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ID: 300005768
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Record Type: concept
museums (buildings) (exhibition buildings, <single built works by function>, ... Built Environment (hierarchy name))


Note: Refers to buildings, groups of buildings, or spaces within buildings where objects of value such as works of art, antiquities, scientific specimens, or other artifacts are housed and displayed for public benefit.
museums (buildings) (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
museums (buildings) (Dutch,UF,U,U)
museum (building) (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
museum (building) (Dutch,AD,U,U)
museum architecture (C,U,LC,English,UF,U,N)
博物館 (建築物) (C,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,U,U)
博物院 (C,U,Chinese (traditional),UF,U,U)
美術館 (C,U,Chinese (traditional),UF,U,U)
展覽館 (C,U,Chinese (traditional),UF,U,U)
bó wù guǎn (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin),UF,U,U)
bo wu guan (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones),UF,U,U)
po wu kuan (C,U,Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles),UF,U,U)
musea (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
musée (C,U,French-P,AD,U,MSN)
Museen (C,U,German,D,PN)
Museum (C,U,German-P,AD,SN)
museus (edifícios) (C,U,Portuguese-P,D,U,PN)
museos (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,PN)
museo (C,U,Spanish,AD,U,SN)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.RK

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Built Environment (hierarchy name)
.... Built Environment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of Single Built Works (hierarchy name)
........ Single Built Works (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of single built works (built environment)
............ single built works (built environment) (G)
Hierarchy of <single built works by specific type>
................ <single built works by specific type> (G)
Hierarchy of <single built works by function>
.................... <single built works by function> (G)
Hierarchy of exhibition buildings
........................ exhibition buildings (G)
Hierarchy of museums (buildings)
............................ museums (buildings) (G)

Additional Notes:
Chinese (traditional) ..... 指獨棟建築物、建築群,或建築物中的空間,其中收藏有價值之物品,如藝術作品、古董、科學標本,或其他工藝品,以供民眾參觀。 
Dutch ..... Verwijst naar gebouwen, groepen gebouwen of ruimten binnen gebouwen waar waardevolle objecten zoals kunstwerken, antiquiteiten, wetenschappelijke specimens of andere artefacten worden bewaard en uitsluitend voor bezichtiging door het publiek worden tentoongesteld. 
German ..... Bezieht sich auf ein Gebäude, eine Gebäudegruppen oder Räume innerhalb von Gebäuden, in denen Wertgegenstände wie Kunstwerke, Antiquitäten, wissenschaftliche Proben oder andere Objekte untergebracht sind und für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind. 
Portuguese ..... Refere-se a edifícios, grupos de edifícios ou espaços dentro de edifícios onde objetos de valor, como obras de arte, antiguidades, espécimes científicos ou outros artefatos são alojados e exibidos para benefício público.  
Spanish ..... Edificio, grupo de edificios o espacios dentro de edificios donde objetos de valor, tales como obras de arte, antigüedades, especímenes científicos u otros artefactos se alojan y exhiben. 

Related concepts:
distinguished from ....  galleries (display spaces)
..................................  (<display rooms and spaces>, <rooms and spaces by function>, ... Components (hierarchy name)) [300240057]
locus/setting for ....  museums (institutions)
................................  (<institutions by activity>, institutions (organizations), ... Organizations (hierarchy name)) [300312281]

