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ID: 7005605
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)  Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)

Lat: 17 20 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 17.3333  decimal degrees
Long: 062 45 00 W  degrees minutes   Long: -62.7500  decimal degrees

Note: Originally inhabited by Arawaks, who were displaced by Caribs; Columbus arrived in 1493; English settlers arrived in 1623, French in 1628, and Amerindians were driven from the islands; Africans were brought here as slaves; Britain acquired islands in 1783; official language is English.

Saint Kitts and Nevis (preferred,C,V,English-P,U,N)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Somali)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Maltese)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (North Ndebele)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Shona)
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis (C,V,O,English,U,N)
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (C,V,English,U,N)
Saint Kitts-Nevis (C,V)
St. Kitts-Nevis (C,V)
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis (C,O,French-P,U,N)
Saint Kitts y Nevis (C,O,Spanish-P,U,N)
Сент-Китс и Невис (C,O,Russian-P,U)
圣基茨和尼维斯 (C,O,Chinese-P,U)
ساهت ه دَس وه فَس (C,O,Arabic-P,U)
ISO659 (C,O,ISO3N)
Kittian Nevisian (C,O,English,U,A)
St Kitts and Nevis (C,U,English)
i-Saint Kitts ne-Nevis (C,U,Zulu)
Kristɔfo-Senu-ni-Ɲevɛs (C,U,Bambara)
Orílẹ́ède Kiiti ati Neefi (C,U,Yoruba)
Presidency of Saint Christopher-Nevis (C,U)
Presidency of Saint Kitts-Nevis (C,U)
Sain Kitts și Nevis (C,U,Romanian)
Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès (C,U,Malagasy)
Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès (French)
Saint Christopher i Nevis (C,U,Catalan)
Saint Christopher och Nevis (C,U,Swedish)
Saint Kitis kple Nevis nutome (C,U,Ewe)
Saint Kitts aamma Nevis (C,U,Greenlandic)
Saint Kitts agus Nevis (C,U,Irish Gaelic)
Saint Kitts a Nevis (C,U,Slovak)
Saint Kitts a Nevis (Welsh)
Saint Kitts dan Nevis (C,U,Indonesian)
Saint Kitts dan Nevis (Malay (macrolanguage))
Saint Kitts e Nevis (C,U,Portuguese)
Saint Kitts e Nevis (Albanian)
Saint Kitts e Nevis (Galician)
Saint Kitts e Nevis (Italian)
Saint Kitts e Nevis (Piemontese)
Saint Kitts e Nevis (Romansh)
Saint Kitts en Nevis (C,U,Dutch)
Saint Kitts en Nevis (Afrikaans)
Saint Kitts és Nevis (C,U,Magyar (Hungarian))
Saint Kitts eta Nevis (C,U,Basque)
Saint Kitts ha Nevis (C,U,Breton)
Saint Kitts i Nevis (C,U,Polish)
Saint Kitts i Nevis (Catalan)
Saint Kitts in Nevis (C,U,Slovene)
Saint Kitts ja Nevis (C,U,Finnish)
Saint Kitts ja Nevis (Estonian)
Saint Kitts ja Nevis (Northern Sami)
Saint Kitts ne Nɛves (C,U,Akan)
Saint Kitts och Nevis (C,U,Swedish)
Saint Kitts og Nevis (C,U,Danish)
Saint Kitts og Nevis (Norwegian (Nynorsk))
Saint Kitts og Nevis (Icelandic)
Saint Kitts og Nevis (Faroese)
Saint Kitts og Nevis (Norwegian)
Saint Kitts și Nevis (C,U,Romanian)
Saint Kitts und Nevis (C,U,German)
Saint Kitts ve Nevis (C,U,Turkish)
San Cristobal at Niyebes (C,U,Tagalog)
San Cristóbal y Nevis (C,U,Spanish)
San Cristóbal y Nieves (C,U,Spanish)
San Cristòfor e Névis (C,U,Piemontese)
San Cristovo e Nevis (C,U,Galician)
Sancte Christophoro e Nevis (C,U,Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association))
Sankiteän e Neviseän (C,U,Volapük)
San Kiti Da Nebis (C,U,Hausa)
Sankta-Kito kaj Neviso (C,U,Esperanto)
Sankti Kristófer og Nevis (C,U,Icelandic)
Santa Kitts dan Nevis (C,U,Indonesian)
Santa Kitts e Nevis (C,U,Ido)
Santakitzi na Nevis (C,U,Kikuyu)
Santakitzi na Nevis (Swahili (generic))
Sant-Cretôflle-et-Nievès (C,U,Arpitan)
Sant Cristofo y Nieus (C,U,Aragonese)
Sant Cristòl e Nevis (C,U,Occitan)
Sant Cristòl e Nieves (C,U,Occitan)
Santo Kitts dan Nevis (C,U,Malay (macrolanguage))
Sántu krístofe mpé Nevɛ̀s (C,U,Lingala)
Santu krístofe ne Neves (C,U,Luba-Katanga)
São Cristóvão e Nevis (C,U,Portuguese)
São Cristovão e Nevis (C,U,Portuguese)
São Cristóvão e Névis (C,U,Portuguese)
Seini Kitisi mo Nevisi (C,U,Tonga (Tonga Islands))
Sekitsi na Nevisi (C,U,Rundi)
Sen Kitts ha Nevis (C,U,Cornish)
Sên-Krïstôfo-na-Nevîsi (C,U,Sangho)
Senti Kitisi ne Nevisi (C,U,Ganda (Ugandan language))
Sent Kitsas ir Nevis (C,U,Lithuanian)
Sentkitsa un Nevisa (C,U,Latvian)
Sent Kits e Newis (C,U,Fulah)
Sent Kits i Nevis (C,U,Bosnian)
Sent Kristoferis ir Nevis (C,U,Lithuanian)
Sent-Kristofo kaj Neviso (C,U,Esperanto)
Seynt Kits və Nevis (C,U,Azerbaijani)
Sfântul Kitts și Nevis (C,U,Romanian)
Shën Kits dhe Nevis (C,U,Albanian)
State of Saint Christopher-Nevis (C,U)
St. Christopher og Nevis (C,U,Norwegian (Nynorsk))
St. Kitts en Nevis (C,U,Dutch)
S:t Kitts och Nevis (C,U,Swedish)
