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116 results
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1.   ............ Iara, Kristine (German librarian and classicist, born
 ............ 1974)
2.   ............ Ibelings, Hans (Dutch architectural historian, born 1963)
3.   ............ Ibrahim Pasha (Ottoman viceroy of Egypt, 1789-1848)
4.   ............ Ice-T (American musician and actor, born 1958)
5.   ............ Ichiuji, Giryo (Japanese art historian, 1888-1952)
6.   ............ Ickes, Harold L. (American politician, 1874-1952)
7.   ............ Ides, Cornelia Reynier (Dutch, died 1807)
8.   ............ Igliori, Paola (Italian poet, essayist, and photographer,
 ............ contemporary)
9.   ............ Ignashina, E. V. (Russian author, contemporary)
10.   ............ Ignatius of Loyola, Saint (Spanish monk and saint, 1491-1556)
11.   ............ Iguacén Borau, Damián (Spanish bishop, born 1916)
12.   ............ Iijima, Toshizo (Japanese educator, 1912-1971)
13.   ............ Iijima, Yōichi (Japanese architectural author, born ca.
 ............ 1949)
14.   ............ Ijima, Tsutomu (Japanese art historian, 1908-1978)
15.   ............ Ikjong, King of Joseon, Korea (Korean ruler and artist,
 ............ 1809-1830)
16.   ............ Ilchester, William T. H. Fox-Strangways, Earl of (English
 ............ peer, collector, 1795-1865)
17.   ............ Ilsley, Charles F. (American banker, 20th century)
18.   ............ Ilsted, Ida (Danish wife of artist, 1869-1949)
19.   ............ Imai, Kan'ichi (Japanese administrator, 1870-1940)
20.   ............ Imaizumi, Atsuo (Japanese critic, 1902-1984)
21.   ............ Imamura, Ryoichi (Japanese administrator, 1908-1971)
22.   ............ Imbault, Jean-Jérôme (French publisher, 1753-1832)
23.   ............ Imhasly, Pierre (Swiss novelist, 1939-2017)
24.   ............ Imm, Eumie (American author, librarian, administrator,
 ............ contemporary)
25.   ............ Inderhees, Carlo (German composer and musician, born
 ............ 1955)
26.   ............ Infante Don Luis Antonio de Borbón (Spanish ruler, patron,
 ............ and collector, 1727-1785)
27.   ............ Ingberman, Jeanette (American curator, 1952-2011)
28.   ............ Inge, William (American playwright and novelist, 1913-1973)
29.   ............ Ingholt, Harald (Danish and American archeaologist, 1896-1985)
30.   ............ Inglewood, William Richard Fletcher-Vane, Baron (British
 ............ minister, born 1951)
31.   ............ Inglis, Anne Catherine (British woman, 19th century)
32.   ............ Inglis, James Smith (Scottish art dealer, 1852-1907,
 ............ active in the United States)
33.   ............ Inglis, Thomas (American merchant and collector, 19th
 ............ century)
34.   ............ Ingraham, Catherine (American professor, contemporary)
35.   ............ Ingraham, Dudley Seymour (American businessman, 1890-1982)
36.   ............ Ingrao, Francesco Paolo (Italian collector, 1909-1999)
37.   ............ Injong, King of Goryeo, Korea (Korean ruler and artist,
 ............ 1109-1146)
38.   ............ Injong, King of Joseon, Korea (Korean ruler and artist,
 ............ 1515-1545)
39.   ............ Inmok, Queen of Joseon, Korea (Korean queen and artist,
 ............ 1584-1632)
40.   ............ Innes, Ernest C. (American collector, died before 1935)
41.   ............ Innis, Harold Adams (Canadian historian, 1894-1952)
42.   ............ Innocent, Charles John (British architectural historian,
 ............ 1838-1901)
43.   ............ Innocent III, Pope (Italian pope, 1160/1161-1216)
44.   ............ Innocent I, Pope (Roman pope, died 417)
45.   ............ Innocent IV, Pope (Italian pope, ca. 1200-1245)
46.   ............ Innocent IX, Pope (Italian pope, 1519-1591)
47.   ............ Innocent VIII, Pope (Italian pope, 1432-1492)
48.   ............ Innocent VII, Pope (Italian Pope, 1336-1406)
49.   ............ Innocent VI, Pope (French pope, ca. 1282-1362)
