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648 results
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1.   ............ Raab, Jennifer J. (American preservationist, contemporary)
2.   ............ Raae, Hans Fridrich (Danish merchant, 18th century)
3.   ............ Rabaut, Jean-Paul (French politician and revolutionary,
 ............ 1743-1793)
4.   ............ Rabb, Sidney R. (American businessman and philanthropist,
 ............ 1900-1985)
5.   ............ Rabinowitz, Louis M. (American manufacturer and philanthropist,
 ............ 1887-1957)
6.   ............ Rabkin, Dorothy Herz (American collector, active 20th
 ............ century)
7.   ............ Rabutin, Hughes de (French sitter, born after 1421, active
 ............ 1473)
8.   ............ Racknitz, Joseph Friedrich von (German courtier, composer,
 ............ and collector, 1744-1818)
9.   ............ Raczyński, Atanazy, Count (Polish aristocrat, collector,
 ............ writer, 1788-1874)
10.   ............ Radagaisus (Gothic king, died 406 )
11.   ............ Radcliffe, John (English physician and philanthropist,
 ............ born ca. 1650, died 1714)
12.   ............ Radford, Robert (British art historian, contemporary)
13.   ............ Radner, Gilda (American actress and comedian, 1946-1989)
14.   ............ Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 2nd Earl of (British
 ............ aristocrat, 1749/1750-1828)
15.   ............ Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 4th Earl of (British
 ............ aristocrat, 1815-1889)
16.   ............ Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 6th Earl of (British
 ............ aristocrat, 1868-1930)
17.   ............ Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, Earl of (English noble,
 ............ antiquarian, 1750-1828)
18.   ............ Radnor, William Bouverie, 1st Earl of (British aristocrat,
 ............ 1724/1725-1776)
19.   ............ Radnor, William Pleydell-Bouverie, 3rd Earl of (British
 ............ aristocrat, 1779-1869)
20.   ............ Radnor, William Pleydell-Bouverie, 5th Earl of (British
 ............ aristocrat, 1841-1900)
21.   ............ Radziwill, Anton Heinrich, Prince (Polish prince, 1775-1833)
22.   ............ Radziwiłł, Michał Gedeon (Polish military personnel,
 ............ 1778-1850)
23.   ............ Radziwiłł, Michał Hieronim (Polish prince, 1744-1831)
24.   ............ Radziwiłł, Nikolaj Franciszek (Russian patron, active
 ............ 1672)
25.   ............ Radziwiłł, Zygmunt (Polish prince, 1822-1892)
26.   ............ Raeber, Willi (Swiss dealer and collector, 1897-1976)
27.   ............ Rae, Edwin C. (American architectural historian, 1911-2002)
28.   ............ Raffles, Stamford (English colonial administrator, 1781-1826)
29.   ............ Ragghianti, Carlo Ludovico (Italian architectural critic,
 ............ 1910-1987)
30.   ............ Ragsdale, John (British goldsmith, died ca. 1791)
31.   ............ Rahimy, Tina (Iranian philosopher, born 1975, active
 ............ in Netherlands)
32.   ............ Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero (Italian prince,
 ............ inventor, 1710-1771)
33.   ............ Rainsford, Charles (British army officer, 1728-1809)
34.   ............ Raistrick, Arthur (British geologist, born 1896)
35.   ............ Raitenau, Wolf Dietrich von, Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg
 ............ (Austrian prince-archbishop, 1559-1617)
36.   ............ Rajagopal, Rosalind (American educator, 1903-1996)
37.   ............ Rakai Pikatan (Javanese king, reigned 838-850)
38.   ............ Rakusa, Ilma (Swiss scholar, writer, and translator,
 ............ born 1946)
39.   ............ Raleigh, Sir Walter (British historian, probably born
 ............ 1552-1618)
40.   ............ Ralli, Katherine (Greek, sitter for portraits, 1824-1910,
 ............ active in Great Britain)
41.   ............ Ramalho Ortigão, José Duarte (Portuguese writer and critic,
 ............ 1836-1915)
42.   ............ Ramas-Oldenburg, Karola (German author, contemporary)
43.   ............ Rambouillet, Marquise de (French noble and collector,
 ............ 1588-1665)
44.   ............ Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius (German critic and
 ............ theorist, born 1752 or 1757, died 1822)