St Kitts och Nevis (C,U,Swedish)
St. Kitts og Nevis (C,U,Norwegian (Bokmål))
St. Kitts und Nevis (C,U,German)
St. Kitts un Nevis (C,U,Low German)
Svatý Kitts a Nevis (C,U,Czech)
Svätý Krištof (C,U,Slovak)
Svätý Krištof a Nevis (C,U,Slovak)
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis (C,U,Czech)
Sveti Kristofor i Nevis (C,U,Croatian)
Sveti Kristofor i Nevis (Bosnian)
Sv. Kitts a Nevis (C,U,Slovak)
Sv. Kitts a Nevis (Czech)
Sv. Kristofor i Nevis (C,U,Croatian)
Xanh-kít và Nê-vi (Saint Kitts và Nevis) (C,U,Vietnamese)
Xan-kít và Nê-vi (C,U,Vietnamese)
სენტ-კიტსი და ნევისი (C,U,Georgian)
Свети Китс и Невис (C,U,Serbian)
Сент Китс и Невис (C,U,Serbian)
Сент Китс и Невис (Bulgarian)
セントクリストファー・ネイビス (C,U,Japanese)
सेंट किट्स और नेविस (C,U,Hindi)
ቅዱስ ኪትስ እና ኔቪስ (C,U,Tigrinya)
ቅዱስ ኪትስ እና ኔቪስ (Amharic)
سېنټ کېټس او نېويس (C,U,Pashto)
ประเทศเซนต์คิตส์และเนวิส (C,U,Thai)
聖克里斯多福與尼維斯 (C,U,Chinese)
Սենտ Կիտս-Նեվիս (C,U,Armenian)
Сейнт Китс и Невис (C,U,Bulgarian)
Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις (C,U,Greek)
סנט קיטס ונוויס (C,U,Hebrew )
Сент-Киттс и Невис (C,U,Russian)
세인트키츠 네비스 (C,U,Korean)
Сент-Кітс і Невіс (C,U,Ukrainian)
سنت کیتس و نویس (C,U,Persian-Farsi)
Сент Кристофер и Невис (C,U,Macedonian)
เซนต์คิตส์และเนวิส (C,U,Thai)
세인트크리스토퍼 네비스 (C,U,Korean)
سانت كيتس ونيفيس (C,U,Arabic)
Άγιος Χριστόφορος και Νέβις (C,U,Greek)
सेंट किट् (C,U,Sanskrit)
ಸೇಂಟ್ ಕಿಟ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ನೆವಿಸ್ (C,U,Kannada)
സെയ്ന്‍റ് കിറ്റ്സും നെവിസും (C,U,Malayalam)
セントクリストファー・ネビス (C,U,Japanese)
સેંટ કિટ્સ એંડ નેવિસ (C,U,Gujarati)
सेन्ट किट्स र नेभिस (C,U,Nepali)
Сент Кітс і Невіс (C,U,Ukrainian)
Сент Китс (C,U,Bulgarian)
సెంట్ కిట్ట్స్ మరియు నెవిస్ (C,U,Telugu)
सेंट किट्स आणि नेव्हिस (C,U,Marathi)
सेन्ट किट्स और नेविस (C,U,Hindi)
세인트 키츠 네비스 (C,U,Korean)
سینت کیتس و نویس (C,U,Persian-Farsi)
سینٹ کٹس اور نیویس (C,U,Urdu)
செயின்ட் கிட்ஸ் மற்றும் நெவிஸ் (C,U,Tamil)
Сэнт-Кітс і Нэвіс (C,U,Belarusian)
سەینت کیتس و نیڤیس (C,U,Kurdish)
סיינט קיטס ונביס (C,U,Hebrew )
সেন্ট কিটস ও নেভিস (C,U,Bengali)
ସେଣ୍ଟ କିଟସ୍ ଏଣ୍ଡ ନେଭିସ୍ (C,U,Odia)
སེནྚ། ཀིཊྚས྄། དང༌། ནེ་བིས྄། (C,U,Tibetan)
Άγιος Κιτς και Νέβις (C,U,Greek)
Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis (H,V)
Saint-Christophe-Nièves (H,O)
Saint Christopher and Nevis (H,V)
Saint Christopher and Nevis, Federation of (H,V)
Saint Christopher-Nevis (H,V)
San Cristóbal-Nevis (H,O)
Sankt Christopher-Nevis (H,O)
São Cristóvão-Neves (H,O)
St. Christopher and Nevis (H,V)
St. Christopher-Nevis (H,V)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of North and Central America (continent)  ....  North and Central America (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)  ........  Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation) (P)

Additional Parents:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of North and Central America (continent)  ....  North and Central America (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Caribbean (general region)  ........  Caribbean (general region) (P,U)
Hierarchy of Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)  ............  Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Commonwealth of Nations (association)  ....  Commonwealth of Nations (association) (P)
Hierarchy of Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation)  ........  Saint Kitts and Nevis (nation) (P)

Place Types:
nation (preferred, C)  ............  gained independence from Britain in 1983
primary political unit (C)
independent sovereign nation (C)
independent political entity (C)

Related geographic places:
capital is ....  Basseterre .......... (inhabited place)
..................  (World, North and Central America, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint George Basseterre) [1019052]
member of ....  Commonwealth of Nations .......... (association)
................  (World) [7005615]
................  joined association in 1983
member of ....  United Nations .......... (organization)
................  (World) [7029605]
................  joined organization in 1983

Sources and Contributors:
Сент-Китс и Невис..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
................................  UNGEGN Working Paper 54 (2011) accessed 30 July 2013
圣基茨和尼维斯..........  [VP]
.................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
.................  UNGEGN Working Paper 54 (2011) accessed 30 July 2013
ساهت ه دَس وه فَس..........  [VP]
................................  UNGEGN Working Paper 54 (2011) accessed 30 July 2013
სენტ-კიტსი და ნევისი..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Свети Китс и Невис..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент Китс и Невис..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
