Note: Toulouse was one of the pilgrimage sites on route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela; French pilgrimage routes to Compostela tend to follow old Roman roads, many of which continued to be utilized as primary roads of communication during the Middle Ages. It is a prehistoric route, taken over by Romans in 106 BCE and then captured by Clovis in 508. Toulouse resisted the crusade against the "Albigensian heresy" in the early 13th century. It received parlement 1443 and was a witness to the Protestant massacre of 1562 and the scene of the British victory over the French in 1814. Between 1942 and 1944 it was occupied by Nazi rule. There are a number of noteworthy art museum here.
due to its strategic position, with routes converging from north and south, it acts as a trading center between the Mediterranean and the Aquitaine Basin