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Gordon Getty Concert
Elaborate Measures: Performing the Orient

Date: Saturday, January 22, 2005
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location:: Getty Center, Harold M. Williams Auditorium
Admission: Tickets $20; students/seniors $15.

East meets West in an evening of music, dance, and readings that will explore the 18th-century European fascination with the East.

The program features music by chamber ensemble LaMonica, pianist Peter Grunberg, and bass-baritone Cedric Berry; dance by Linda Tomko, Jill Chadroff, and Edgar Tumak; and readings by actress Jill Hill and actor-storyteller David Prather. Complements the exhibition Imagining the Orient.

The Performers

LaMonica is a chamber ensemble dedicated to the performance of music from the 17th and 18th centuries. Hailed as playing with "panache and a wonderful sureness of style," the ensemble boasts a dynamic combination of voice and bowed and plucked strings that has placed it at the forefront of the early music scene.

Director William Skeen (violoncello) currently serves as principal violoncellist of Musica Angelica, the Los Angeles Bach Society, the Seattle Baroque Orchestra, and the Los Angeles Baroque Orchestra.

Peter Grunberg is musical assistant to San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas. Grunberg made his European conducting debut at the Grand Théâtre de Genève with Die Zauberflöte and subsequently held the post of conductor-in-residence with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. His recent appearances include recitals with Laura Claycomb, Michelle DeYoung, Thomas Hampson, and Joshua Bell. He appeared as soloist with the San Francisco Symphony in the Stravinsky and American Mavericks festivals and recently conducted the Symphony in a program of opera highlights.

Cedric Berry has sung a variety of roles and cover assignments at the Los Angeles Opera. He has also sung leading roles with other California opera companies and has been a featured concert soloist with a number of symphonies and choral groups, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Santa Barbara Choral Society, and USC Opera. He was the first-place winner of the 1998 Metropolitan Opera regional competition.

Linda Tomko is a historian, performer, and reconstructor of period dances. She directs the Baroque dance troupe Les Menus Plaisirs.

Tomko holds a Ph.D. in history from UCLA and is the author of Dancing Class: Gender, Ethnicity, and Social Divides in American Dance, 1890–1920. Her research focues on issues of gender and dance in the early 20th-century United States and on early 18th-century French and English court and theater dances.

Linda Tomko

Jill Chadroff is a choreographer, performer, and dance historian who focuses on the theory and practice of early 18th-century French court and theater dances.

Chardroff is a member of the Baroque dance troupe Les Menus Plaisirs and has been on the dance faculty of Moorpark College since 2001. She received a master's degree in dance history from York University in Toronto, Canada, and has danced professionally with Susan Rose and the Dancers.

Jill Chadroff

Edgar Tumak is a leading interpreter of Baroque dance. He has choreographed the operas Cythère assiégée (1759, Gluck), Egisto (1642, Cavalli), and The Indian Queen (1695, H. Purcell)

Tumak has performed at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, the Berkeley Early Music Festival, and the New Zealand International Chamber Music Festival.

David Prather is an actor-storyteller and the popular master of ceremonies for the Los Angeles Philharmonic's Open House at the Hollywood Bowl. A graduate of Princeton University and the American Conservatory Theatre, he has toured California and Texas in the lively two-man performance John and Juan.

Edgar Tumak

Jill Hill has performed in over 30 plays as a member of the L.A. theater company A Noise Within and received more than 15 awards and award nominations. Her roles with A Noise Within have ranged from Nora in A Doll's House to Mae in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Hill has appeared with the American Conservatory Theatre and The Matrix Theatre and has recorded audio books, including Gap Creek by Robert Morgan for Oprah's Book Club.

Jill Hill