セントクリストファー・ネイビス..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
सेंट किट्स और नेविस..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
ቅዱስ ኪትስ እና ኔቪስ..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سېنټ کېټس او نېويس..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
ประเทศเซนต์คิตส์และเนวิส..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
聖克里斯多福與尼維斯..........  [VP]
.......................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Սենտ Կիտս-Նեվիս..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сейнт Китс и Невис..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
סנט קיטס ונוויס..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент-Киттс и Невис..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
세인트키츠 네비스..........  [VP]
....................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент-Кітс і Невіс..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سنت کیتس و نویس..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент Кристофер и Невис..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
เซนต์คิตส์และเนวิส..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
세인트크리스토퍼 네비스..........  [VP]
.......................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سانت كيتس ونيفيس..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Άγιος Χριστόφορος και Νέβις..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
सेंट किट्..........  [VP]
....................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
ಸೇಂಟ್ ಕಿಟ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ನೆವಿಸ್..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
സെയ്ന്‍റ് കിറ്റ്സും നെവിസും..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
セントクリストファー・ネビス..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
સેંટ કિટ્સ એંડ નેવિસ..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
सेन्ट किट्स र नेभिस..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент Кітс і Невіс..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сент Китс..........  [VP]
....................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
సెంట్ కిట్ట్స్ మరియు నెవిస్..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
सेंट किट्स आणि नेव्हिस..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
सेन्ट किट्स और नेविस..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
세인트 키츠 네비스..........  [VP]
.......................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سینت کیتس و نویس..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سینٹ کٹس اور نیویس..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
செயின்ட் கிட்ஸ் மற்றும் நெவிஸ்..........  [VP]
.....................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Сэнт-Кітс і Нэвіс..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
سەینت کیتس و نیڤیس..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
סיינט קיטס ונביס..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
সেন্ট কিটস ও নেভিস..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
ସେଣ୍ଟ କିଟସ୍ ଏଣ୍ଡ ନେଭିସ୍..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
སེནྚ། ཀིཊྚས྄། དང༌། ནེ་བིས྄།..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Άγιος Κιτς και Νέβις..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis..........  [VP]
....................................................................  Britannica Book of the Year (1992) 689
....................................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
....................................................................  UNGEGN List of Country Names (2007) accessed 28 July 2009
....................................................................  UNGEGN Working Paper 54 (2011) accessed 30 July 2013
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis..........  [VP]
...........................................................  Britannica Book of the Year (1992) 689
...........................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
...........................................................  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis..........  [VP]
.................................................................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 553-554
i-Saint Kitts ne-Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
ISO659..........  [VP]
.................  ISO Country Codes (1996) 19
Kittian Nevisian..........  [VP]
.............................  CIA, World Fact Book (1999) accessed 03/30/00
KN..........  [VP]
...........  ISO Country Codes (1996) 19
KNA..........  [VP]
...........  ISO Handbook (1988) 783
Kristɔfo-Senu-ni-Ɲevɛs..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Orílẹ́ède Kiiti ati Neefi..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Presidency of Saint Christopher-Nevis..........  [VP]
