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ID: 500008581
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Record Type: Person
Vignola (Italian architect, 1540-1584)

Note: Italian architect, son of Giacomo Barozzio called Vignola. Comment on works: Architect; Military and fortication Architect

Vignola (preferred,V,display,LC,English-P,NA,U)
Barozzi, Giacinto (V)
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi (V)
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi da (V)
Giacinto Barozzi (V)
Giacinto Barozzi Vignola (V)
Barrozzi, Giacinto (U)
Barozzi da Vignola, Giacinto (U)
Giacinto Barozzi Da Vignola (U)
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi Da (U,index)
Giacinto Barozzi da Vignola (LU,U)
Vignole (LU,U)
de défunt Lombard [Author of Five Orders of Architecture] (LU,U)

Italian (preferred)

artist (preferred)

Gender: male

active:   Rome (Roma province, Lazio, Italy) (inhabited place)
active:   Piacenza (Piacenza province, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) (inhabited place)
active:   Viterbo (Viterbo province, Lazio, Italy) (inhabited place)
active:   Parma (Parma province, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) (inhabited place)

Related People or Corporate Bodies:
assistant of ....  Vignola, Jacopo da  
......................  (Italian architect, painter, 1507-1573) [500024808]
child of ....  Vignola, Jacopo da  
..............  (Italian architect, painter, 1507-1573) [500024808]
patron was ....  Farnese, Alessandro II, Cardinal  
..................  (Italian patron and cardinal, 1520-1589) [500121936]

List/Hierarchical Position:
 ....  Persons, Artists
 ........  Vignola (I)

(Italian architect, 1540-1584) ..... [BHA Preferred]
(artist, 1540-1584) ..... [GRL]
(Italian architect, son of Giacomo Barozzio called Vignola, 1540-1584) ..... [AVERY]
(by 1540 - after 1584; Architect, Roma) ..... [FDA]
(Italian architect, 1540-1584) ..... [AVERY]
(artist, ca. 1540-ca. 1584) ..... [GRL]
(Italian artist, ca.1540-1584) ..... [PROV]

Additional Names:

Sources and Contributors:
Barozzi da Vignola, Giacinto ........ [GRL, VP]
.......................................................  GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
.......................................................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) nr 00011818
.......................................................  Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Barozzi, Giacinto ........ [AVERY]
....................................  Avery Authority files (1963-)
....................................  Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (1963-)
Barrozzi, Giacinto ........ [GRL, VP]
......................................  GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
......................................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) nr 00011818
......................................  Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
de défunt Lombard [Author of Five Orders of Architecture] ........ [PROV]
.........................................................................................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giacinto Barozzi ........ [BHA]
..................................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
Giacinto Barozzi da Vignola ........ [PROV]
.....................................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giacinto Barozzi Da Vignola ........ [VP]
......................................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
Giacinto Barozzi Vignola ........ [AVERY, VP]
.................................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
Vignola ........ [BHA Preferred, GRL Preferred, PROV, VP Preferred]
.................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
.................  GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
.................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) nr 00011818
.................  Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
.................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi ........ [AVERY Preferred]
...................................................  Avery Authority files (1963-)
...................................................  Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (1963-)
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi da ........ [FDA Preferred, GRL, NGA-US, VP]
.......................................................  Gallerie degli Uffizi database (1987-)
.......................................................  GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
.......................................................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) nr 00011818
.......................................................  Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
.......................................................  National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
.......................................................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
Vignola, Giacinto Barozzi Da ........ [PROV Preferred]
........................................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Vignole ........ [PROV]
.................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)

Subject: ........ [AVERY, BHA, FDA, Gallery Systems, GRL, PROV, VP]
....................  Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (1963-)
....................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
....................  Dichiaratione di negocio principalissimo ... 1584: p. 3 (Giacinto Barrozzi detto il Vignola)
....................  Gallerie degli Uffizi database (1987-)
....................  Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: nr00011818
....................  GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
....................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: nr00011818
....................  Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
....................  National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
....................  Portoghesi, Dizionario di architettura e urbanistica (1968-1969)
....................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
....................  TCI Roma e dintorni
....................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) v.34, p.253 ff.; (Vignola (Giacinto Barozzi da Vignola); b. around 1540; d. after 1584; architect; son of the more important architect Giacomo Barozzi, also called Il Vignola, 1507-1573)
English .......... [AVERY]
.......... Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.......... RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
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