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Project Mission, Goals, and Assessment Objectives

The Participation Project: Artists, Communities, and Cultural Citizenship is a complex, multi-year model project that explores the connections between community-based artmaking and other kinds of civic engagement. The project includes the creation of evaluation and measurement tools that will help us determine how community-based artmaking has an affect on other participatory behaviors.


The Participation Project Mission and Goals

  • To develop greater civic participation using cultural arts resources as the catalyst.
  • To develop strategies that utilize and promote artists and cultural resources.
  • To foster projects or activities that stimulate community interaction.
  • To encourage and support the development of ongoing innovative partnerships between cultural and other community organizations.
  • To identify and utilize existing cultural and community networks, practices, and wisdom.
  • To create a report that will profile and document the assessment process.
Participation Project Assessment Objectives

Phase II Assessment Objectives:

  • To articulate the roles of artists in the East LA community/project area.
  • To describe a possible continuum of arts participation in the project area.
  • To show what roles arts and culture play for artists and activists (local study)
  • To show what roles arts and culture play in community (linkage with critical mass information that is part of nationwide study)
Phase III Assessment Objectives:

  • To identify specific activities/events in project area via selection process to serve as focus points for local research objectives
  • To articulate assumptions about these projects and the theories of change imbedded in them (e.g., responses to how artists think activity will change participants, how participants think they might get involved and why/what is the value to them).
  • To describe the impact of said project(s) in relationship to artist and participant assumptions.

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For more information on the Participation Project contact:
Josephine Ramirez
Project Associate
The Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 900049-1688
FAX: 310-440-7780

Thank you for your interest in public programming by the Getty Research Institute.

Last updated 27 Apr 99. Send comments & questions to