..............................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Presidency of Saint Kitts-Nevis..........  [VP]
.....................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sain Kitts și Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint-Christophe-Nièves..........  [VP]
.........................................  Rand McNally Atlas (1986) I-31
Saint Christopher and Nevis..........  [VP]
...............................................  Britannica Book of the Year (1992) 689
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Christopher and Nevis, Federation of..........  [VP]
.......................................................................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) X, 312-313
Saint Christopher i Nevis..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Christopher-Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 1045
Saint Christopher och Nevis..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitis kple Nevis nutome..........  [VP]
..................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts aamma Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts agus Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts and Nevis..........  [FDA, VP Preferred]
......................................  Britannica Book of the Year (1992) 689
......................................  Britannica Book of the Year (1993) 703
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
......................................  National Archives and Record Administration database (1987-)
......................................  UN Terminology Bulletin 345 (1993) 76
......................................  UNGEGN List of Country Names (2007) accessed 28 July 2009
Saint Kitts a Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts dan Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts e Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts en Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts és Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts eta Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis..........  [BHA, VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
...................................  UN Terminology Bulletin 345 (1993) 76
...................................  UNGEGN List of Country Names (2007) accessed 28 July 2009
Saint Kitts ha Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts i Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts in Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts ja Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts ne Nɛves..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts-Nevis..........  [VP]
................................  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 807
Saint Kitts och Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts og Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts și Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts und Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts ve Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Saint Kitts y Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  UN Terminology Bulletin 345 (1993) 76
...................................  UNGEGN List of Country Names (2007) accessed 28 July 2009
San Cristobal at Niyebes..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
San Cristóbal-Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  Rand McNally Atlas (1986) I-31
San Cristóbal y Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
San Cristóbal y Nieves..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
San Cristòfor e Névis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
San Cristovo e Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sancte Christophoro e Nevis..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sankiteän e Neviseän..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
San Kiti Da Nebis..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sankta-Kito kaj Neviso..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sankt Christopher-Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  Rand McNally Atlas (1986) I-31
Sankti Kristófer og Nevis..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Santa Kitts dan Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Santa Kitts e Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Santakitzi na Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sant-Cretôflle-et-Nievès..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sant Cristofo y Nieus..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sant Cristòl e Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sant Cristòl e Nieves..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Santo Kitts dan Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sántu krístofe mpé Nevɛ̀s..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Santu krístofe ne Neves..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
