese bouwstijlen (1988)
German .......... [IfM-SMB-PK]
.......... IfM Berlin
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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