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741 results
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1.   ............ Paatz, Walter (German architectural historian, 1902-1978)
2.   ............ Paca, Barbara (American historian, contemporary)
3.   ............ Paca, William (American plantation owner, 1740-1799)
4.   ............ Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Inca emperor, ca. 1391-ca. 1473)
5.   ............ Pachomius, Saint (Egyptian Greek saint, 292-348)
6.   ............ Pachomius the Great, Saint (Egyptian monastic founder,
 ............ ca. 290-346))
7.   ............ Pacioli, Luca (Italian monk, scientist, and writer, ca.
 ............ 1445-ca. 1514)
8.   ............ Pack, Denis (British military officer, ca. 1772-1823)
9.   ............ Packe, Henry (British military officer, 1786-1859)
10.   ............ Pack, George Willis (American industrialist and philanthropist,
 ............ 1831-1906)
11.   ............ Padgett, Ron (American poet, essayist, and translator,
 ............ born 1942)
12.   ............ Padmasambhava (Indian Buddhist mystic, ca. 717- ca. 762
 ............ )
13.   ............ Padoan Urban, Lina (Italian author, contemporary)
14.   ............ Pagani, Freda (Canadian administrator, contemporary)
15.   ............ Page, Gregory, 2nd Baronet (British aristocrat, died
 ............ 1775)
16.   ............ Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey (English
 ............ military officer and aristocrat, 1768-1854)
17.   ............ Page-Turner, Gregory Osborne, 4th Baronet (British aristocrat,
 ............ 1785-1843)
18.   ............ Pagézy, Jules (French politician, flourished ca. 1855-1865)
19.   ............ Paignon-Dijonval (French collector, 1708-1792)
20.   ............ Pailhe, Jeannine (American art history student, active
 ............ late 20th century)
21.   ............ Pailleron, Edouard (French poet, playwright, and patron,
 ............ 1834-1899)
22.   ............ Paillet, Charles (French auctioneer, 1780-1848)
23.   ............ Paine, Clara Adelaide May (American friend of artist,
 ............ 1872-1946)
24.   ............ Paine, George Eustis (American businessman, 1894-1953)
25.   ............ Paine, Robert Treat, II (American lawyer, businessman,
 ............ and collector, 1861-1944)
26.   ............ Paine, William A. (American banker, 1855-1929)
27.   ............ Païni, Dominique (French film critic and conservator,
 ............ born 1947)
28.   ............ Païva (French courtesan, 1819-1884, of Russian birth)
29.   ............ Pajuluoma, Anne (Finnish writer, contemporary)
30.   ............ Pakourianos, Grigorios ( Byzantine politician, military
 ............ commander, died 1086)
31.   ............ Palau-Ribes O'Callaghan, Mercedes (Spanish art historian,
 ............ born 1944)
32.   ............ Paleotti, Gabriele, Cardinal (Italian cardinal, 1524-1597)
33.   ............ Paley, Babe Mortimer (American socialite, 1915-1978)
34.   ............ Paley, Nathalie (Russian aristocrat, 1905-1981)
35.   ............ Paley, William S. (American executive, 1901-1990)
36.   ............ Palfrey, Francis Winthrop (American lawyer, historian,
 ............ and military officer, 1831-1889)
37.   ............ Palgrave, Sir Francis (English civil servant, lawyer,
 ............ and writer, 1788-1861)
38.   ............ Palk, Lawrence Vaughan (British aristocrat, 1793-1860)
39.   ............ Palla, Giovanbattista della (Italian diplomat and agent,
 ............ ca. 1485-1531)
40.   ............ Pallavicini, Agostino (Italian nobleman, doge of Venice,
 ............ 1577-1649)
41.   ............ Pallavicini, Niccolò Maria (Italian collector, 1650-1714)
42.   ............ Palleroni, Sergio (American professor, contemporary)
43.   ............ Palliser, Hugh, 2nd Baronet (British military officer,
 ............ 1768-1813)
44.   ............ Palliser, Hugh, 3rd Baronet (British aristocrat, 1796-1868)
45.   ............ Palliser, Hugh, Sir (British aristocrat, 1723-1796)
46.   ............ Pallottino, Massimo (Italian scholar and writer, 1909-1995)
47.   ............ Pallucchini, Rodolfo (Italian art historian, 1908-1989)
48.   ............ Palmer, Bertha Honoré (American collector and exhibition