São Cristóvão e Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
São Cristovão e Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
São Cristóvão e Névis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
São Cristóvão-Neves..........  [VP]
...................................  Rand McNally Atlas (1989) 344
SC..........  [VP]
...........  NIMA, GNS ADM1 Codes (1999) 74
Seini Kitisi mo Nevisi..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sekitsi na Nevisi..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sen Kitts ha Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sên-Krïstôfo-na-Nevîsi..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Senti Kitisi ne Nevisi..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sent Kitsas ir Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sentkitsa un Nevisa..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sent Kits e Newis..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sent Kits i Nevis..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sent Kristoferis ir Nevis..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sent-Kristofo kaj Neviso..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Seynt Kits və Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sfântul Kitts și Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Shën Kits dhe Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
State of Saint Christopher-Nevis..........  [VP]
.....................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Christopher and Nevis..........  [VP]
............................................  Times Atlas of World History (1993) 354
St. Christopher-Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 553-554
St. Christopher og Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St Kitts and Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Kitts en Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Kitts-Nevis..........  [BHA]
.............................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
S:t Kitts och Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St Kitts och Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Kitts og Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Kitts und Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
St. Kitts un Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Svatý Kitts a Nevis..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Svätý Krištof..........  [VP]
..........................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Svätý Krištof a Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sveti Kristofor i Nevis..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sv. Kitts a Nevis..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Sv. Kristofor i Nevis..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Xanh-kít và Nê-vi (Saint Kitts và Nevis)..........  [VP]
.................................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Xan-kít và Nê-vi..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
Subject: .....  [BHA, FDA, VP]
..................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
..................  Britannica Book of the Year (1992) 689
..................  Britannica Book of the Year (1993) 703
..................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 553-554
..................  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 807
..................  CIA, World Fact Book (1999) accessed 03/30/00
..................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) X, 312-313
..................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3575174
..................  ISO Country Codes (1996) 19
..................  ISO Handbook (1988) 783
..................  National Archives and Record Administration database (1987-)
..................  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
..................  NIMA, GNS ADM1 Codes (1999) 74
..................  Rand McNally Atlas (1986) I-31
..................  Rand McNally Atlas (1989) 344
..................  Times Atlas of World History (1993) 354
..................  UN Terminology Bulletin 345 (1993) 76
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 1045
..................  Wikipedia (2000-)
English .......... [VP]
..........  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988)


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