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800 results
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1.   ............ Laakso, Harri (Finnish professor, curator, born 1965)
2.   ............ Laanemets, Mari (Estonian art historian, born 1975)
3.   ............ Labande, Léon-Honoré (French art historian, 1867-1939)
4.   ............ Laban, Rudolf von (Hungarian choreographer and theorist,
 ............ 1879-1958)
5.   ............ La Barbara, Joan (American composer and vocalist, born
 ............ 1947)
6.   ............ La Batut, Guy de (French historian, 1890-1938)
7.   ............ Labosky, John (American council president, contemporary)
8.   ............ Labouchere, Henry (British politician, 1798-1869)
9.   ............ Lacan, Jacques (French psychoanalyst, 1901-1981)
10.   ............ Lacaux, Romaine (French gentlewoman, born ca. 1855)
11.   ............ Lacaze, Juliette (French patron, active 20th century)
12.   ............ Lacerda, Roberto (author, contemporary)
13.   ............ Lachaise, Isabel Dutaud (American spouse of artist, ca.
 ............ 1872-1957)
14.   ............ Lachaussée, Laurent-Pierre (French publisher, died 1782)
15.   ............ La Chausse, Michel-Ange de (French antiquary, collector,
 ............ and writer, ca. 1660-1724)
16.   ............ Lachmüller, J. B. (German publisher, active 1837)
17.   ............ Laclos, Choderlos de (French author, 1741-1803)
18.   ............ Lacroix, Alfred (French mineralogist, 1863-1948)
19.   ............ Lactantius (Roman author and teacher, 240-ca. 320 CE)
20.   ............ Lacy, Steve (American musician and composer, 1934-2004)
21.   ............ Ladd, John B. (American businessman and collector, 1839-1910)
22.   ............ Ladd, Walter Graeme (American businessman, 1857-1933)
23.   ............ Ladd, William Sargent (American politician and businessman,
 ............ 1826-1893)
24.   ............ Lade, John, 2nd Baronet (British aristocrat, 1759-1838)
25.   ............ Lafaille, Maurice (French dealer and historian, 1898-1987)
26.   ............ La Fetra, J. H. (American priest, active 1894)
27.   ............ La Fontaine, Jean de (French poet, 1621-1695)
28.   ............ La Font de Saint-Yenne, Etienne (French courtier and
 ............ critic, 1688-1771)
29.   ............ Laforgue, Jules (French poet and critic, 1860-1887)
30.   ............ Lafuente Ferrari, Enrique (Spanish art historian, teacher,
 ............ and theorist, 1898-1985)
31.   ............ Lago, Pedro Corrêa do (Brazilian art historian, collector,
 ............ born 1958)
32.   ............ Lagotellerie, Maurice de (French businessman, active
 ............ early 20th century)
33.   ............ La Grange, Adélaïde-Blaise-François Le Lièvre, marquis de
 ............ (French aristocrat, 1766-1833)
34.   ............ La Grange, François-Joseph Le Lièvre, marquis de (French
 ............ aristocrat, 1726-1808)
35.   ............ La Grange, Jean de, Cardinal (French cardinal, patron,
 ............ ca.1325-1402)
36.   ............ Laidlaw, Robert Gordon Nicholas (Canadian psychologist
 ............ and researcher, 1916-1990)
37.   ............ Laidlow, Robert Alexander (Canadian businessman and philanthropist,
 ............ 1886-1976)
38.   ............ Laine, Christian K. (American architectural critic, journalist,
 ............ contemporary)
39.   ............ Laing, Alan (American architectural historian, died 1995)
40.   ............ Laing, Edward (British manager, contemporary)
41.   ............ Lair-Dubreuil, Fernand (French auctioneer, 1867-1931)
42.   ............ Lakatos, Imre (Hungarian scientist and philosopher, 1922-1974,
 ............ active in England)
43.   ............ Lake, James Winter, 3rd Baronet (British aristocrat,
 ............ ca. 1745-1807)
44.   ............ Lakhpatji, Maharao of Kutch (Indian patron, 1707-1761)
45.   ............ Lalande, Jérôme (French astronomer, antiquarian, 1732-1807)
46.   ............ Lalli, Carole (American writer and editor, born 1942)
47.   ............ Lamarque, François (French politician, 1753-1839)
48.   ............ Lambarde, Jane (British aristocrat, 1584-1634)
49.   ............ Lamb, Artemus (American industrialist, 1840-1901)
