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Posted 9/05/03 by Jean Germano, Portland, Oregon

I came to LA specifically for this exhibition. I was dropped off at 10:00 a.m. and didn't leave until the lecture that evening finished at 8:00 p.m. It was the finest show of illuminated manuscripts that I have ever seen.

Posted 8/24/03 by Evelyn Sadler, Charleston, SC

Kudos to the designers or your Web site. It is gorgeous. I found the video on how a book was made and illuminated extremely interesting. Thank you.

Posted 8/23/03 by Michael O'Connor, Saugus, CA

I thought it would be fun to stop by one Friday night. I've never been to a museum at night. It turned out to be a whole new experience. Wow! I was impressed. I jumped into one of your "point-of-view tours." Kenneth Turan pulled me in to Illuminating the Renaissance with witty comments and thoughtful points of view of details that made me wonder in awe!! Thank you. Going to the museum at night is like a night on the town! I'll be back for more!

Posted 8/22/03 by Olivier Kloeck, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium

Well, I don't see how a Web site can be more illuminated than this. I absolutely admire the tribute you've paid to my ancestors and the history of my region. I hope I will be able to see the exhibition in London. Keep up the good work over there!!!

Posted 8/18/03 by Peter Ledger, Suffolk, England

Having been through the images of the exhibition on your Web site, I can't wait for the exhibition to transfer to London.

Posted 8/17/03 by Johanna Tomenson, Ajijic, Mexico

Awesome! My husband went to church while I was glued to my Mac, fanatically obsessed with the intricacies of this work. I too was close to God. The excitement was almost unbearable. Thank you for making this incredible work available to us so far away. The lovely e-cards I sent to my special people, including my Spanish teacher, who told me about this site. Thank you!

Posted 8/14/03 by Mayra Topete Sarabia, Guadalajara, Mexico

The exhibition is wonderful! I have taken my boyfriend and family to see it and we all really like the Getty exhibitions. Most of all we have enjoyed the friendship of the museum staff! We will be back soon! The museum is worth the trip! Is there any way to buy a copy of the genealogical tree manuscript? I like it so much I must have a copy! Please help.

The manuscript page you refer to is the Genealogical Tree of the Kings of Aragon by Simon Bening and Antonio de Hollanda. Although a print is not available through our bookstore, you should check the British Library in London, which owns the manuscript.

Posted 8/12/03 by Rowland Craig, San Antonio, Texas

This is one of the most beautiful Web sites and very informative.

Posted 8/11/03 by Jean Germano, Portland Oregon

I traveled from Portland, Oregon specifically to see the manuscripts... I also planned my visit for a day when I could watch the demonstration by Sylvana Barrett [an artist demonstration of manuscript illumination]. I spent six hours on Thursday viewing the manuscripts, and another four hours on Friday. What an incredible exhibition. How fortunate the people living in LA are to partake of all the Getty offers. I have traveled to Italy on several occasions specifically to view manuscripts, and I have never seen a collection such as what you currently exhibit. Thank you for a wonderful opportunity.

Posted 8/08/03 by Carol Boyk, Los Angeles

These images are a marvelous accessory to an extraordinary exhibition, especially for those of us with middle-aged or older eyes who can't get close enough to the originals to see the finest details. You've included some of my favorites, but not the shepherds dancing before the manger, or the shepherd in the quadriptych turning his face skyward and viewed from over his shoulder, or the Virgin playing with the baby's toes, or Henry VIII recognizable from quite a distance. I could go on...



The J. Paul Getty Trust
The J. Paul Getty Trust