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Getty Research Journal
Getty Research Journal

Edited by Thomas W. Gaehtgens and Katja Zelljadt

Getty Research Institute
7 x 10 inches
ISBN 978-1-60606-017-9
$50.00  Order

"A valuable resource for art historians. The beautifully produced Getty Research Journal is recommended for academic libraries."
Library Journal


Journal ISSN 1944-8740

The Getty Research Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that showcases work by scholars and staff associated with the Getty Research Institute and the other programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust. Essays focus on an object or aspect of the Getty's extensive archival, rare book, and artistic holdings or bear upon the annual research themes of the Research Institute or the Getty Villa. The journal also presents a selection of short, lively pieces about new acquisitions, scholarly activities, and ongoing research projects at the Getty.

Thomas Gaehtgens is the director of the Getty Research Institute. Katja Zelljadt is head of the Scholars Program at the Getty Research Institute.

CONTENTS, Getty Research Journal No. 2

v        Foreword
          John Onians

1        Baciccio's Beata Ludovica Albertoni Distributing Alms
          Karen J. Lloyd

19      "A likeness in the tomb": Annibale's Self-Portrait Drawing in the J. Paul Getty Museum
          Gail Feigenbaum

39      The Face of China: Photography's Role in Shaping Image, 1860–1920
          Sarah E. Fraser

53      Parsi Patronage of the Urheimat
          Talinn Grigor

69      Whose Design? MoMA and Pevsner's Pioneers
          Irene Sunwoo

83      The PAU Visual Arts Section and the Hemispheric Circulation of Latin American Art
          during the Cold War
          Claire F. Fox

107    Rasheed Araeen, Live Art, and Radical Politics in Britain
          Courtney J. Martin

125    The Collision of Process and Form: Drawing's Imprint on Peter Eisenman's House VI
          Kristina Luce

Acquisitions and Discoveries

139    Mourning Helena: Emotion and Identification in a Roman Grave Stela (71.aa.271)
          Niall W. Slater

147    A Database of Prices Paid to Painters in Seventeenth-Century Rome
          Richard E. Spear

151    Invenzioni capric di carceri: The Prisons of Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778)
          Louis Marchesano

161    Sigismund Bacstrom's Alchemical Manuscripts
          Jeremy Glatstein

169    Drawings of the Installation of a Nineteenth-Century Picture Gallery:
          A Study of the Display of Art in Venice
          Linda Borean with Anna Cera Sones

177    The Goupil & Cie Stock Books: A Lesson on Gaining Prosperity through Networking
          Agnés Penot

183    Beau Geste Press
          Donna Conwell

193    Sam Wagstaff: The Photographist
          Philip Gefter

203    Transgressive Techniques of the Guerrilla Girls
          Frida Kahlo and Kathe Kollwitz

209    Portraits at a Museum: An Artist's Project
          Ken Gonzales-Day

Getty Research Journal, Number 2: $50.00   Order
Getty Research Journal, Number 1 (Table of Contents): $50.00   Order