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ID: 300263815
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Record Type: concept
16mm (photographic film size) (<size for photographic film>, <size/dimensions by specific type>, ... Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name))


Note: Describes motion picture film that is 16 millimeters wide. In silent films it is perforated on both sides; in sound films only on one side, the other being used for the sound track. It was introduced in 1923 for the amateur market, and evolved into the common medium for home movie makers and filmmakers whose work was not intended for general theatrical release. Film of this size is typically used for independent films, documentaries, and films made for educational purposes.
16mm (photographic film size) (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,U)
16mm (photographic film size) (Norwegian (Nynorsk)-P,AD,U,SN)
16mm (Spanish-P,D,U,U)
16mm (Norwegian (Bokmål)-P,AD,U,SN)
narrow gauge (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
sixteen millimeter (photographic film size) (C,U,American English,UF,U,U)
16 mm (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
16 mm (Dutch-P,D,U,U)
sixteen millimetre (photographic film size) (C,U,British English,UF,U,U)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  D.DC

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Physical Attributes Facet
Physical Attributes Facet
Hierarchy of Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name)
.... Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of <attributes and properties by specific type>
........ <attributes and properties by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of form attributes
............ form attributes (G)
Hierarchy of size/dimensions
................ size/dimensions (G)
Hierarchy of <size/dimensions by specific type>
.................... <size/dimensions by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of <size for photographic film>
........................ <size for photographic film> (G)
Hierarchy of 16mm (photographic film size)
............................ 16mm (photographic film size) (G)

Additional Parents:

Hierarchy of Physical Attributes Facet
Physical Attributes Facet
Hierarchy of Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name)
.... Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of <attributes and properties by specific type>
........ <attributes and properties by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of form attributes
............ form attributes (G)
Hierarchy of size/dimensions
................ size/dimensions (G)
Hierarchy of <size/dimensions by specific type>
.................... <size/dimensions by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of small-format
........................ small-format (G)
Hierarchy of 16mm (photographic film size)
............................ 16mm (photographic film size) (G)

Additional Notes:
Dutch ..... Beschrijft speelfilms met een beeldbreedte van 16 millimeter. Bij stomme films zijn de beelden aan beide zijden geperforeerd; bij gesproken films slechts aan één zijde, aangezien de andere zijde als geluidsspoor fungeert. De 16-millimeterfilm kwam in 1923 op de markt voor amateurgebruik en ontwikkelde zich tot een standaardmedium voor thuisfilmmakers en voor cineasten die hun werk niet voor algemene vertoning in bioscopen wilden produceren. Filmmateriaal van dit formaat wordt doorgaans gebruikt voor onafhankelijke films, documentaires en educatieve films. 
Spanish ..... Describe film o cinta de película cinematográfica de 16 milímetros de ancho. En películas mudas es perforada en ambos lados; en películas habladas sólo en un lado; el otro es usado para la banda sonora. Fue introducida en 1923 para el mercado aficionado y se desarrolló dentro del medio común para fabricantes de películas caseras cuyo trabajo no estaba dirigido a la circulación en el medio cinematográfico general. La cinta de este tamaño es normalmente usada en películas independientes, documentales y películas realizadas con propósitos educativos. 

Related concepts:
basis of ....  Super 16mm
..............  (16mm (photographic film size), <size for photographic film>, ... Attributes and Properties (hierarchy name)) [300264669]

Sources and Contributors:
16mm (photographic film size)............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred, NASJON Preferred, VP Preferred]
..................................................  Enciclopedia Focal de Fotografía (1975) 2:1208
..................................................  Norwegian National Museum of Art database (2021-)
..................................................  Oakey, Dictionary of Film and Television Terms (1983) 163
..................................................  Oxford English Dictionary (1989) in entry "sixteen", attributes section
..................................................  The Oxford- Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary (1995)
16 mm............  [AAT-Ned Preferred, VP]
..............  AAT-Ned (1994-)
narrow gauge............  [VP]
.......................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
sixteen millimeter (photographic film size)............  [VP]
.......................................................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
sixteen millimetre (photographic film size)............  [VP]
.......................................................................  Oxford English Dictionary (1989) in citation in entry "sixteen"
Subject: .....  [AAT-Ned, CDBP-SNPC, NASJON, VP]
............  AAT-Ned (1994-)
............  Getty Vocabulary Program rules sixteen millimeter
............  Katz, Film Encyclopedia (1994) 513, in entry "16mm film;" narrow guage; 513; 16mm film
............  Norwegian National Museum of Art database (2021-) 984d5ac0-40a2-4477-985c-246211b96047
English .......... [VP]
.......... Katz, Film Encyclopedia (1994)
.......... Legacy AAT data
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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