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ID: 500324502
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Record Type: Person
Quaritch, Bernard (British bookseller and publisher, 1819-1899)

Quaritch, Bernard (preferred,U,index,Dutch-P,NA)
Bernard Quaritch (U,display)
Anglicus, Ducange (V)
Ducange, Anglicus (V)
Quaritch, Bernard Alexander Christian (V)
Quaritsch, Bernhard (V)
Quaritch Ltd., Bernard (U)

British (modern) (preferred)

bookseller (preferred)
book collector

Gender: male

Birth and Death Places:
Born:  Worbis (Thuringia, Germany) (inhabited place)
Died:  London (Greater London, England, United Kingdom) (inhabited place)

List/Hierarchical Position:
 ....  Non-Artists
 ........  Quaritch, Bernard (I,U)

(British bookseller and publisher, 1819-1899) ..... [Grove Art Preferred]
(British bookseller and publisher, 1819-1899, born in Germany) ..... [ARTstor]
(German bookseller, 1819-1899) ..... [RKD]

Additional Names:

Sources and Contributors:
Anglicus, Ducange ........ [ARTstor]
....................................  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Bernard Quaritch ........ [ARTstor, Grove Art, VP]
..................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
..................................  Grove Art Online (2008-)
Ducange, Anglicus ........ [ARTstor]
....................................  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Quaritch, Bernard ........ [ARTstor Preferred, Grove Art Preferred, RKD Preferred]
....................................  Bibliothèque nationale de France
....................................  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
....................................  Grove
....................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
....................................  Grove Art Online (2008-)
....................................  Library of Congress/NACO
....................................  National Library of Australia
....................................  National Library of the Czech Republic
....................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 490019
....................................  Vatican Library (2019-)
Quaritch, Bernard Alexander Christian ........ [ARTstor, RKD]
..........................................................................  National Library of Australia
..........................................................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 490019
Quaritch Ltd., Bernard ........ [RKD]
.............................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 490019
Quaritsch, Bernhard ........ [ARTstor]
........................................  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

Subject: ........ [ARTstor, Gallery Systems, Grove Art, RKD, VP]
....................  Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n50050524
....................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
....................  Grove Art Online (2008-)
....................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: n50050524
....................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 490019
....................  VIAF: Virtual International Authority File [online] (2009-)
....................  Wikidata online (2000-) Q119818
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