50.   ............ Innocent V, Pope (French pope, ca. 1224-1276)
51.   ............ Innocent XIII, Pope (Italian pope, 1655-1724)
52.   ............ Innocent XII, Pope (Italian pope, 1615-1700)
53.   ............ Innocent XI, Pope (Italian pope, 1611-1689)
54.   ............ Innocent X, Pope (Italian pope, 1574-1655)
55.   ............ Inoue, Useki (Japanese art historian, 1889-1946)
56.   ............ Interián de Ayala, Juan (Spanish theorist, 1656-1730)
57.   ............ Interior, Lux (American musician, 1946-2009)
58.   ............ Invernizzi, Antonio (Italian archaeologist, contemporary)
59.   ............ Invernizzi, Carlo (Italian writer, contemporary)
60.   ............ Ionesco, Eugène (French playwright, 1909-1994)
61.   ............ Iozzino, Anna (Italian art historian, born 1939)
62.   ............ Ireson, Tony (British historian, born 1913)
63.   ............ Iribarren Cuartero, Ignacio (Spanish writer, active mid-20th
 ............ century)
64.   ............ Irigaray, Luce (Belgian philosopher, born 1930)
65.   ............ Irvine-Boswell, Margaret Christie (Scottish gentlewoman,
 ............ ca. 1789-1875)
66.   ............ Irving, Edward (Scottish minister, 1792-1834)
67.   ............ Irving, Evelyn Du Pont (American heir and stockbroker,
 ............ 1886-1968)
68.   ............ Irving, Washington (American author, 1783-1859)
69.   ............ Irwin, David W. (American businessman, 1831-1894)
70.   ............ Irwin, Theodore (American businessman and collector,
 ............ 1827-1902)
71.   ............ Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain (Spanish royalty,
 ............ 1566-1633)
72.   ............ Isabella d’Este, consort of Francesco II Gonzaga (Italian
 ............ patron and collector, 1474-1539)
73.   ............ Isabella II, Queen of Spain (Spanish queen, 1830-1901)
74.   ............ Isabella I, Queen of Spain (Spanish queen, 1451-1504)
75.   ............ Isabel of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy (Burgundian duchess
 ............ consort, 1397-1471)
76.   ............ Isadore the Farmer, Saint (Spanish saint, farmer, Madrid,
 ............ died 1130 )
77.   ............ Isermann, Ingrid (Swiss writer and journalist, born 1943)
78.   ............ Isham, Thomas (English collector, 1657-1681)
79.   ............ Isham, William Bradley (American banker, 1827-1909)
80.   ............ Ishibashsi, Shojiro (Japanese businessman, 1889-1976)
81.   ............ Ishida, Mikinosuke (Japanese art historian, 1891-1974)
82.   ............ Ishida, Mosaku (Japanese archaeologist, 1894-1977)
83.   ............ Ishikawa, Saiichiro (Japanese publisher, 1891-1947)
84.   ............ Ishizawa, Masao (Japanese art historian, 1903-1987)
85.   ............ Ishmael (South African musician, contemporary)
86.   ............ Isidore of Seville, Saint (Spanish saint, archbishop,
 ............ ca. 560-636)
87.   ............ Isidor of Seville (Spanish author and etymologist, ca.
 ............ 560-636)
88.   ............ Isler, Andreas (Swiss ethnologist and curator, born 1958)
89.   ............ İşler, Bülent (Turkish art historian, born 1975)
90.   ............ Isler, Salome (Swiss writer, born 1954)
91.   ............ Isles, Philip (American financier, 1912-1960)
92.   ............ Islington, John Dickson-Poynder, 1st Baron (British governor,
 ............ 1866-1936)
93.   ............ Isman, Felix (American collector, active early 20th century)
94.   ............ Isocrates (Greek orator, rhetorician, and teacher, 436-338
 ............ BCE)
95.   ............ Istendael, Geert van (Dutch author, born 1947)
96.   ............ Itagaki, Takao (Japanese architectural historian, 1894-1966)
97.   ............ Itō, Hisako (Japanese writer, born 1944)
98.   ............ Itō, Saeko (Japanese teacher, born 1924)
99.   ............ Ito, Takuji (Japanese art historian, 1901-1982)
100.   ............ Itzcoatl (Emperor of Mexico, 1381-1440)
116 results
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