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jiéjiān bǎnzhàng (room dividers, enclosing structural elements, ... Components (hierarchy name)) |
Note: Literally meaning "bay-dividing plank partition" (Kroll 2016), scholars generally agree that jiejian banzhang 截間版帳 is a room dividing partition, and some scholars believe that it is a partition specifically running perpendicular to the main roof ridge (Zhao 2005, 102). The term is only found in Yingzao fashi 營造法式 (1103; Li 2009, 6.6a), and is considered to be a type of xiaomuzuo 小木作 (fine carpentry or joinery). According to the description in the Yingzao fashi, jiejian banzhang is six to ten feet high and is composed of planks or boards (ban 版) and covering strips (yatou hufeng 牙頭護縫), which can be used on both sides of the board. These components are fixed by a board casing (nanzi 難子) between the columns. If the jiejian banzhang is more than seven feet high, column-top-ties (e’fu 額栿) along with posts (tuanzhu 摶柱), and a waist bar (yaochuan 腰串) should be added to the framework. If its width is wider (or deeper) than usual, a bay muntin (qianzhu 槏柱) should also be added. |
Terms: |
jiéjiān bǎnzhàng (preferred,H,U,English-P,D,L,B)
............ | 960-1279 |
jiéjiān bǎnzhàng (Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,D,U,B)
jiejian banzhang (C,U,English,UF,L,B)
jiejian banzhang (Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones),UF,U,U)
bay-dividing plank partition (H,U,English,UF,U)
............ | 960-1279 |
Facet/Hierarchy Code: V.PJ |
Hierarchical Position:
Objects Facet |
.... Components (hierarchy name) (G) |
........ components (objects parts) (G) |
............ <components by specific context> (G) |
................ architectural elements (G) |
.................... <structural elements and components for structural elements> (G) |
........................ structural elements (G) |
............................ enclosing structural elements (G) |
................................ room dividers (G) |
.................................... jiéjiān bǎnzhàng (G,U) |
Additional Notes: |
Chinese (traditional) ..... 截間版帳,學者們一般認爲它是以木制作的室內隔斷,有些則認爲特指進深方向的隔斷(趙 2005, 102)。這一術語在古代文獻中,僅見於宋《營造法式》(1103; 李 2009, 6.6a)。根據《營造法式》的定義,它由木版、內外並施的牙頭、護縫構成,並用難子固定於柱間,高度六至十尺。如果它的高度達七尺以上,則需增加額栿、槫柱及腰串作為框架。如果它的寬度(進深)較一般廣,則需增立槏柱。 有三位學者對截間版帳進行過復原(梁 2001, 180;竹島 1997, 234-241; 潘 2005, 121)。 截間版帳這一術語體現出宋代室內裝修中殘留的早期的室內織物分隔的影響。“帳”字的使用暗示這一以木制作的室内隔断與織物的關系(張 2001, 70-71;潘 2005, 120-122;趙 2005, 102)。此外,在《營造法式》所有以“帳”命名的小木作中,截間版帳是惟一一個垂直的面狀隔斷,有別於自身呈圍合狀,有頂而且具有內部空間的各類帳,如佛道帳等。從歷史文獻推斷,“帳”本意為自身围合、内部带有空间的織物構造(劉, 6.44b);表示垂直隔斷的字為“帷”(鄭 et al. 1934, 19.3a)。很可能至唐,“帳”已有與“帷”同為一意的情況:唐·李善等註的《文選》:“羅帳,羅帷也”(蕭 et al. 1919, 31.4b)。 在梁·顧野王撰,宋·陸彭年重修的《玉篇》中對帳釋義:“帷也,張也,幬也。”[ctext文庫中的《玉篇》查無此句](顧 1013, 28.2a),即“帳”可兼具垂直面狀隔斷與圍合的兩層含義 |
Sources and Contributors: |