45.   ............ Rampon, Antoine-Guillaume (French officer, 1759-1842)
46.   ............ Ramsay, A.G. (Canadian businessman, active late 19th
 ............ century)
47.   ............ Ramsay, John (British general, 1768-1845)
48.   ............ Ramsbottom, Jim (English developer, contemporary)
49.   ............ Ramsden, John Frecheville, Sir (British aristocrat, 1877-1958)
50.   ............ Ramsden, John William (British politician, 1831-1914)
51.   ............ Ramses III, King of Egypt (Egyptian king, died 1156 BCE)
52.   ............ Ramses II, King of Egypt (Egyptian king, active 13th
 ............ century BCE)
53.   ............ Ramuz, C. F. (Swiss novelist, 1878-1947)
54.   ............ Rand, Ayn (American author, 1905-1982)
55.   ............ Rand, Isaac (English botanist, 1674-1743)
56.   ............ Randolph, Thomas (American plantation owner, builder,
 ............ 1683-1729)
57.   ............ Randon de Boisset, Paul (French administrator and collector,
 ............ 1708-1776)
58.   ............ Ranelagh, Thomas Jones, 6th Viscount (British aristocrat,
 ............ 1763-1820)
59.   ............ Ranganathan, S. R. (Indian scholar, librarian, 1892-1972)
60.   ............ Ranghiasci, Sebastiano (Italian art historian and conservator,
 ............ 1747-1822)
61.   ............ Rangone, Tommaso (Italian physician, 1493-1577)
62.   ............ Ranjit Singh (Sikh maharaja, 1780-1839)
63.   ............ Rankin, Harry (American manufacturer, died 1913)
64.   ............ Rank, J. Arthur (British industrialist, film producer,
 ............ 1888-1972)
65.   ............ Rao, Dinkar (Indian statesman, 1819-1896)
66.   ............ Raphael, Stephen M. (American preservationist, contemporary)
67.   ............ Rapilly, Michel (French publisher, 1740-ca. 1797)
68.   ............ Rappard, W. A. van (author, contemporary)
69.   ............ Rapp, Frederick (American businessman, 1775-1834)
70.   ............ Rapp, Mathilde (German author, 1797-1876)
71.   ............ Rasini del Campo, G. (Italian collector, active 20th
 ............ century)
72.   ............ Raskob, John J. (American businessman, 1879-1950)
73.   ............ Raspi Serra, Joselita (Italian author, contemporary)
74.   ............ Rassam, Hormuzd (Iraqi archaeologist, 1826-1910)
75.   ............ Rastall, Elizabeth (British gentlewoman, active 18th
 ............ century)
76.   ............ Rastall, Timothy (British gentleman, 1707-1773)
77.   ............ Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una (British author, 1891-1967)
78.   ............ Rat, Hans (Dutch economist, contemporary)
79.   ............ Rathbone, P. H. (English politician, 1828-1895)
80.   ............ Ratner, Milton D. (American collector, active 20th century)
81.   ............ Rattray, David (American poet and translator, died 1993)
82.   ............ Rauch, Andrea (author, active 1941)
83.   ............ Rauch, Jakob (German worker, 1718-1757)
84.   ............ Rau, Gretchen (American orator, 1939-2006)
85.   ............ Rauh, Olie Westheimer (American lawyer and activist,
 ............ 1913-2008)
86.   ............ Rauzzini, Venanzio (Italian singer and teacher, 1747-1810,
 ............ active in England)
87.   ............ Ravanel, Luciana (French politician, contemporary)
88.   ............ Ravdonikas, Vladislav (Russian archaeologist and art
 ............ historian, 1894-1976)
89.   ............ Raven, Arlene (American author, art historian, 1944-2006)
90.   ............ Ravenel, Daniel (American businessman, patron, 1762-1807)
91.   ............ Ravenel, Samuel Prioleau (American businessman, 1822-1902)
92.   ............ Ravenel, William (American shipping merchant, patron,1806-1888)
93.   ............ Ravensworth, Henry Liddell, 1st Baron (British politician,
 ............ 1708-1784)
94.   ............ Raw, G. J. (British psychologist, contemporary)
95.   ............ Rawlings, John (author, contemporary)
96.   ............ Rawnsley, H. D. (British founder, 1851-1920)
97.   ............ Rawsthorn, Alice (British curator, contemporary)
98.   ............ Ray, Charles B. (American abolitionist, editor, and clergyman,
 ............ 1807-1886)
99.   ............ Raymond, Charles Monson (American banker, active late
 ............ 19th century)
100.   ............ Raynal, Maurice (French critic, 1884-1954)
648 results
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