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Dürer, Albrecht (German printmaker and painter, 1471-1528)
Note: The son of a Nuremburg goldsmith of the same name, Albrecht Dürer was a prolific, popular, and widely influential artist. He studied in Venice and brought Italianate painting styles and forms to Germany. He is perhaps best known for having made great advancements in the techniques and art of printmaking. |
Names: |
Dürer, Albrecht (preferred,V,index,LC,English-P,NA,U) |
Dürer, Albrecht (German-P,NA,U) |
Dürer, Albrecht (Dutch-P,NA) |
Albrecht Dürer (V,display,German,NA,U) |
Duerer, Albrecht (V) |
Albrecht Duerer (V) |
Durer, Albrecht (V,English,NA,U) |
Dürer, Albert (V) |
Dürer, Alberto (V) |
Dürero, Alberto (V,Italian,NA,U) |
Durerus, Albertus (V,Latin,NA,U) |
Durer, Albertus (V) |
Direr, Albreht (V) |
Djurer, Albrecht (V) |
Dyûrâ, Albrecht (V) |
Dīrers, Albrehts (V) |
Albrecht Durer (V) |
Durer, Albert (V) |
Alberto Duro (V) |
Alberto Duro Tedesco (V) |
Nationalities: |
German (preferred) |
Bavarian |
Austrian |
Roles: |
artist (preferred) |
painter |
printmaker |
engraver (printmaker) |
woodcutter |
draftsman |
illustrator |
designer |
author |
mathematician |
theorist |
portraitist |
religious artist |
jeweler |
art theorist |
Events: |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
apprentice of .... |
Wolgemut, Michael from 1486 to 1489 |
........................ |
(German painter and printmaker, 1434/1437-1519) [500031446] |
apprentice was .... |
Schäufelein, Hans, the elder |
.......................... |
(German painter, draftsman, and designer, born ca. 1482, died 1539 or 1540) [500013506] |
apprentice was .... |
Traut, Wolf |
.......................... |
(German painter and draftsman, ca. 1480-1520) [500002241] |
assisted by .... |
Pencz, Georg ca. 1523 |
.................... |
(German painter, draftsman, and engraver, ca. 1500-1550) [500006353] |
collaborated with .... |
Pirckheimer, Willibald |
................................ |
(German humanist and writer, 1470-1530) [500084340] |
sibling of .... |
Dürer, Endres |
.................. |
(German goldsmith, 1484-1555 ) [500356338] |
sibling of .... |
Dürer, Hans |
.................. |
(German painter and printmaker, 1490-1534) [500005425] |
student of .... |
Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm |
.................. |
(German printmaker, painter, and draftsman, ca. 1460-ca. 1494) [500019749] |
teacher of .... |
Herrant, Crispin |
.................. |
(German painter, active 1529, died 1549) [500101472] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(German printmaker and painter, 1471-1528) ..... [VP Preferred]
(German painter, printmaker, 1471-1528) ..... [BHA]
(German printmaker and painter; born Nuremberg (Germany), 1471; died Nuremberg (Germany), 1528) ..... [CCA]
(German painter, draughtsman, and printmaker, 1471-1528) ..... [GRLPA]
(German, 1471-1528) ..... [JPGM]
(German artist, 1471-1528) ..... [WCP]
(German artist, 1471-1528) ..... [WCI]
(German artist, 1471-1528) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(German artist, 1471-1528) ..... [AVERY]
(artist, 1471-1528) ..... [GRL]
(artist) ..... [GRISC]
(German artist, 1471-1528) ..... [PROV]
(German painter, 1471-1528) ..... [IMJ]
(German jeweler, 1471-1528) ..... [RKD]
(German printmaker) ..... [Belvedere]
Additional Names: |
Alberto Dureroe (V) |
Albert Durer (V) |
Diurer, Albrekht (V) |
デューラー, アルブレヒト (V,Japanese,NA,U) |
阿尔布雷希特·丢勒 (V,Chinese,NA,U) |
Alber Dure (V) |
Albert Duer (V) |
Albert Dur (V) |
Albert Dure (V) |
Albert Duur (V) |
Albert, Dure (V) |
Alberto di Dura (V) |
Alberto Dura (V) |
Alberto Duri (V) |
Alverto Dureño (V) |
Durero, Alberto (V) |
Alberto Durero (V) |
Alberto Duredo (V) |
Alberduer (V) |
Alberdure (V) |
דירר, אלברכט (U,Hebrew-P,NA,U) |
Dürer, Albrecht (der Jüngere) (U) |
Türer, Albrecht (H,VBN) |
.... |
early name, father changed family name from Ajtósi to Türer |
A.B. Duur (LU,U) |
a. d. (LU,U) |
A. Durer (LU,U) |
A: Durer (LU,U) |
A. Dürer (LU,U) |
A Durer (LU,U) |
A. Durerus (LU,U) |
A. Duri (LU,U) |
A. Durre (LU,U) |
A. Dürre (LU,U) |
A. Dürrer (LU,U) |
A. Duru (LU,U) |
A. Duur (LU,U) |
A. Duurer (LU,U) |
Aelbert Duur (LU,U) |
Aelbregt Duur (LU,U) |
Alba Dure (LU,U) |
Alb. Düren (LU,U) |
Alb. Durer (LU,U) |
Alb. Dürer (LU,U) |
Alb. Duro (LU,U) |
Alb. Durrer (LU,U) |
Alber Durer (LU,U) |
Alberdurer (LU,U) |
Alber-durer (LU,U) |
Alberdures (LU,U) |
Alberduur (LU,U) |
Albero Duro (LU,U) |
Albert (LU,U) |
Albert Daret (LU,U) |
Albert Drurer (LU,U) |
Albert Duerer (LU,U) |
Albert-dur (LU,U) |
Albert Dúr (LU,U) |
Albert Dura (LU,U) |
Albert DÜren (LU,U) |
Albert Dürer (LU,U) |
Albertdurer (LU,U) |
Albert-Durer (LU,U) |
Albert Durer, de Nuremberg (LU,U) |
Albert-Durr (LU,U) |
Albert-Duver (LU,U) |
Albert Duyrer (LU,U) |
alberto (LU,U) |
Alberto de Dura (LU,U) |
Alberto Durer (LU,U) |
Alberto Dureto, Fiammingo (LU,U) |
Alberto Vrero (LU,U) |
Albertto (LU,U) |
Albertto duro (LU,U) |
Albertus Dürer (LU,U) |
Albertus Durerus (LU,U) |
Albert van Dürer (LU,U) |
Alborduer (LU,U) |
Albr. Durer (LU,U) |
Albr. Dürer (LU,U) |
Albr. Dürrer (LU,U) |
Albrecht Duren (LU,U) |
Albrecht Düren (LU,U) |
Albrecht Dürrer (LU,U) |
