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Appalachian Mountains (mountain system) |
Coordinates: |
Lat: 36 00 00 N degrees minutes |
Lat: 36.0000 decimal degrees |
Long: 082 40 00 W degrees minutes |
Long: -82.6667 decimal degrees |
Note: Mountain system of eastern North America, extending from the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland, Quebec, and New Brunswick, southwest to Alabama state. The system includes the White Mountains, Green Mountains, the Catskills, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Alleghenies, and the Cumberland Mountains. |
Names: |
Appalachian Mountains (preferred,C,V)
Appalachian System (C,V)
Appalachians (C,V)
Appalaches, Monts (C,V)
Apalaches (C,O)
Appalachen (C,O)
Hierarchical Position: |
Additional Parents: |
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Sources and Contributors: |