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unfired clay (<clay by composition or origin>, clay, ... Materials (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Clay used as a medium, typically dried but not intended to be fired. Examples include ancient clay tablets that were inscribed, dried, and then soaked in water for the purpose of reforming and reuse, and some clay surfaces used for wall paintings. For pottery in a state that is not yet fired, but firing is intended, use "greenware." For bricks used as a building material but not fired, use "soft brick" or "sun-dried brick." |
Terms: |
unfired clay (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,U)
clay, unfired (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
ongebakken klei (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: M.MT |
Hierarchical Position:
Materials Facet |
.... Materials (hierarchy name) (G) |
........ materials (substances) (G) |
............ <materials by composition> (G) |
................ inorganic material (G) |
.................... clay (G) |
........................ <clay by composition or origin> (G) |
............................ unfired clay (G) |
Additional Notes: |
Dutch ..... Klei gebruikt als medium, vaak gedroogd maar niet met de bedoeling om de klei te bakken. Voorbeelden zijn oude kleitabletten die zijn ingekerfd, gedroogd en vervolgens in water geweekt zodat de klei weer opnieuw kon worden gevormd, en ook soms klei die voor het oppervlak van muurschilderingen werd gebruikt. Gebruik 'groen aardewerk' voor pottenbakkersgoed wanneer het nog niet gebakken is maar dit wel de bedoeling is. Gebruik 'zachte baksteen' of 'leemsteen' voor stenen die als bouwmateriaal worden gebruikt zonder te worden gebakken.
Related concepts: |
distinguished from .... |
greenware |
.................................. |
(pottery (visual works), ceramic ware (visual works), ... Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name)) [300233427] |
distinguished from .... |
soft brick |
.................................. |
(fired brick, <brick by technique: drying process>, ... Materials (hierarchy name)) [300010610] |
distinguished from .... |
sun-dried brick |
.................................. |
(<brick by technique: drying process>, <brick by technique>, ... Materials (hierarchy name)) [300081146] |
Sources and Contributors: |