50.   ............ Lambart, Oliver Francis, 2nd Baronet (Irish aristocrat,
 ............ 1913-1986)
51.   ............ Lamberg-Sprinzenstein, Anton Franz de Paula (Austrian
 ............ diplomat and collector, 1740-1822)
52.   ............ Lambert (Polish, died 1319)
53.   ............ Lambert, Catholina (American manufacturer and collector,
 ............ 1834-1923)
54.   ............ Lambert, John, I (British politican, general, 1619-1684)
55.   ............ Lamberty, Yvan (Belgian art collector, 1872-1957)
56.   ............ Lamb, James Bland, 1st Baronet (British aristocrat, 1752-1824)
57.   ............ Lamb, John (British businessman, 1763-1821)
58.   ............ Lameth, Alexandre de (French politician, 1760-1829)
59.   ............ Lameth, Charles Malo Franĉois (French politician, 1757-1832)
60.   ............ Lami, Giovanni (Italian theologian and antiquarian, 1697-1770)
61.   ............ Lammens, Pierre (Belgian bibliophile, 1762-1836)
62.   ............ Lamo, Alessandro (Italian writer, 1555-1612)
63.   ............ Lamoignon, Guillaume de (French jurist, 1617-1677)
64.   ............ Lamont, Charles Augustus (American physician, 1835-1904)
65.   ............ La Motraye, Aubry de (French explorer, ca. 1674-1747)
66.   ............ Lampart, Denise (Swiss dancer and choreographer, contemporary)
67.   ............ Lam, Pearl (Chinese gallerist and art collector, born
 ............ 1970)
68.   ............ Lampl, Frank (British manager, probably born 1926)
69.   ............ Lampl, Otto (American businessman, died 1924)
70.   ............ Lamson, Lorenzo John, Sr. (American real estate developer,
 ............ 1819-1889)
71.   ............ Lamy, Frank (French art critic, born 1968)
72.   ............ Lamy-Lassalle, Colette (author, contemporary)
73.   ............ Lana Lobell, Inc. (American business, active 1958)
74.   ............ Lancaster, Eugene Abiel (American businessman, 1848-1932)
75.   ............ Lancaster, Joseph (British educator, 1778-1838)
76.   ............ Lancia, Vincenzo (Italian pilot, entrepreneur, and engineer,
 ............ 1881-1937)
77.   ............ Lanckoroński, Karol, Count (Polish archaeologist, 1848-1933)
78.   ............ Landauer, Bella Clara (American collector, active 1874-1960)
79.   ............ Landauer, Walter (American professor and collector, born
 ............ 1896)
80.   ............ Landau, Horace de (French banker of Ukrainian birth,
 ............ 1824-1903, active in Hungary)
81.   ............ Landau, Royston (British architectural historian, 1927-2001)
82.   ............ Landau, Sarah Bradford (American architectural historian,
 ............ born 1935)
83.   ............ Landeau, Serge (French stockbroker, active 1957)
84.   ............ Landino, Cristoforo (Italian humanist and writer, 1424-1498)
85.   ............ Landis, Hubert (French museum director, contemporary)
86.   ............ Land, Philippus van der (Dutch businessman and collector,
 ............ active early 18th century)
87.   ............ Landreth, John T. (American businessman, active mid-20th
 ............ century)
88.   ............ Landrieu, Mary (American politician, born 1955)
89.   ............ Landry, François (French publisher, late 17th-early 18th
 ............ centuries)
90.   ............ Landsberg, Yvonne (Brazilian sitter for art works, born
 ............ ca. 1895)
91.   ............ Landucci, Luca (Italian writer, 1436-1515)
92.   ............ Landy, Pierre (French writer, active 20th century)
93.   ............ Lane, Alvin Valentine (American banker and scholar, 1860-1938)
94.   ............ Lane, Arthur (English museum curator and historian, 1909-1963)
95.   ............ Lane, Edward William (English scholar, lexicographer,
 ............ and translator, 1801-1876)
96.   ............ Lane, Sir Hugh (Irish patron and collector, 1875-1915)
97.   ............ Lane, William H. (American collector, 1914-1995)
98.   ............ Langaard, Christian (Norwegian manufacturer, 1849-1922)
99.   ............ Lang, Charles Gottleib (American businessman, 1890-1956)
100.   ............ Lang, Charlie (American musician, contemporary)
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