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5577 results
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5001.   ............ Völtzke, Brigitte (German commercial artist, born 1945)
5002.   ............ Völtzke, Kurt (German freelance artist, born 1946)
5003.   ............ Voltz, Ludwig (German painter, 1825-1911)
5004.   ............ Voltz, Richard (German painter, 1859-1933)
5005.   ............ Voltz, Wilhelm (German painter, born 1880)
5006.   ............ Volunteer Painter (Etrusco-Corinthian vase painter, active
 ............ ca. 625-550 BCE)
5007.   ............ Volut, Alain (French filmmaker and photographer, born
 ............ 1954)
5008.   ............ Volwerk, Seitje (Dutch textile artist, 1885-1983)
5009.   ............ Volz, Hermann (German artist, 1814-1894)
5010.   ............ Volz, Herman Roderick (American painter and printmaker,
 ............ 1904-1990)
5011.   ............ Volz, Michael (German architect, born 1954)
5012.   ............ Volz, Tina (German architect, contemporary)
5013.   ............ Volz, Wilhelm (German painter and printmaker, 1855-1901)
5014.   ............ Vombek, Rudolf (German painter, 1930-2008)
5015.   ............ Vom Scheidt, Werner (German graphic artist, born 1894)
5016.   ............ Von Ahn, Christian (European designer, contemporary)
5017.   ............ Von Ahn, Wiebke (European designer, contemporary)
5018.   ............ Von Alemann, Claudia (German artist, born 1943)
5019.   ............ Vonarburg, Bernadette (Swiss artist, contemporary)
5020.   ............ Von Bachmayr, Alfred (American architect, contemporary)
5021.   ............ vonbank, Michael (Austrian painter, born 1964)
5022.   ............ Von Boch, Monika (German artist, 1915-1993)
5023.   ............ von Bruenchenheim, Eugene (American painter and naive
 ............ artist, 1910-1983)
5024.   ............ Von Buelow, Thom (American interior designer, contemporary)
5025.   ............ Vonck, Elias (Dutch painter, 1605-1652)
5026.   ............ Vonck, Jacobus (Dutch painter, died 1773)
5027.   ............ Vonck, Jan (Dutch painter, 1630-after 1660)
5028.   ............ Vonck, Patrick (Belgian architect, contemporary)
5029.   ............ vondal, Karl (Austrian artist, born 1953)
5030.   ............ Von der Borch, Nicholas (European designer, contemporary)
5031.   ............ von der Erde, [missing] (German freelance artist, born
 ............ 1945)
5032.   ............ Vonderheid, Josef Anton (Austrian painter, 1836-1920)
5033.   ............ Von der Schulenburg, Fritz (British photographer, contemporary)
5034.   ............ Vonderwerth, Klaus (German freelance artist, born 1936)
5035.   ............ von Eißern, Ferdinand (Czech painter, active in Prague,
 ............ 1572–1624)
5036.   ............ Von Etzdorf, Georgina (British textile designer, contemporary)
5037.   ............ Von Euer, Judith (American artist, muralist, and professor,
 ............ born 1938)
5038.   ............ Von Ezdorf, Richard (American architect, 1848-1926)
5039.   ............ Von Felix, Maurice (American painter, 1889-1969)
5040.   ............ von Furstenberg, Diane (American fashion designer, born
 ............ 1946, born in Belgium)
5041.   ............ Von Gal, Edwina (American landscape architect, contemporary)
5042.   ............ Vo, Nghia Trong (Vietnamese architect, contemporary)
5043.   ............ Von Groschwitz, Gustave (American printmaker, active
 ............ 20th century)
5044.   ............ Von Hanffstengel, Renata (Mexican artist of German birth,
 ............ born 1934)
5045.   ............ Von Hausswolff, Annika (Swedish artist, born 1967)
5046.   ............ von Herzog, L. (German daguerreotypist, active ca. 1840-ca.
