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ID: 7003441
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Arhus (former administrative division)  Arhus (former administrative division)

Lat: 56 10 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 56.1667  decimal degrees
Long: 010 13 00 W  degrees minutes   Long: -10.2167  decimal degrees

Note: Arhus was a county commune of Denmark, stretching along Jutland's eastern coast between Mariager and Horsens fjords. It was created in 1970 from the former counties of Århus, Randers, and part of Skanderborg, and measureed some 1761 square miles. The land ws low and fertile, supporting a very productive agriculture. The northern part of the county commune featured many castles and estates, and to the southeast lies the Silkeborg Lake district. The 2004 estimated population was 651,100. In 2007, all counties in Denmark were eliminated and five large regions created.

Århus Amt (preferred,C,U,O)
Aarhus (C,V,Danish,U,N)
Arhus (C,O,English-P,U,N)
Århus county (C,O,display)
Århus (C,V,Danish-P,U,N)
Aarhus Amt (C,U)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Denmark (nation)  ........  Denmark (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Arhus (former administrative division)  ............  Arhus (former administrative division) (P)

Place Types:
former administrative division (preferred, C)
county (H)  ............  established 1970
first level subdivision (H)

Sources and Contributors:
Aarhus..........  [GRLPSC, VP]
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Aarhus Amt..........  [VP]
.......................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -2739402
Århus..........  [VP Preferred]
..............  Times Atlas of the World (1992) 15
Arhus..........  [GRLPSC, VP]
..............  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Århus Amt..........  [VP]
....................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -2739402
Århus county..........  [VP]
.......................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
Subject: .....  [GRLPSC, VP]
..................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
..................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 8 July 2014
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -2739402
..................  Times Atlas of the World (1992) 15
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
English .......... [VP]
..........  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-2014) 8 Jan. 2004


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