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22724 results
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1.   ............ Saab, Jocelyne (Lebanese cinematographer, 1948-2019)
2.   ............ Saabye, August Wilhelm (Danish sculptor, 1823-1916)
3.   ............ Saad-Cook, Janet (American sculptor, active 20th century)
4.   ............ Saad el-Din, Sayyid (Egyptian architect, contemporary)
5.   ............ Saade, Louis (Lebanese architect, contemporary)
6.   ............ Saadia, Yoel (painter, born 1968)
7.   ............ Saadi, Emmanuel (French architect, contemporary)
8.   ............ Saadi, Jilani (Tunisian artist, born 1962)
9.   ............ Saad, Sabina (Italian painter, born 1950)
10.   ............ Saager, Jürg (Swiss architect, contemporary)
11.   ............ Saagman, Jan (Dutch silversmith, active 1693)
12.   ............ Saagmolen, Martinus (Dutch painter, 1620-1669)
13.   ............ Saaid, Monkith (Iraqi sculptor, 1959-2008)
14.   ............ Saalbert, Marie (French gardener, born 1974)
15.   ............ Saalborn, Louis (Dutch painter, actor, 1891-1957)
16.   ............ Saalburg, Allen Russell (American painter, 1899-1974)
17.   ............ Saalburg, Guillaume (French designer, contemporary)
18.   ............ Saalburg, Pierre (French architect, contemporary)
19.   ............ Saal, Clara (German interior designer, contemporary)
20.   ............ Saalfeld, Christine (German sculptor, 1968-)
21.   ............ Saal, Georg Eduard Otto (German painter, 1818-1870)
22.   ............ Saaliste, Anna Daniela (Estonian artist, 1975-)
23.   ............ Saalmann, Utz (German architect, contemporary)
24.   ............ Saaltink, Stephan (Dutch graphic designer and typographer,
 ............ born 1953)
25.   ............ Sá, André (Brazilian architect, 20th century)
26.   ............ Saanen-Algi, I. Van (Finnish artist, 20th century)
27.   ............ Saanio, Matti (Finnish photographer, 1925-2006)
28.   ............ Saar, Alison (American painter, sculptor, born 1956)
29.   ............ Saar, Alois von (German landscapist and lithographer,
 ............ 1779-after 1838)
30.   ............ Saarberg, J. C. (Netherlandish artist, 19th century)
31.   ............ Saar, Betye (American assemblage artist, sculptor, born
 ............ 1926)
32.   ............ Saarela, Heikki (Finnish architect, contemporary)
33.   ............ Saarelainen, Tapio (Finnish architect, born 1953)
34.   ............ Saarema, Pekka (Finnish architect, 1907-1998)
35.   ............ Saari, Michael (American metalworker, contemporary)
36.   ............ Saarinen, Eero (American architect, designer, 1910-1961)
37.   ............ Saarinen, Eliel (Finnish architect, 1873-1950, active
 ............ in the United States)
38.   ............ Saarinen, Loja (American weaver, 1879-1968)
39.   ............ Saario, Janne (Finnish landscape architect, contemporary)
40.   ............ Saari, Peter (American painter, born 1951)
41.   ............ Saaristo, Stiina (Finnish etcher, painter, born 1976)
42.   ............ Saari, Touko (Finnish architect, active late 20th century)
43.   ............ Saar, Karl von (Austrian miniaturist 1797-1853)
44.   ............ Saar, Lezley (American mixed-media artist, born 1953)
45.   ............ Saar, Lotte von (Austrian painter, active 19th century)
46.   ............ Saar, Richard (American ceramicist, 1924-2004)
47.   ............ Saar, Sarah (Dutch painter, born 1911)
48.   ............ Saarto, Ari (Finnish photographer, 1961-)
49.   ............ Saar, Yitzhak (Moroccan painter)
50.   ............ Saas, Hans Ulrich (Swiss painter and etcher, 1916-1997)
51.   ............ Saatchi, Doris Lockhart (British interior designer, contemporary)
52.   ............ Saatzer, Georg (Austrian painter, born 1926)
