Museum Home Past Exhibitions Rembrandt's Late Religious Portraits

June 7–August 28, 2005 at the Getty Center

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Publications are available in the Getty Bookstore, by calling (800) 223-3431 or (310) 440-7059, or online at

Rembrandt's Late Religious Portraits

Rembrandt's Late Religious Portraits
By Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. with Peter C. Sutton and contributions by Volker Manuth and Anne T. Woollett

This 152-page book features thirty-five color and fifty-three halftone illustrations focusing on one of the most fascinating aspects of Rembrandt's extraordinary artistic career—his brooding and pensive half-length images of religious figures from the late 1650s and early 1660s. Many of these majestic paintings are identified as apostles and evangelists, but among them are also representations of Christ, the Virgin, and unidentified saints and monks. (Cloth: $40)

Saints In Art

Saints in Art
By Rosa Giorgi

Identifies the characteristic visual elements of more than one hundred saints often encountered in sacred Western art. (Paper: $24.95)

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