Today / Maryam Taat


By Maryam Taat

Ten years ago, a photo like this couldn't have been taken. Ten years ago, people would have to print out their photos to share them with other people. Today, I can take a picture on my phone or my computer and instantly upload it to Instagram or Snapchat so my friends can see it. Ten years ago, people could only talk to their family in person or over the phone. Today, I can video-chat with my family who live on a completely different continent. I can see them without having to take a fourteen-hour flight. Ten years ago, most people could only learn from the small amount of books available to them. Today, I have the ability to research any topic on the internet and receive endless amounts of information on it. This photo shows my reflection through the screen of my laptop. It represents who I am today because of technology. Even though I appear to be alone in my room, I'm connected to the world through a thirteen-inch screen.