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Saint-Aubin, Augustin de (French draftsman and engraver, 1736-1807)
Note: Comment on works: Illustrator; Engraver |
Names: |
Saint-Aubin, Augustin de (preferred,V,index,Dutch-P,NA) |
Augustin de Saint-Aubin (V,display) |
Saint-Aubin, Augustin (V) |
Augustin Saint-Aubin (V) |
Saint-Aubin, Augustin De (U) |
A. de S. Aubin (LU,U) |
a. de st. aubin (LU,U) |
Auguste de Saint-Aubin (LU,U) |
augustin de saint-aubin (LU,U) |
Roles: |
artist (preferred) |
printmaker |
painter |
designer |
draftsman |
etcher |
illustrator |
owner |
watercolorist |
manufacturer |
engraver (printmaker) |
Events: |
Related People or Corporate Bodies: |
teacher of .... |
Anselin, Jean-Louis |
.................. |
(French engraver and illustrator, 1754-1823) [500104906] |
teacher of .... |
Blot, Mathieu |
.................. |
(French reproductive engraver, 1753-1818) [500769956] |
teacher of .... |
Duclos, Antoine-Jean |
.................. |
(French engraver and etcher, 1742-1795) [500040734] |
teacher of .... |
Dupin, Nicolas |
.................. |
(French printmaker, died after 1789) [500041151] |
List/Hierarchical Position: |
(French draftsman and engraver, 1736-1807) ..... [VP Preferred]
(French artist, 1736-1807) ..... [WCP]
(French illustrator and printmaker, 1736-1807) ..... [BHA]
(French porcelain decorator and painter, act.1788) ..... [GRLPA]
(French artist, 1736-1807) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(French artist, 1736-1807) ..... [PROV]
(Owner, 1736-1807) ..... [PROV]
(French watercolorist, 1736-1807) ..... [RKD]
Sources and Contributors: |
Subject: ........ | [BHA, Gallery Systems, GRLPA, PROV, RKD, VP, WCP, WL-Courtauld] |
.................... |
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Internationale Künstlerdatenbank (1993-2006)
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Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
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BHA, Authority file (1973-)
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Brunet and Préaud. Sèvres (1978)
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Castagno, Artists as Illustrators (1989)
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Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n97863306
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Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
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Getty Vocabulary Program rules
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Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 6 November 2002
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Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.) LOC ID: n97863306
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RKD Artists database (2000-) 69277
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Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
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Wikidata online (2000-) Q586091
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Witt Library, Authority files | | | | | | | | | | | | | |