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Jihocesky (region (administrative division)) |
Coordinates: |
Lat: 49 05 00 N degrees minutes |
Lat: 49.0833 decimal degrees |
Long: 014 30 00 E degrees minutes |
Long: 14.5000 decimal degrees |
Note: Jihocesky is a rich agricultural region measuring some 4,380 square miles in the southern Czech Republic bordering Austria and Germany. It produces hay, potatoes, flax, cereals, hogs, cattle, and poultry. Forestry is also important, constituting one-third of land use. Softwood and hardwood are harvested for papermaking and timber. Lakes, some man-made, are plentiful and fish farming is common. Hydroelectric power is a major industry. It is historically important as the birthplace of the religious reform movement founded by Jan Hus, the Hussites. Tourism is based largely on water sports, taking advantage of the many rivers, reservoirs, and lakes. Its 2003 estimated population was 630,000. |
Names: |
Jihočeský Kraj (preferred,C,V,O)
Jihočeský kraj (C,V,Czech)
South Bohemia (C,V)
Jihočeský (C,V,Czech-P,U,N)
Jihocesky (C,V,English-P,U,N)
Jihocesky Kraj (C,V)
Jižní Čechy (C,V)
Budejovice Region (C,V)
Southern Bohemia Region (C,O,English,U,N)
South Bohemia Region (C,V)
Budějovický Kraj (C,U)
South Bohemian Region (C,U)
Boèmia del Sud (C,U,Occitan)
Boêmia do Sul (C,U,Portuguese)
Boemia meridionale (C,U,Italian)
Bohême-du-Sud (C,U,French)
Bohèmia Meridional (C,U,Catalan)
Cənubi Çexiya diyarı (C,U,Azerbaijani)
Daerah Bohemia Selatan (C,U,Indonesian)
Dél-csehországi kerület (C,U,Magyar (Hungarian))
Dienvidčehijas apgabals (C,U,Latvian)
Etelä-Böömin lääni (C,U,Finnish)
Güney Bohemya ili (C,U,Turkish)
Hego Bohemia (C,U,Basque)
Juhočeský kraj (C,U,Slovak)
Južna Češka (C,U,Croatian)
Južnočeški kraj (C,U,Bosnian)
Kraj południowoczeski (C,U,Polish)
Lõuna-Tšehhi maakond (C,U,Estonian)
Nam Bohemia (C,U,Vietnamese)
Pietų Čekijos kraštas (C,U,Lithuanian)
Rannvro Bohemia ar Su (C,U,Breton)
Región de Bohemia Meridional (C,U,Spanish)
Regiunea Boemia de Sud (C,U,Romanian)
Salatan nga Bohemia (C,U,Waray (Philippines))
Södra Böhmen (C,U,Swedish)
South Bohemian Labuad (C,U,Pampanga)
Sudbohemia regiono (C,U,Esperanto)
Südböhmische Region (C,U,German)
Sydböhmen (C,U,Norwegian)
Sydbøhmen (C,U,Danish)
Wilayah Bohemia Selatan (C,U,Malay (macrolanguage))
Zuid-Bohemen (C,U,Dutch)
Јужночешки крај (C,U,Macedonian)
Јужночешки крај (Serbian)
Южночешский край (C,U,Russian)
南波希米亚州 (C,U,Chinese)
남보헤미아 주 (C,U,Korean)
Паўднёвачэшскі край (C,U,Belarusian)
სამხრეთ ბოჰემიის მხარე (C,U,Georgian)
Южночешки край (C,U,Bulgarian)
جنوبی بوہیمیائی علاقہ (C,U,Urdu)
南ボヘミア州 (C,U,Japanese)
إقليم جنوب بوهيميا (C,U,Arabic)
Південночеський край (C,U,Ukrainian)
منطقه بوهمی جنوبی (C,U,Persian-Farsi)
Hierarchical Position: |
............ |
Jihocesky (region (administrative division)) (P) |
Place Types: |
region (administrative division) (preferred, C) |
first level subdivision (C) |
Sources and Contributors: |
Región de Bohemia Meridional.......... |
[VP] |
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GeoNames online [n.d.] 3339537 |