The Things That Are Worth It / Sarah Melgar

The Things That Are Worth It

By Sarah Melgar

As I passed by this flower, its beauty drew me to it. I almost missed it because of how fast I was walking. It was then that I realized how everything worth admiring in life takes time to really appreciate. The world we live in today is so fast paced that almost no one slows down to appreciate the most beautiful things that life has to offer. Many may not realize it but slowing down is crucial to enjoying life. I, myself, try to slow down as much as possible because if I don't, I forget that life is beautiful and worth living. I end up getting so wrapped up in my work that I become mad and irritated all the time. Slowing down reminds me of all the things that are going right in my life, allowing me to refresh and put 100% of myself into everything I do. Sometimes the most beautiful things are in our everyday lives and we just don't notice them. How many beautiful things go unappreciated in your life?