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Posted 7/27/03 by Vassil, Texas / New York City / Bulgaria

This is fantastic. I can't tell whether it's the art presented or the presentation (Web site) itself that I like more. Both are amazing!

Posted 7/25/03 by Ken Arnold, Poway, CA

Brilliant!! This collection reinvigorates my interest in the Middle Ages.

Posted 7/24/03 by Alberto Barral, New York, NY

I will go see the exhibition based on the details that I've seen on this display.

Posted 7/22/03 by Michel Paquin, Québec, Canada

It is wonderful.

Posted 7/22/03 by Mariam E., Irvine, California

CoOoOoOoOol!!! =)

Posted 7/18/03 by Hank Wendt, San Rafael, California

Bravo, bravo. Excellent treatment of material for [Web] site use: interesting and with depth.

Posted 7/18/03 by Richard Pallowick, West Palm Beach, FL

Wonderful, exemplary.

Posted 7/14/03 by MK Campbell, Los Angeles, CA

Holy cow, this is amazing! There aren't enough hours in the day to enjoy it all. A Webby award nomination should be in the bag...

Posted 7/14/03 by Clark Richardson, Tokyo

Very, very good. Keep up the high standards you have set. The world will have to catch up.

Posted 7/13/03 by Shirley Kahn, Van Nuys CA, USA

They are exquisite. However...when I went to the Getty to see this exhibition, I was very disappointed to hear...that there was no exhibition showing how the manuscripts were made; now I see from this Web site that there is indeed that display. Where is it located for my next visit to Getty? Thanks much.

Indeed, there is currently an exhibition at the Getty Center that shows how manuscripts were made. The Making of a Medieval Book is on view on the Plaza level of the North Pavilion through September 28, 2003.



The J. Paul Getty Trust
The J. Paul Getty Trust