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17040 results
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1.   ............ Kaabi-Linke, Nadia (Tunisian artist, born 1978)
2.   ............ Kaabour, Maaron (Israeli painter, born 1944)
3.   ............ Kaaden, Dik van der (Dutch etcher, 1951-)
4.   ............ Kaag, Ama (Dutch sculptor, 1930-)
5.   ............ Kaag, Fransje (Dutch painter, 1944-)
6.   ............ Kaag, Ines (German photographer, 1970-)
7.   ............ Kaagman, Hugo (Dutch artist and ceramicist, contemporary)
8.   ............ Kaag, Werner (German architect, born 1953)
9.   ............ Kaa, Henk van de (Dutch artist, active 1992)
10.   ............ Kaai, Allard (Dutch draftsman, 1964-)
11.   ............ Kaai, Anneke (Dutch artist, born 1951)
12.   ............ Kaaij, Marijke (Dutch artist, 1953-)
13.   ............ Kaa, Jan van der (Dutch painter and etcher, 1813-1877)
14.   ............ Kaakko, Juha (Finnish architect, born 1964)
15.   ............ Kaaks, Adriaan J. (Dutch artist, active 1989)
16.   ............ Kaak, Willem-Jan (Dutch industrial designer, active 1995)
17.   ............ Kaali-Nagy, Sandor (American architect, contemporary)
18.   ............ Kaal, Jaap (Dutch painter, 1893-1960)
19.   ............ Kaal, Meertje (Dutch painter, 1930-2016)
20.   ............ Kaal, Neeltje (Dutch textile artist, 1912-)
21.   ............ Kaalund, Bodil (Danish painter, born 1930)
22.   ............ Kaam, Pierre van (Dutch sculptor, active 2006)
23.   ............ Kaan-Albest, Julius von (German artist, born 1874)
24.   ............ Kaan, Arthur (Austrian sculptor, 1867-1940)
25.   ............ Kaan, Artur (Austrian artist, 1867-1940)
26.   ............ Kaan, Carina (Dutch painter, 1941-)
27.   ............ Kaandorp, Ingrid (Dutch graphic artist, 1959-)
28.   ............ Kaandorp, Jan (Dutch artist, 1951-)
29.   ............ Kaanen, Rose-Marie (Dutch designer, 1964-)
30.   ............ Kaanen, Toos (Dutch painter, 1942-)
31.   ............ Kaanes jr, Simon Johannes (Dutch painter, 1816-1870)
32.   ............ Kaan, Kees (Dutch architect, born 1961)
33.   ............ Kaap, Gerald van der (Dutch filmmaker and mixed-media
 ............ artist, born 1959)
34.   ............ Kaar, Lola (Austrian painter)
35.   ............ Kaarsemaker, Jos (Dutch sculptor, 1952-)
36.   ............ Kaars, Marcel (Dutch computer artist, 1969-)
37.   ............ Kaartinen, Heikki (Finnish master builder, active ca.
