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Getty Research Institute News
Frontal Self-Portrait (detail), Käthe Kollwitz, 1922–1923. The Getty Research Institute, 2016.PR.34


  Frontal Self-Portrait, Käthe Kollwitz, 1922–1923. The Getty Research Institute, 2016.PR.34

Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics

Through March 29, 2020 | The Getty Center
Although Käthe Kollwitz studied painting, the artist was never formally trained in printmaking. Instead, Kollwitz learned from others and her own trial and error, producing 275 etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts in her lifetime. She became the first woman elected as a full member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin, but was ultimately forced to resign following the Nazi Party's seizure of power. This woodcut self-portrait is currently on view in the exhibition Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics.

Gallery tours are held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.

Learn more about Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics.


  Alice Neel with paintings in her apartment, 1940. Photo: Sam Brody. © Estate of Alice Neel

Recording Artists: Radical Women Podcast

Drawing from some of the more than 1,000 interviews and oral histories in GRI archives, Recording Artists: Radical Women is a new podcast series that explores the lives and work of six women artists whose lives span the 20th century. Hosted by art historian Helen Molesworth, the podcast uses rare audio interviews from the 1960s and 1970s and focuses on Helen Frankenthaler, Eva Hesse, Lee Krasner, Alice Neel, Yoko Ono, and Betye Saar to chronicle this period of immense change for women through the eyes of the artists.

Listen to the podcast.


  Inspiration (detail), Käthe Kollwitz, ca. 1904–1905. Getty Research Institute, 2016.PR.34 Partial Gift of Dr. Richard A. Simms

Iconic Intelligence: Käthe Kollwitz Made Pictures Talk

Talk | January 28, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. | The Getty Center
In this lecture, Käthe Kollwitz scholar Annette Seeler discusses the unique strategy of pictorial communication that the artist developed in the seven years it took her to produce her series Peasants' War (1901–1908) and the impact that her work delivered to viewers. The lecture complements the exhibition Käthe Kollwitz: Prints, Process, Politics.

Learn more about the exhibition.

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Getty Graduate Symposium 2020

Symposium | February 1, 2020 | 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
The second annual Getty Graduate Symposium, hosted by the GRI, showcases the work of emerging scholars from art history graduate programs in California, including Stanford University, the University of Southern California, and schools from across the University of California system. The symposium includes nine presentations from students, panel discussions moderated by faculty mentors, and question-and-answer sessions with the audience.

Reserve a free ticket.



A Rare Treatise on Interior Decoration and Architecture: Joseph Friedrich zu Racknitz's Presentation and History of the Taste of the Leading Nations

Joseph Friedrich zu Racknitz
Edited and translated by Simon Swynfen Jervis
This edition of Baron Joseph Friedrich zu Racknitz's pioneering Presentation and History of the Taste of the Leading Nations in Relation to the Interior Decoration of Rooms and to Architecture is a sensitive and informed translation of the author's early global history of design and ornament. The book features reproductions of the original color plates and essays on Racknitz's biography, his publication, and the German Enlightenment context.

Reserve this title.


  Kate Millet's Naked Lady at the Los Angles Woman's Building, 1978. Getty Research Institute, 2017.M.43.

Woman's Building Records, 1960–2016

Finding Aid
The Los Angeles Woman's Building was established in 1973 by artist Judy Chicago, designer Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, and art historian Arlene Raven. The building was a center for women's art education and a facility for women's groups and organizations. Materials in the collection offer a comprehensive overview of the activities of the Woman's Building from 1973 to 1991, and document the organization's post-1991 projects. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Browse the finding aid.


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