MOSAIKON is a collaborative, regional initiative dedicated to improving the conservation, presentation and management of mosaics in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. The initiative is a partnership of the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome, and the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM). Through a series of interrelated activities, MOSAIKON aims to build capacity, develop replicable models of best practice, and promote the dissemination and exchange of information regarding the conservation and management of archaeological mosaics, both those in situ and those in museums and storage. Read More

Mosaics at Archaeological Sites:
Training for Site Managers

Training for personnel in charge of archaeological sites with mosaics

Mosaic Conservation Technician Training

Training technicians to conserve in situ and lifted mosaics

Mosaics in Museums: Training for Collections Managers

Training for museum personnel who manage mosaic collections

Bulla Regia Model Conservation Project

Developing a model conservation & maintenance plan for in situ mosaics

Alternative Backing Methods for
Lifted Mosaics

Research to develop sustainable methods for backing lifted mosaics

Shelters for Archaeological Sites with Mosaics

Developing guidelines for protective shelters at archaeological sites

Strengthening the Professional

Strengthening the professional network of mosaic heritage specialists


Making mosaic conservation literature widely available

Related Materials

Books, reports, articles, and video

Image Gallery

Page updated: December 2015