 ............ 1900)
38.   ............ Kaart, Joannes (Dutch carriage painter, 1809-1895)
39.   ............ Kaasenbrood, Willy (Dutch painter, 1922-)
40.   ............ Kaaserer, Ruth (Austrian photographer, 1972-)
41.   ............ Kaasik, Ivar (Estonian painter, 1965-)
42.   ............ Kaasik, Toomas (Estonian photographer, 1951-)
43.   ............ Kaasik, Veljo (Estonian architect and teacher, born 1938)
44.   ............ Kaas, Jacobus (Dutch sculptor, painter, and printmaker,
 ............ 1898-1972)
45.   ............ Kaas, Joel (Israeli painter, born 1937, in Poland)
46.   ............ Kaaskamer, Claes Jansz. (North Netherlandish sculptor,
 ............ flourished 1650-1674)
47.   ............ Kaat, Freddy te (Dutch illustrator, active 1993)
48.   ............ Kaat, Han te (Dutch artist, 1926-2004)
49.   ............ Kaat, Jan (Dutch artist, active 1965)
50.   ............ Kaat, Pom (Dutch painter, 1959-)
51.   ............ Kaats, Renee (Dutch painter, 1986-)
52.   ............ Kaay, Cornelis (Dutch sculptor, 1905-1979)
53.   ............ Kaay, Cornelis van der (Dutch painter, 1884-1968)
54.   ............ Kaay-Danekes, Louise van der (Dutch watercolorist, 1912-1990)
55.   ............ Kaay, Gert van der (Dutch painter, 1983-)
56.   ............ Kaay, Jo van der (Dutch painter, 1914-2001)
57.   ............ Kaayk, Coen (Dutch sculptor, 1947-2014)
58.   ............ Kaayk, Floris (Dutch media artist, 1982-)
59.   ............ Kaay, Koos van der (Dutch sculptor, 1899-1976)
60.   ............ Kaay, Lita van der (Dutch photographer, contemporary)
61.   ............ Kaay, Marjolein (Dutch photographer, contemporary)
62.   ............ Kaay, Rien (Dutch painter, flourished 1925-1949)
63.   ............ Kaaz, Carl Ludwig (German painter, 1773-1810)
64.   ............ Kabaček, Leonid Vasil'evič (Russian painter, 1924-2002)
65.   ............ Kabacoff, Pres (American developer, born 1946)
66.   ............ Kabakov, Emilia (Ukrainian sculptor and installation
 ............ artist, born 1945)
67.   ............ Kabakov, Ilia (Ukrainian printmaker and installation
 ............ artist, 1933-2023, active in New York)
68.   ............ Kabak, Robert (American artist, born 1930)
69.   ............ Kaballo, Klaus (German interior designer, active 20th
 ............ century)
70.   ............ Kabance, Joseph (Native American painter, born 1945)
71.   ............ Kabangu, Jack (Zambian painter, born 1996, active in
 ............ Denmark)
72.   ............ Kaban, Josef (Polish architect, active ca. 1928)
73.   ............ Kabanov, Andrei (Russian artist, born 1972)
74.   ............ Kabara, Daniel J. (American architect, contemporary)
75.   ............ Kabashi, Lulzim (Croatian architect, born 1969)
76.   ............ Kabas, Ozer (Turkish artist, active 20th century)
77.   ............ Kabas, Robert (Austrian sculptor, born 1952)
78.   ............ Kaba, Zacharia (Guinean photographer, 1910-)
79.   ............ Kabbaj, Ikram (Moroccan sculptor, born 1960)
80.   ............ Kabel, Chris (Dutch artist, born 1975)
81.   ............ Kabele, Johann (Austrian interior architect, active late
 ............ 20th century)
82.   ............ Kabel, Engel (Dutch artist, active 1665-1695)
83.   ............ Kabell, Ludvig Christian Brinck Seidelin (Danish painter,
 ............ 1853-1902)
84.   ............ Kabell-Rosenørn, Ludovica Nicolette (Danish painter,
 ............ 1857-1918)
85.   ............ Kabinda, Victor (Congolese painter, born 1927)
86.   ............ Kabi, Prassanna Kumar (Indian painter, contemporary)
87.   ............ Kabir, Chandan Shafiqul (Bangladeshi tapestry maker and
 ............ weaver, born 1968)
88.   ............ Kabiru, Cyrus (Kenyan photographer, designer, born 1984)
89.   ............ Kabiru Mwashi, Moshe (Kenyan painter, textile artist,
 ............ born 1960)
90.   ............ Kabitzsch, Horst (German freelance artist, born 1944)
91.   ............ Kable, Peter (Irish architect, contemporary)
92.   ............ Kabos, Henk (Dutch illustrator, 1912-)
93.   ............ Kabotie, Fred (Native American painter, 1900-1986)
94.   ............ Kabotie, Michael (Native American jeweler and painter,
 ............ 1942-2003)
95.   ............ Kabotoh, Iku (Japanese architect, born 1976)
96.   ............ Kabre, Aroon R. (Indian architect, born 1948)
97.   ............ Kaburagi, Kiyokata (Japanese painter, 1878-1972)
98.   ............ Kabwe, Paul (Zambian sculptor, born 1957)
99.   ............ Kačalov, Grigorij Anikievič (Russian engraver, 1711-1765)
100.   ............ Kaćanski, Danilo (Serbian architect, 1895-1963)
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