 ............ organizer, 1849-1918)
49.   ............ Palmer, Francis F. (American financier, 19th-early 20th
 ............ century)
50.   ............ Palmer, George S. (American manufacturer, ca.1856-1934)
51.   ............ Palmer, Henry U. (American businessman, 1849-1911)
52.   ............ Palmer, John (English lawyer, died 1770)
53.   ............ Palmer, Lowell M. (American businessman, 1844-1915)
54.   ............ Palmer, Nicholas Fletcher, Jr. (American businessman,
 ............ active 19th-20th centuries)
55.   ............ Palmer, Potter (American businessman, 1826-1902)
56.   ............ Palmerston, Henry Temple (British politician, 1739-1802)
57.   ............ Palmer, William (British print dealer, died ca. 1800)
58.   ............ Palm, Erwin Walter (architectural historian, 1910-1988)
59.   ............ Palmieri, Matteo (Florentine humanist, 1405/1406-1475)
60.   ............ Pälsi, Sakari (Finnish archaeologist, writer, ethnologist,
 ............ 1882-1965)
61.   ............ Pamphili, Benedetto (Italian cardinal, 1653-1710)
62.   ............ Pamphili, Olimpia (Italian patron, 1594-1657)
63.   ............ Pamphilj, Giovanni Battista (Italian noble, 1648-1709)
64.   ............ Pandolfo Marchegiani, Carola (Italian art critic, contemporary)
65.   ............ Paniagua y Loayssa, Clara (Spanish gentlewoman, died
 ............ 1633)
66.   ............ Pani Ermini, Letizia (Italian author, contemporary)
67.   ............ Panofsky, Dora Mosse (German-American art historian,
 ............ 1885-1965)
68.   ............ Panofsky, Erwin (German architectural historian, 1892-1968)
69.   ............ Panvinio, Onofrio (Italian antiquarian and artistic adviser,
 ............ 1530-1568)
70.   ............ Panza di Biumo, Giuseppe (Italian collector, entrepreneur,
 ............ 1923-2010)
71.   ............ Paoletti, Pietro (Italian art historian, flourished 1893-1929)
72.   ............ Papadakis, Alexandra (British architectural critic, born
 ............ 1978)
73.   ............ Papas, Tony (Australian businessman, contemporary)
74.   ............ Papeians de Morchoven, Werner (Belgian monk, missionary,
 ............ 1914-2008, active in the United States)
75.   ............ Papenfuss-Gorek, Bert (German author, born 1956)
76.   ............ Papini, Giovanni (Italian writer, 1881-1956)
77.   ............ Papini, Niccola (Italian politician, ca. 1751-1834)
78.   ............ Pardee, Charles W. (American businessman, died 1912)
79.   ............ Paré, Richard (musician, contemporary)
80.   ............ Pares, Thomas (British lawyer, banker, 1746-1824)
81.   ............ Pargfrieder, Joseph Gottfried (Austrian businessman,
 ............ contemporary)
82.   ............ Paris de Montmartel, Armand Louis Joseph, marquis de Brunoy
 ............ (French financier, 1748-1781)
83.   ............ Pâris d'Illins, Antoine Marie (French book collector,
 ............ 1746-1809)
84.   ............ Park, Charles (American businessman, 1834-1892)
85.   ............ Parker, Ann (English author, born 1934)
86.   ............ Parker, Ann (English gentlewoman, 1736-1778)
87.   ............ Parker, Dorothy (American satirist, 1893-1967)
88.   ............ Parker, James V. (American socialite and collector, died
 ............ 1917)
89.   ............ Parker, J. Gordon (Scottish chemist, 1869-1948)
90.   ............ Parker, John A. (American professor, contemporary)
91.   ............ Parker, Lauren (British curator, contemporary)
92.   ............ Parker, Matthew (English archbishop, scholar, and antiquarian,
 ............ 1504-1575)
93.   ............ Parker, Quanah (Comanche leader, c. 1845-1911)
94.   ............ Parker, Sir K. T. (English art historian and curator,
 ............ 1895-1992)
95.   ............ Parker, Thomas Lister (British artistocrat, patron, 1779-1858)
96.   ............ Parkin, Lauren (British curator, contemporary)
97.   ............ Parkinson, John, Sr. (American banker, active ca. 1886)
98.   ............ Park, Joseph, Jr. (American businessman, 1823-1903)
99.   ............ Parkman, Francis (American historian, 1823-1893)
100.   ............ Park, Robert Ezra (American sociologist, 1864-1944)
741 results
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