Sources and Contributors:
博物館 (建築物)............  [AS-Academia Sinica Preferred]
....................  朗文當代大辭典 1164
....................  牛津當代大辭典 1210
....................  經濟部智慧財產局-本國專利技術名詞中英對照查詢資料庫 Dec. 12, 2014
博物院............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
...........  朗文當代大辭典 1164
美術館............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
...........  牛津當代大辭典 1210
展覽館............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
...........  經濟部智慧財產局-本國專利技術名詞中英對照查詢資料庫 Dec. 12, 2014
bo wu guan............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
bó wù guǎn............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
musea............  [AAT-Ned Preferred]
..............  AAT-Ned (1994-)
..............  ICOM, Dictionary of Museology (1986)
musée............  [AASLH, CHIN / RCIP]
..............  AASLH data (2016-)
..............  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
..............  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
..............  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 672
Museen............  [IfM-SMB-PK]
.................  DWDS - Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [online] (2008-)
museo............  [CDBP-SNPC Preferred]
..............  Dewey, Sistema de Clasificación Decimal Dewey e Índice Relativo (2000) 503
..............  Gran Enciclopedia Larousse (1973) 14:564
museos............  [CDBP-SNPC]
.................  Comité, Plural del término en singular
museum (building)............  [AASLH Preferred, AAT-Ned, CHIN / RCIP Preferred, VP]
................................  AASLH data (2016-)
................................  AAT-Ned (1994-)
................................  Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988)
................................  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
................................  ICOM, Dictionary of Museology (1986)
................................  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
................................  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-) 672
Museum............  [IfM-SMB-PK Preferred]
.................  Duden [online] (2011-)
.................  DWDS - Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [online] (2008-)
.................  GND - Gemeinsame Normdatei
museum architecture............  [VP]
...................................  CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-)
museums (buildings)............  [AAT-Ned, GCI Preferred, VP Preferred]
...................................  AATA database (2002-) 153290 checked 26 January 2012
...................................  Avery Index (1963-) (source AAT)
...................................  Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology (1978)
...................................  Canadian Urban Thesaurus (1979) M9
...................................  Harris, Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (1975) 325
...................................  ICOM, Dictionary of Museology (1986)
...................................  Nomenclature 3.0 for Museum Cataloging (2010)
...................................  Oxford Companion to Art (1984)
...................................  Oxford English Dictionary Online (2002-)
...................................  Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1987)
...................................  RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982)
...................................  RILA, Subject Headings (1975-1990)
...................................  Roberts, Construction Industry Thesaurus (1976) 93
...................................  ROOT Thesaurus (1981) 383
...................................  Sturgis, Dictionary of Architecture and Building (1901)
museus (edifícios)............  [CVAA-BR Preferred]
...................................  CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
po wu kuan............  [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......................  AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
Subject: .....  [AASLH, AAT-Ned, AS-Academia Sinica, CDBP-SNPC, CHIN / RCIP, CVAA-BR, GCI, IfM-SMB-PK, VP]
............  AAM, Official Museum Directory (1989) archaeology museums; fine arts museums; 947; ethnology museums; 1014; astronomy museums
............  AASLH data (2016-)
............  AATA database (2002-) 153290 checked 26 January 2012
............  Automobile Quarterly, American Car since 1775 (1971) 500; automotive museums
............  Avery Index (1963-) architecture museums; historical museums; railway museums; folk museums; precoor.; Museums--Science; Museums--historical; Museums--Photography; Museums--ethnological; Museums--Archaeological
............  Brownell, ed., Vintage Auto Almanac (1976) 203; car museums
............  Car and Driver (1955-) Vol. 3, No. 1, 76; car museums
............  CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) technological museums; precoor.; mineralogical museums; agriculture museums; geological museums; numismatic museums; historical museums; picture-galleries; literary museums; medical museums; music museums; farm museums; costume museums; textile museums; science museums; hunting museums; botanical museums; industrial museums; astronomical museums; anatomical museums; Automobiles -- museums; Theater--Museums and collections; Ethnological museums and collections; Archaeological museums and collections; Anthropological museums and collections
............  CHIN / RCIP translation (2016-)
............  CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
............  Dictionarium Museologicum (1986) technological museums; 906; mineralogical museums; ethnic museums; botany museums; sportsmuseums
............  Getty Vocabulary Program rules anthropological museums; galleries (museums), art; art galleries (museums); galleries (art museums); museums, technological; museums, mineralogical; museums, agricultural; museums, ethnological; museums, numismatics; museums, ethnography; museums, technology; museums, geological; museums, literature; museums, historical; museums, automotive; museums, fine arts; galleries, picture; museums, ethnology; museums, literary; art museums, folk; museums, ethnic; museums, railway; centers, science; museums, theater; museums, textile; museums, medical; museums, botany; museums, farm; museums, folk; museums, car
............  ICOM, Dictionary of Museology (1986)
............  Museum News (1924-) Vol. 6, No. 1, 11; science centers
............  Nomenclature database (2018-); scheme: Nomenclature-Objects
............  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage translation project (2016-)
............  RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) ethnography museums; geological museums; picture galleries; precoor.; Museums: folk; Museums: medical; Museums: science; Museums: geological; Museums: Archaeology; Museums: anthropology
............  Worcester Art Museum Library, List of subject headings, unpub. (1976) historical museums
English .......... [VP]
.......... Oxford English Dictionary Online (2002-)
Chinese (traditional) .......... [AS-Academia Sinica]
.......... AS-Academia Sinica data (2014-)
Dutch .......... [AAT-Ned]
.......... AAT-Ned (1994-)
.......... ICOM, Dictionary of Museology (1986)
German .......... [IfM-SMB-PK]
.......... IfM Berlin
Portuguese .......... [CVAA-BR]
.......... CVAA-BR Consortium (2020-)
Spanish .......... [CDBP-SNPC]
.......... TAA database (2000-)


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