53.   ............ Saavedra Bruno, Sofia (Finnish urban designer, contemporary)
54.   ............ Saavedra, Eduardo (Spanish engineer, 1829-1912)
55.   ............ Saavedra, Gustavo (Mexican architect, 20th century)
56.   ............ Saavedra, Lázaro (Cuban painter and printmaker, born
 ............ 1964)
57.   ............ Saavedra Perdomo, Armando (Colombian planner, contemporary)
58.   ............ Saavedra, Ruben de (American interior designer and teacher,
 ............ 1933-1990)
59.   ............ Sabady, Pierre (Swiss architect, contemporary)
60.   ............ Sabag, Randa Chahal (French artist, 1953-2008, born in
 ............ Lebanon)
61.   ............ Sabah, Avi (Israeli painter, born 1977)
62.   ............ Sabahi, Shirin (Iranian installation and video artist,
 ............ born 1984)
63.   ............ Ṣabāḥ, Nāṣir al-Ṣabāḥ al-Aḥmad al- (Kuwaiti
 ............ entrepreneur and art collector, born 1948)
64.   ............ Saban, Analia (Argentine-American painter, born 1980)
65.   ............ Saban, Caterina (Italian artist, contemporary)
66.   ............ Sabanegh El-Far, Jorge (Chilean architect, contemporary)
67.   ............ Sabara, Peter (Canadian architect, 1960-1993)
68.   ............ Sabard, Michel (French architect, contemporary)
69.   ............ Saba, Richard (American painter, born 1946)
70.   ............ Sabar, Jagannath (Indian painter, contemporary)
71.   ............ Sabarov, Etty (sculptor, born 1957)
72.   ............ Sabartés y Gual, Jaime (Spanish sculptor, poet, and collector,
 ............ 1881-1968)
73.   ............ Sabaté Jaumà, Pau (Spanish painter, 1872-1957)
74.   ............ Sabaté, Joan (Spanish architect, born 1960)
75.   ............ Sabaté, Joaquim (Spanish architect, contemporary)
76.   ............ Sabaté, Jorge (Argentine architect, 1897-1991)
77.   ............ Sabatelli, Francesco (Italian painter, 1803-1829)
78.   ............ Sabatelli, Gaetano (Italian painter, active mid- to late
 ............ 19th century)
79.   ............ Sabatelli, Giuseppe (Italian painter, 1813-1843)
80.   ............ Sabatelli, Luigi, II (Milanese painter, 1818-1899)
81.   ............ Sabatelli, Luigi, the elder (Italian painter and engraver,
 ............ 1772-1850)
82.   ............ Sabatello, David (American architect, born 1952)
83.   ............ Sabater, Eduard (Spanish architect, contemporary)
84.   ............ Sabater Salabert, Daniel (Spanish painter, 1888-1951)
85.   ............ Sabater Vilar, Jesús (Spanish sculptor, born 1907)
86.   ............ Sabatés Andorrà, Salvador (Spanish painter, born 1901)
87.   ............ Sábat, Hermenegildo (Uruguayan caricaturist and writer,
 ............ born 1933)
88.   ............ Sabatier (French architect, flourished 1860-1870)
89.   ............ Sabatier-Blot, Jean-Baptiste (French daguerreotypist,
 ............ 1801-1881)
90.   ............ Sabatier, Claude (French architect, active late 20th
 ............ century)
91.   ............ Sabatier, Étienne (French painter, 1810-1868)
92.   ............ Sabatier, Franck (French architect, contemporary)
93.   ............ Sabatier, Léon Jean-Baptiste (French lithographer and
 ............ draftsman, died 1887)
94.   ............ Sabatier, Louis Anet (French painter, active 19th century)
95.   ............ Sabatier, Pierre (French sculptor, active 1980s)
96.   ............ Sabatier, Roland (French painter, engraver, and author,
 ............ born 1942)
97.   ............ Sabatier, Vincent (French architect, contemporary)
98.   ............ Sabatini, Andrea (Italian painter, ca. 1484-1530)
99.   ............ Sabatini, Carlo (Italian architect, 1622-1682)
100.   ............ Sabatini, Francesco (Italian architect, 1721-1797)
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