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Kosova (independent nation) |
Coordinates: |
Lat: 42 34 58 N degrees minutes |
Lat: 42.5833 decimal degrees |
Long: 020 54 57 E degrees minutes |
Long: 20.9167 decimal degrees |
Note: Agricultural area and former province in the southern sector of former Yugoslavia. Its main languages are Albanian, Serbo-Croatian, and Turkish, and its principal cities are Péc, Priština, and Mitrovica. The population of about two million people predominantly comprise ethnic Albanians, with smaller populations of Serbs, Bosniaks, Goranis, Roma, Turks, and others. Serbs migrated to the territories of modern Kosovo in the 7th century, but did not fully incorporate them into the Serbian realm until the early 13th century. Beginning in the later 14th century, Albanians and Turks moved into the region. The area was under the control of Serbia following the 1999 war in Kosovo, after which Albanians in the area called for independence. In 2008, Kosovo declared its independence of Serbia; independence was recognized by the U.S. and several other members of the United Nations, though not recognized by Russia, Serbia, and numerous other countries in the EU. In 2010, the International Court of Justice ruled that Kosovo's declaration of independence was not in violation of the law. |
Names: |
Kosova (preferred,C,V,Turkish)
Kosova (Albanian,U,N)
Kosovës, Republika e (C,V)
Republika e Kosovës (C,V,Albanian)
Kosovo (C,V,English-P,U,N)
Kosovo (Vietnamese)
Kosovo (Catalan)
Kosovo (Spanish)
Kosovo (German)
Kosovo (Portuguese)
Kosovo (Swedish)
Kosovo (Danish)
Kosovo (Czech)
Kosovo (Dutch)
Kosovo (French)
Kosovo (Norwegian)
Kosovo, Republic of (C,V)
Republic of Kosovo (C,O,O,English,U,N)
Kosovë (C,V,Albanian)
Kosavo (C,V)
Republika Kosova (C,V,Albanian,U,N)
Republika Kosova (Serbian)
Republika e Kosoves (C,V)
Kosovan (C,O,English,U,A)
Autonomna Pokrajina Kosovo i Metohija (C,U,Serbian)
Kosovas (C,U,Lithuanian)
Kosóvó (C,U,Icelandic)
Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99) (C,U,Ukrainian)
Kosowo (C,U,Polish)
Koszovó (C,U,Magyar (Hungarian))
Republika Kosovo (C,U)
Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina Kosovo (C,U,Serbian)
Косово (C,U,Ukrainian)
Косово (Russian)
Косово (Serbian)
קוסובו (C,U,Hebrew )
Република Косова (C,U,Serbian)
Република Косово (C,U,Serbian)
كوسوفو (C,U,Arabic)
コソボ (C,U,Japanese)
कोसोवो (C,U,Hindi)
Республіка Косава (C,U,Belarusian)
კოსოვო (C,U,Georgian)
คอซอวอ (C,U,Thai)
科索沃 (C,U,Chinese)
Κόσοβο (C,U,Greek)
코소보 공화국 (C,U,Korean)
코소보 (C,U,Korean)
Cossovo (H,V,Italian)
Kosmet (H,V)
Kosovo i Metohija (H,V,Serbian)
............ | 1946-1971 |
Kosovo i Metohija, Autonomna Pokrajina (H,V)
............ | 1946-1971 |
Kosovo i Metohua (H,V)
............ | 1946-1971 |
Kosovo-Metohija (H,V)
............ | 1946-1971 |
Kosovo, Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina (H,V)
............ | 1946-1971 |
Kossovo (H,V)
Hierarchical Position: |
........ |
Kosova (independent nation) (P) |
Additional Parents: |
............ |
Kosova (independent nation) |
| |
............ |
Kosova (independent nation) (P) |
Place Types: |
independent nation (preferred, C) |
............ |
independence declared in February 2008 |
primary political unit (C) |
disputed territory (C) |
............ |
Serbia and other nations have not recognized independence as of March 2008 |
autonomous province (H) |
............ |
from 27 April 1992 to 2008 |
independent political entity (C) |
Related geographic places: |
capital is .... |
Pristina .......... (inhabited place) |
.................. |
(World, Europe, Kosova, Prishtinë) [1065200] |
Sources and Contributors: |
Autonomna Pokrajina Kosovo i Metohija.......... |
[VP] |
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GeoNames online [n.d.] 831053 |
Kosovo, Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina.......... |
[VP] |
....................................................................... |
NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2004-2008) accessed 2 October 2007 |
Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99).......... |
[VP] |
............................................... |
GeoNames online [n.d.] 831053 |
Socijalistička Autonomna Pokrajina Kosovo.......... |
[VP] |
.................................................................... |
GeoNames online [n.d.] 831053 |