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Semantic View (JSONRDFN3/TurtleN-Triples)

ID: 300188975
Page Link:


Record Type: concept
figures (illustrations) (<illustrations by form>, illustrations (layout features), ... Components (hierarchy name))


Note: Illustrations, diagrams, etc. that are printed along with the text of a book for the purpose of clarifying or illustrating the text of a book.
figures (illustrations) (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
figures (illustrations) (French-P,D,U,PN)
figure (illustration) (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
figure (illustration) (French,AD,U,SN)
text figures (C,U,English,UF,U,N)
صورة (C,U,Arabic -P,D,U,U)
figuren (illustraties) (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
figuur (illustratie) (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
image (text figure) (C,U,French,UF,U,N)
images (text figures) (C,U,French,UF,U,N)
figuras (ilustraciones) (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)
figura (ilustración) (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,SN)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.PJ

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Components (hierarchy name)
.... Components (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of components (objects parts)
........ components (objects parts) (G)
Hierarchy of <components by specific context>
............ <components by specific context> (G)
Hierarchy of information form components
................ information form components (G)
Hierarchy of layout features
.................... layout features (G)
Hierarchy of <images and ornament for layout features>
........................ <images and ornament for layout features> (G)
Hierarchy of illustrations (layout features)
............................ illustrations (layout features) (G)
Hierarchy of <illustrations by form>
................................ <illustrations by form> (G)
Hierarchy of figures (illustrations)
.................................... figures (illustrations) (G)

Additional Notes:
Arabic ..... الرسوم التوضيحية والرسوم البيانية وغيرها التي يتم طباعتها مع نص الكتاب بغرض توضيح أو توضيح نص الكتاب. 
Dutch ..... Wordt gebruikt voor illustraties die bij de tekst worden afgedrukt. Vaak vormen ze een deel van de bladzijde met tekst. 

Sources and Contributors:
صورة............  [IDEA Preferred]
...........  IDEA: International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive (International) (2023-)
figura (ilustración)............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred]
...................................  TAA database (2000-)
figuras (ilustraciones)............  [CDBP-SNPC]
.........................................  Comité, Plural del término en singular
figure (illustration)............  [CHIN / RCIP, VP]
......................................  CHIN database (1988-)
......................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
figuren (illustraties)............  [AAT-Ned Preferred]
.........................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
.........................................  Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994)
figures (illustrations)............  [CHIN / RCIP Preferred, VP Preferred]
.........................................  ALA Glossary (1983) figures
.........................................  Chicago Manual of Style (1982) glossary, An illustration printed with the text.; figures
.........................................  CHIN database (1988-)
.........................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
.........................................  Harrod's Librarians' Glossary (1984) figures
.........................................  Lee, Bookmaking (1979) GLOS, prefer illustrations or numerals; figures
figuur (illustratie)............  [AAT-Ned]
...................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
...................................  Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994)
image (text figure)............  [CHIN / RCIP, VP]
...................................  CHIN database (1988-)
images (text figures)............  [CHIN / RCIP, VP]
......................................  CHIN database (1988-)
text figures............  [VP]
.......................  Chicago Manual of Style (1982) 656
Subject: .....  [AAT-Ned, CDBP-SNPC, CHIN / RCIP, IDEA, VP]
............  CHIN database (1988-)
............  IDEA: International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive (International) (2023-)
............  Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994)
English .......... [VP]
.......... Lee, Bookmaking (1979)
Arabic .......... [IDEA]
.......... IDEA: International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive (International) (2023-)
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994)


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