Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon,
Ermanno Carbonara, Thomas Roby,
and Juana Segura Escobar; 2013

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This accompanying document to the handbook, Technician Training for the Maintenance of In Situ Mosaics, provides definitions of terms commonly used to document construction techniques, previous interventions, and conditions of mosaics.

Each definition includes illustrated examples.

How to Cite this Work (English)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, Thomas Roby, and Juana Segura Escobar. 2013. Illustrated Glossary: Technician Training for the Maintenance of In Situ Mosaics. Los Angeles; Tunis: Getty Conservation Institute; Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunisie.

How to Cite this Work (French)
Livia Alberti, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, Thomas Roby, and Juana Segura Escobar. 2013. Glossaire illustré: Formation de techniciens à l'entretien des mosaïques in situ. Los Angeles; Tunis: Getty Conservation Institute; Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunisie.

How to Cite this Work (Arabic)
Alberti, Livia, Elsa Bourguignon, Ermanno Carbonara, Thomas Roby, and Juana Segura Escobar. 2013. Illustrated Glossary: Technician Training for the Maintenance of in Situ Mosaics. Arabic ed. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute; Tunis: Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunisie.