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4906 results
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4301.   ............ Norwich, Browning (British painter, active 19th century)
4302.   ............ Norwich, Roger (architect, active 17th century)
4303.   ............ Norwid, Cyprian Kamil (Polish poet and painter, 1821-1883)
4304.   ............ Norwood, Peter (British artist, active 1970's)
4305.   ............ Norwood, Sarah (American interior designer, contemporary)
4306.   ............ Norz, Michael (Austrian goldsmith, born 1934)
4307.   ............ Noscoe, Robin (British artist, died 2002)
4308.   ............ Nosecký, František Kristián Ezechiel (Czech painter and
 ............ priest, 1693-1753)
4309.   ............ Noser, Peter (Swiss artist, born 1952)
4310.   ............ Nosetti, Pietro (Italian architect, active late 18th
 ............ century)
4311.   ............ Noseworthy, Frank (Canadian architect, contemporary)
4312.   ............ Noske, Hugo (Austrian artist, 1886-1960)
4313.   ............ Noske-Sander, Sophie (Austrian painter, born 1884)
4314.   ............ Noskov, Georgy Ivanovich (Russian artist, born 1902,
 ............ active 1923)
4315.   ............ Noskowiak, Sonya (American photographer, 1905-1975, born
 ............ in Germany)
4316.   ............ Noßky, Dietrich (German painter, born 1937)
4317.   ............ Nossar Vukovic, Nicole (Peruvian architect, contemporary)
4318.   ............ Nossek, Karl (Austrian sculptor, born 1855)
4319.   ............ Nossek, Walter W. (Swiss landscape architect, contemporary)
4320.   ............ Nösselt, Heinz (German furniture designer and architect,
 ............ 1900-1950)
4321.   ............ Nosseni, Giovanni Maria (Swiss sculptor, architect, and
 ............ painter, 1544-1620)
4322.   ............ Nosse, Shūji (Japanese architect, contemporary)
4323.   ............ Nossiter, Jonathan (American film director, born 1961)
4324.   ............ Nostell Painter (Attic vase painter, active 4th century
 ............ BCE)
4325.   ............ Nostench de los Ríos, María Teresa (Spanish painter,
 ............ active 1868)
4326.   ............ Noster, Ludwig (German artist, 1859-1910)
4327.   ............ Nosti, Javier (Venezuelan architect, contemporary)
4328.   ............ Nostitz, Grigorii Ivanovich (Russian photographer, born
 ............ 1862)
4329.   ............ Nostitz und Jänckendorf, G. A. E. von (German artist,
 ............ 1765-1836)
4330.   ............ Nost, John van, the elder (Flemish sculptor, ca. 1655-ca.
 ............ 1712)
4331.   ............ Nost, John van, the younger (Flemish sculptor, died 1780,
 ............ active in England and Ireland)
4332.   ............ Nostradamus, César (French painter and poet, 1555-1629)
4333.   ............ Nostrand, John van (Canadian architect, contemporary)
4334.   ............ No Suhyeon (Korean painter, 1899-1978)
4335.   ............ Nota, Dean A. (American architect, contemporary)
4336.   ............ Notah, Ned (Native American painter, contemporary)
4337.   ............ Notarbartolo, Albert (American painter, born 1934)
4338.   ............ Notargiacomo, Gianfranco (Italian artist, born 1945)
4339.   ............ Notari, Elvira (Italian film director, 1875-1946)
4340.   ............ Notari, Fabrice (Monégasque architect, contemporary)
4341.   ............ Notari, Henry (French architect, died 1994)
4342.   ............ Notari, Karim R. (Swiss architect, contemporary)
4343.   ............ Notari Oviedo, Pablo (Spanish architect, contemporary)
4344.   ............ Notario y Merino, María (Spanish painter, active 1903-1910)
4345.   ............ Notari, Romano (Italian painter, born 1933)
4346.   ............ Notaris, Carlo de (Italian artist, 1812-1888)
4347.   ............ Notaro, Anthony (American sculptor, 1915-1984)
4348.   ............ Nötberger, Klaus (Austrian architect, active late 20th
 ............ century)
4349.   ............ Notebaert, Gérard (Canadian architect, 1927-1979)
4350.   ............ Notebaert, Marcel (Belgian artist, born 1924)
4351.   ............ Noteboom, Daniel (Dutch artist, 1877-1943)
4352.   ............ Notenboom, Annet (Dutch jewelry designer, 1953-)
4353.   ............ Noten, Dries van (Belgian fashion designer, contemporary)
4354.   ............ Noten, Jean van (Belgian artist, born 1903)
4355.   ............ Noter, Annette de (Belgian flower painter, born 1803)
4356.   ............ Noter, Auguste Herman Marie de (Belgian artist, 1806-1838)
4357.   ............ Noter, David de (Belgian painter, born 1825, died ca.
 ............ 1887 or 1892)
4358.   ............ Noter, Jean Baptiste Andre De (Belgian painter and owner,
 ............ 1779 or 1787-1855)
4359.   ............ Noterman, Emanuel (Belgian painter and etcher, 1808-1863)
4360.   ............ Noterman, Zacherie (Belgian painter and draftsman, 1820-1890)
4361.   ............ Nothaft, Lorenz (German architect, active 1465-1490)
4362.   ............ Noth, Edel (German artist, born 1895)
4363.   ............ Nothhelfer, Gabriele (German photographer, born 1945)
4364.   ............ Nothhelfer, Georges (French architect, contemporary)
4365.   ............ Nothhelfer, Helmut (German photographer, born 1945)
4366.   ............ Nothnagel, August Friedrich Wilhelm (German artist, 1822-1899)
4367.   ............ Nothnagel, Fritz (German freelance artist, born 1919)
4368.   ............ Nothnagel, Johann Andreas Benjamin (German painter and
 ............ etcher, 1729-1804)
4369.   ............ Notke, Bernt (German painter and sculptor, ca.1440-1509)
4370.   ............ Notkin, Leonard (American architect, born 1931)
4371.   ............ Notkin, Richard T. (American sculptor and ceramicist,
 ............ born 1948)
4372.   ............ Notman, Howard (American painter, born 1881)
4373.   ............ Notman, John (American architect, landscape architect,
 ............ 1810-1865)
4374.   ............ Notman, William (Canadian photographer, 1826-1891)
4375.   ............ Notman, William McFarlane (Canadian photographer, 1857-1913)
4376.   ............ Notnagel, Heribert (Austrian artist, born 1946)
4377.   ............ Notomi, Susumu (Japanese painter, 1911-1976)
4378.   ............ Nott, Andrew (Australian painter, born 1946, active in
 ............ London)
4379.   ............ Notte, Claude Jacques (French miniaturist, active 1771-1795)
4380.   ............ Notte, Emilio (Italian painter and lithographer, 1891-1982)
4381.   ............ Notter, Andreas (German architect, contemporary)
4382.   ............ Notter, George M., Jr. (American architect, contemporary)
4383.   ............ Nott, Evelyn Pyke (English painter, 1870-1960)
4384.   ............ Nott, Herbert (Canadian photographer, born 1914)
4385.   ............ Nottmeyer, Jürgen (German architect, contemporary)
4386.   ............ Nottolini, Lorenzo (Italian architect and engineer, 1787-1851)
4387.   ............ No Two Horns, Joseph (Native American draftsman and painter,
 ............ 1852-1942)
4388.   ............ Notz, Johannes (Swiss artist, 1802-1862)
4389.   ............ Nötzli, Johann Conrad (Swiss painter and printmaker,
 ............ 1709-1751)
4390.   ............ Nouailher, Colin (French enameler and miniaturist, ca.
 ............ 1514-ca. 1588)
4391.   ............ Noua, Kacem (French painter, born 1952)
4392.   ............ Nouar, Abdelkader (Moroccan painter, born 1952)
4393.   ............ Nouel, Jérôme (French architect, contemporary)
4394.   ............ Noufflard, André (French painter, 1885-1968)
4395.   ............ Noufflard, Berthe (French painter, 1886-1971)
4396.   ............ Nougé, Paul (French author and photographer, active 20th
 ............ century)
4397.   ............ Nougier, Emile (French engineer, active 19th century)
4398.   ............ Nouiga, Miloudi (Moroccan photographer, 1947-)
4399.   ............ Nou, Jean Louis (French photographer, born 1941)
4400.   ............ Nour, Amir I. M. (Sudanese sculptor, born 1936)
4906 results
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