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hunter-gatherer (early cultures) (<styles, periods, and cultures by general era>, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Refers to the early cultures of humans and other hominins marked by reliance on wild plants and animals for subsistence. They were often nomadic, following the wild herds or moving with the seasons. Until about 12,000 years ago or somewhat earlier, when agriculture and animal domestication emerged in southwest Asia and in Mesoamerica, all peoples were hunters and gatherers. This stage in human development was retained for different amounts of time in different areas; in some environments not conducive to farming or where natural plants and animals remain plentiful, hunter-gatherer cultures still exist. |
Terms: |
hunter-gatherer (early cultures) (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,U)
hunter-gatherers (early cultures) (C,U,English,AD,U,U)
hunter-gatherer culture (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
hunting and gathering culture (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
foraging culture (C,U,English,UF,U,U)
jager-verzamelaar (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)
jager-verzamelaars (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
jagers-verzamelaars (C,U,Dutch,AD,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: F.FL |
Hierarchical Position:

Styles and Periods Facet |

.... Styles and Periods (hierarchy name) (G) |

........ <styles, periods, and cultures by general era> (G) |

............ hunter-gatherer (early cultures) (G) |
Additional Notes: |
Dutch ..... Verwijst naar de vroege culturen van mensen en andere mensachtigen die leefden van wilde planten en dieren. Het waren vaak nomaden die de wilde kuddes volgden of zich verplaatsten met de seizoenen. Tot ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden of iets eerder, toen landbouw en veeteelt ontstond in Zuidwest-Aziƫ en in Midden-Amerika, waren alle volkeren jager-verzamelaars. Deze fase in de ontwikkeling van de mens bleef op de ene plek langer bestaan dan op de andere. In sommige omgevingen die zich niet lenen tot het boerenbestaan of waar er nog steeds wilde planten en dieren in overvloed zijn, bestaan nog steeds culturen van jager-verzamelaars. |
Related concepts: |
has associates .... |
hunters (people) |
.......................... |
(<people in agriculture or natural resource occupations>, <people by occupation>, ... People (hierarchy name)) [300025619] |
preceded .... |
farmer (early cultures) |
................ |
(<styles, periods, and cultures by general era>, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) [300393217] |
Sources and Contributors: |