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ID: 300438489
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Record Type: concept
soapberry spoons (spoons, flatware, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name))


Note: Spoons made by Native Northwest Coast Americans and First Nations tribes, especially in Tsimshian and Tlingit communities. Usually made of wood, the spoon resembles a paddle with a wide, cylindrical and slightly-curved scoop and a long handle. The scoop is often decorated with carved clan designs; less commonly the handle is also carved. Used to both make whipped soapberry foam and to consume it, usually at important feasts.
soapberry spoons (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,PN)
soapberry spoon (C,U,English,AD,U,SN)
hapshgoulgm ggan (C,U,English,UF,L,SN)
hapshgoulgm ggan (Tsimshian,UF,U,SN)
xakwl’l shál (C,U,English,UF,L,SN)
xakwl’l shál (Tlingit,UF,U,SN)
spoons, soapberry (C,U,English,UF,U,U)

Facet/Hierarchy Code:  V.TH

Hierarchical Position:

Hierarchy of Objects Facet
Objects Facet
Hierarchy of Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
.... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name)
........ Tools and Equipment (hierarchy name) (G)
Hierarchy of equipment
............ equipment (G)
Hierarchy of <equipment by context>
................ <equipment by context> (G)
Hierarchy of culinary equipment
.................... culinary equipment (G)
Hierarchy of flatware
........................ flatware (G)
Hierarchy of spoons
............................ spoons (G)
Hierarchy of soapberry spoons
................................ soapberry spoons (G)

Related concepts:
involve ....  Sapindaceae (family)
..............  (Sapindales (order), Rosanae (superorder), ... Living Organisms (hierarchy name)) [300375034]
reflect/produced by ....  First Nations (culture)
....................................  (Native American, Americas, The, ... Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) [300343402]
reflect/produced by ....  Northwest Coast Native American
....................................  (Native North American, Native American, ... Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) [300017594]

Sources and Contributors:
hapshgoulgm ggan............  [VP]
.............................  Smithsonian Institution, Alaska Native Collections [online] (2019-) "hapshgoulgm ggan," accessed 24 January 2020, "Soapberry spoon,"
soapberry spoon............  [VP]
.............................  Smithsonian Institution, Alaska Native Collections [online] (2019-) "soapberry spoon," accessed 24 January 2020
soapberry spoons............  [VP Preferred]
.............................  Brooklyn Museum [online] (2012-) "soapberry spoon," accessed 24 January 2020
.............................  Holm, Northwest Coast Indian Art (2015) 63; accessed 24 January 2020
.............................  Smithsonian Institution, Alaska Native Collections [online] (2019-) "soapberry spoon," accessed 24 January 2020
spoons, soapberry............  [VP]
................................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
xakwl’l shál............  [VP]
.......................  Smithsonian Institution, Alaska Native Collections [online] (2019-) "xakwl’l shál," accessed 24 January 2020, "Soapberry spoon,"
Subject: .....  [VP]
English .......... [VP]
.......... Brooklyn Museum [online] (2012-) accessed 24 January 2020
.......... Holm, Northwest Coast Indian Art (2015) 63; accessed 24 January 2020
.......... Smithsonian Institution, Alaska Native Collections [online] (2019-) accessed 24 January 2020


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