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English Channel (channel) |
Coordinates: |
Lat: 50 00 00 N degrees minutes |
Lat: 50.0000 decimal degrees |
Long: 001 00 00 W degrees minutes |
Long: -1.0000 decimal degrees |
Note: Strait between England and France, connecting with Atlantic Ocean to the west and North Sea through the Strait of Dover to the northeast. |
Names: |
English Channel (preferred,C,V,English-P,U,N)
The Channel (C,V,English,U,N)
La Manche (C,V,English,U)
La Manche (French-P,U,N)
British Channel (NA,V,English,U)
Der Kanal (NA,V,English,U)
Manche (NA,V,English,U)
Hierarchical Position: |
Additional Parents: |
Place Types: |
Sources and Contributors: |