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Research Abstracts of the Scientific Program
Research Abstracts of the Scientific Program

Edited by James R. Druzik

Getty Conservation Institute
275 pages, 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches
ISBN 978-0-89236-244-8
paper, $17.50  Order


This third edition of the Research Abstracts of the Scientific Program presents a detailed overview of the Getty Conservation Institute's Scientific Program research covering the period 1984-94. It summarizes sixty-eight different projects, including environmental controls in museums, the use of protective materials and analyses in the conservation of cultural objects and archaeological sites, and the use of new technologies for monitoring, documentation, and analysis.

Summaries are organized into four major branches: museum environment, materials and methods, architectural and archaeological conservation, and new technology and analytical techniques. The volume includes five appendices and a comprehensive subject index.

James R. Druzik is a conservation scientist at the Getty Conservation Institute.

Series: GCI Scientific Program Reports

Price: $17.50  Order