 ............ 1855)
5047.   ............ Von Hoffman, Alexander (American urban planner and professor,
 ............ contemporary)
5048.   ............ Von Holst, Theodor M. (British painter, illustrator,
 ............ 1810-1844)
5049.   ............ Von Kantzow, Marianne (Swedish manufacturer, contemporary)
5050.   ............ Vonk-Colijn, Joke (Dutch artist, active 1996)
5051.   ............ Vonk, G. (Dutch artist, active 17th century)
5052.   ............ Von Köhler, Franz (American draftsman, active 20th century)
5053.   ............ von Markhof, Magda Mautner (Austrian artist, 1881-1944)
5054.   ............ von Martens, Klaus Guido (German freelance artist, born
 ............ 1943)
5055.   ............ Von Martin, Priska (German artist, 1912-1982)
5056.   ............ Von Maydell, Eveline (German artist, 1890-1962)
5057.   ............ Von Meier, Achim (French architect, contemporary)
5058.   ............ vonmetz, Karl (Italian artist, born 1950)
5059.   ............ Von Michalofski, Evelyn (Canadian artist, curator, born
 ............ 1963)
5060.   ............ Von Moltke, Wilhelm Viggo (American architect and city
 ............ planner, 1911-1987)
5061.   ............ Vonmoos, Maja (Swiss sculptor, painter, and computer
 ............ artist, born 1953)
5062.   ............ Vonnák, Alajos (German architect, contemporary)
5063.   ............ Vonnák, Arpád (Hungarian architect, contemporary)
5064.   ............ Vonna-Michell, Tris (British performance aritst, born
 ............ 1982)
5065.   ............ Vonnegut, Bernard, Sr. (American architect, 1855-1908)
5066.   ............ Von Neumann, Robert (American painter, 1888-1976)
5067.   ............ Vonnoh, Bessie Potter (American sculptor, 1872-1955)
5068.   ............ Vonnoh, Robert William (American painter, 1858-1933)
5069.   ............ Vonnot-Viollet, Yvonne (Belgian artist, 1883-1936)
5070.   ............ Von Ostheim, Othon (Austrian photographer, active 1850s/1860s)
5071.   ............ von Pechmann, Alice (American artist, born 1906, born
 ............ in Germany)
5072.   ............ Von Perbandt (German artist, 19th century)
5073.   ............ Von Ripper, Rudolph (American artist, 1905-1960)
5074.   ............ von Roenn, Kenneth (American sculptor and glass artist,
 ............ contemporary)
5075.   ............ Von Schlegell, David (American sculptor, 1920-1992)
5076.   ............ Von Schlegell, Gustav William (American painter, died
 ............ 1950)
5077.   ............ von Schmidt, Waldemar (German commercial artist, born
 ............ 1925)
5078.   ............ von Schmiterlöw, Bertram (German museologist, born 1925)
5079.   ............ Vons, Henny (Dutch artist, active 1998)
5080.   ............ Von Sobel, Valerie (American interior designer, contemporary)
5081.   ............ vonstadl, Josef (Austrian architect, born 1828)
5082.   ............ Vonstadl, Maria (Austrian painter, 1839-1909)
5083.   ............ vonstadl, Peter (Austrian architect, born 1869)
5084.   ............ von Steinaecker, Elisabeth (German craftsman, born 1938)
5085.   ............ Von Sternberg, Josef (American film director and collector,
 ............ 1894-1969)
5086.   ............ von Strauch, Werner (German lecturer, born 1935)
5087.   ............ Von Stroheim, Erich (Austrian film director and actor,
 ............ 1885-1957)
5088.   ............ Von Stumm, Johannes (British sculptor, contemporary)
5089.   ............ Von Szitanyi, Marghit (painter, active 20th century)
5090.   ............ Vontobel, Hans Rudolf (Swiss architect and interior designer,
 ............ contemporary)
5091.   ............ Vontobel, Martina (Swiss sculptor, 1968-)
5092.   ............ von Trotta, Margarethe (German artist, born 1942)
5093.   ............ Von Voss, Hans (American muralist and designer, contemporary)
5094.   ............ Von Wätjen, Otto (German artist, 1881-1942)
5095.   ............ Von Weber, Edmond (Austrian sculptor)
5096.   ............ Von Weger, Rudolf (Austrian sculptor)
5097.   ............ Von Weise, Charles (American architect, contemporary)
5098.   ............ Von Weise, Wenda (American artist, born 1941)
5099.   ............ Von Weschpfennig, Eberhard (German planner, contemporary)
5100.   ............ Vonwil, Armin (Swiss architect, contemporary)
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