Albrecht Durrer (LU,U) |
Albrecht Dyrer (LU,U) |
Albregt Duur (LU,U) |
alburo (LU,U) |
Alcberdure (LU,U) |
Aldrecht Durer (LU,U) |
Al. Durer (LU,U) |
Alverto (LU,U) |
Alverto dureño (LU,U) |
Alverto durero (LU,U) |
Alverto duro (LU,U) |
Duerer (LU,U) |
Durer (LU,U) |
Durer. Albert (LU,U) |
Dürer Albr. (LU,U) |
durer albrecht (LU,U) |
Durier (LU,U) |
Sources and Contributors: |
Dürer, Albrecht ........ | [AVERY Preferred, Belvedere Preferred, BHA Preferred, CCA Preferred, GRISC Preferred, GRL Preferred, GRLPA Preferred, IMJ Preferred, JPGM Preferred, PROV Preferred, RKD Preferred, VP Preferred] |
................................ |
Archiv des Belvedere database: Künstlerdokumentation (n.d.) 20310
................................ |
Avery Authority files (1963-)
................................ |
CCA Authority File (1980-)
................................ |
DNB: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek authorities online (2000-) DNB|1030264538
................................ |
Harald Szeemann papers, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2011-)
................................ |
Israel Museum Jerusalem database
................................ |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
................................ |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) n 79118011
................................ |
M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
................................ |
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art and Artists (1996) 158
................................ |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
................................ |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
................................ |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 24586
................................ |
Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
................................ |
VIAF: Virtual International Authority File [online] (2009-) http://viaf.org/viaf/54146999 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Durer, Albrecht ........ | [AVERY, IMJ, JPGM, PROV, VP, WCI Preferred, WCP Preferred, WL-Courtauld Preferred] |
................................ |
Avery Authority files (1963-)
................................ |
Getty Museum, Authority file (2003-)
................................ |
Israel Museum Jerusalem database
................................ |
Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
................................ |
Witt Library, Authority files | | | | |
Subject: ........ | [AVERY, Belvedere, BHA, CCA, Gallery Systems, GRISC, GRL, GRLPA, IMJ, JPGM, PROV, RKD, VP, WCI, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
Archiv des Belvedere database: Künstlerdokumentation (n.d.) 20310
.................... |
Bartrum, Albrecht Dürer and his Legacy (2002)
.................... |
Bartsch, Le peintre graveur (1866) VII
.................... |
Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
.................... |
Canadian Centre for Architecture database
.................... |
CCA Authority File (1980-)
.................... |
Gaehtgens, Jules Michelet et l'Art Allemand, De Grünewald à Menzel (2003)
.................... |
Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n79118011
.................... |
Getty Museum, Authority file (2003-)
.................... |
Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
.................... |
Getty Vocabulary Program rules
.................... |
Grove Art Online (2008-)
.................... |
Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 5 June 2002
.................... |
Harald Szeemann papers, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2011-)
.................... |
Hollstein, German Engravings, Etchings, and Woodcuts (1954-) v.7
.................... |
Israel Museum Jerusalem database
.................... |
J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
.................... |
Knappe, Dürer (1965)
.................... |
Konowitz, Drawings as Intermediary Stages (1990)
.................... |
Kurth, Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Durer (2000)
.................... |
LCNAF Library of Congress Name Authority File [n.d.]
.................... |
Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: n79118011
.................... |
M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
.................... |
Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2003-)
.................... |
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art and Artists (1996) 158
.................... |
Panofsky, Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer (1945)
.................... |
RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
.................... |
RKD Artists database (2000-) 24586
.................... |
Strauss, Walter L., ed. The Illustrated Bartsch: Sixteenth Century German Artists. New York: Abaris Books, 1980. X
.................... |
Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
.................... |
Wikidata online (2000-) Q5580
.................... |
Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |