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Tower Hamlets (borough) |
Coordinates: |
Lat: 51 30 00 N degrees minutes |
Lat: 51.5000 decimal degrees |
Long: 000 03 00 W degrees minutes |
Long: -0.0500 decimal degrees |
Names: |
Tower Hamlets (preferred,C,V,O,English,U)
London Borough of Tower Hamlets (NA,V,English,U)
Tower Hamlets, London Borough of (NA,V,English,U)
Hierarchical Position: |
.................... |
London (inhabited place) (P) |
Place Types: |
borough (preferred, C) |
............ |
since 1965 |
unitary authority (C) |
............ |
has had unitary powers since 1996 |
third level subdivision (C) |
first level subdivision (C) |
Sources and Contributors: |
London Borough of Tower Hamlets.......... |
[VP] |
..................................................... |
NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -2610063 |