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9733 results
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8301.   ............ Friede, Jürgen (German sculptor, born 1954)
8302.   ............ Friedel, Lutz (German painter, born 1948)
8303.   ............ Friedemann, Eckhard (German architect, contemporary)
8304.   ............ Friedemann, Jürgen (German architect, contemporary)
8305.   ............ Friedemann, Schindler (German computer and digital artist,
 ............ born 1954)
8306.   ............ Friedemann, Uwe Bernd (German architect, contemporary)
8307.   ............ Friedenberg, Wilhelm (German painter, 1845-1911)
8308.   ............ Friedensohn, Elias (American painter and sculptor, born
 ............ 1924)
8309.   ............ Friedenson, Arthur A. (English painter, 1872-1955)
8310.   ............ Friederichs, Friederun (undetermined)
8311.   ............ Friederich, Theresa Ann (American landscape architect,
 ............ contemporary)
8312.   ............ Friedersdorff, Robert (German artist, born 1885)
8313.   ............ Friedery, Helen (American painter, active 20th century)
8314.   ............ Fried, Esther (Ukrainian painter, born 1924)
8315.   ............ Fried, Heinrich Jakob (German painter and lithographer,
 ............ 1802-1870)
8316.   ............ Friedhoff, G. J. (Dutch government architect, 1892-1976)
8317.   ............ Fried, Howard (American conceptual artist, born 1946)
8318.   ............ Friedkin, Anthony (American photographer, born 1949)
8319.   ............ Friedkin, Anthony E. (American photographer, born 1949)
8320.   ............ Friedkin, William (American artist, born 1935)
8321.   ............ Friedlaender, Alfred (Austrian artist, born 1860)
8322.   ............ Friedlaender, Bilgé (American painter, active 20th century)
8323.   ............ Friedlaender, Camilla von Malheim (Austrian still life
 ............ painter, born 1856)
8324.   ............ Friedlaender, Friedrich (Austrian genre painter, 1825-1901)
8325.   ............ Friedlaender, Henri (French typographer, 1904-1996)
8326.   ............ Friedlaender, Johnny (German etcher and painter, 1912-1992,
 ............ active in France)
8327.   ............ Friedlaender, Julius (Danish artist, 1810-1861)
8328.   ............ Friedlaender, Lilly (South African jewelry designer,
 ............ contemporary)
8329.   ............ Friedlaender, Stephen (American architect, active late
 ............ 20th century)
8330.   ............ Friedlander, Augustus M. (American painter, 1856-1897)
8331.   ............ Friedlander, Bernhard (Russian designer, 1881-1934, active
 ............ in Israel)
8332.   ............ Friedlander, Dan (American architect, contemporary)
8333.   ............ Friedlander, Elizabeth (German graphic designer, 1903-1984)
8334.   ............ Friedlander, Eyal (Israeli artist, born 1957)
8335.   ............ Friedländer, Hedwig (Austrian painter, 1863-1945)
8336.   ............ Friedlander, Lee (American photographer, born 1934)
8337.   ............ Friedlander, Leo (American sculptor, painter, and architect,
 ............ 1890-1966)
8338.   ............ Friedlander, Louella (Native American beadworker, contemporary)
8339.   ............ Friedlander, Marti (New Zealand photographer, born 1928)
8340.   ............ Friedlander, Paul (British artist, contemporary)
8341.   ............ Friedländer von Malheim, Alfred (Austrian artist, 1860-1933)
8342.   ............ Friedländer von Mallheim, Camilla (Austrian artist, 1865-1928)
8343.   ............ Friedland, Jeffrey (American painter, born 1942)
8344.   ............ Friedland, Maud (Austrian sculptor, 1927-1996)
8345.   ............ Friedland, Mildred (American painter, active mid-20th
 ............ century)
8346.   ............ Friedl-Dutzler, Ludmilla (Austrian artist, born 1938)
8347.   ............ Friedl, Emanuel Hans (Austrian artist, 1880-1945)
8348.   ............ Friedler, Georg (Austrian architect, contemporary)
8349.   ............ Friedley, Duer (American artist, active 20th century)
8350.   ............ Friedl, Franz (Austrian artist, 1852-1922)
8351.   ............ Friedl, Herbert (Austrian graphic artist, born 1943)
8352.   ............ Friedli, Beatrice (Swiss landscape architect, contemporary)
8353.   ............ Friedli, Bendicht (Swiss painter and graphic artist,
 ............ born 1930)
8354.   ............ Friedli, Marcel (Swiss artist, contemporary)
8355.   ............ Friedli, Markus (Swiss architect, born 1958)
8356.   ............ Friedli, Peter (Swiss photographer and painter, 1925-2012)
8357.   ............ Friedl, Johann (Czech artist, 1863-1937)
8358.   ............ Friedl, Maximilian Joseph (German artist, 1815-1838)
8359.   ............ Friedl, Peter (Austrian conceptual artist, born 1960)
8360.   ............ Friedl, Rudolf (Austrian artist, 1866-1933)
8361.   ............ Friedl, Theodor (Austrian sculptor, 1842-1900)
8362.   ............ Friedman, Aaron (American painter, contemporary)
8363.   ............ Friedman, Arnold A. (American interior designer, born
 ............ 1925)
8364.   ............ Friedman, Arnold Aaron (American painter and lithographer,
 ............ 1879-1946)
8365.   ............ Friedman, Arthur (British artist, active ca. 1912-1940)
8366.   ............ Friedman, Avi (Canadian architect, born 1952)
8367.   ............ Friedman, Ayana (Israeli sculptor, born 1950)
8368.   ............ Friedman, Barbara (American painter, 20th century)
8369.   ............ Friedman, Bennett (American designer, contemporary)
8370.   ............ Friedman, Benno (American photographer, born 1945)
8371.   ............ Friedman, Dan (American graphic designer and interior
 ............ designer, 1944-1995)
8372.   ............ Friedman, Daniel S. (American architect, born 1951)
8373.   ............ Friedman, Dara (German and American video artist, born
 ............ 1968)
8374.   ............ Friedman, David (American graphic artist and painter,
 ............ 1893-1980)
8375.   ............ Friedman, Frank (American industrial designer, contemporary)
8376.   ............ Friedman, Gil (Argentine graphic designer)
8377.   ............ Friedman, Glen E. (American photographer, born 1962)
8378.   ............ Friedman, Howard A. (American architect, active late
 ............ 20th century)
8379.   ............ Friedman, James G. (American photographer, born 1950)
8380.   ............ Friedman, John (American city planner, author, and professor,
 ............ active late 20th century )
8381.   ............ Friedman, Jonah (English photographer)
8382.   ............ Friedman, Jonathan (American architect and professor,
 ............ active late 20th century)
8383.   ............ Friedman, Josh (American painter)
8384.   ............ Friedman, Julius K. (American artist, born 1943)
8385.   ............ Friedman, Ken (American sculptor and mail artist, born
 ............ 1949)
8386.   ............ Friedman, Martin (American painter, 1896-1980)
8387.   ............ Friedman, Michael (Russian painter, born 1958)
8388.   ............ Friedman, Mira (Israeli designer, born 1952)
8389.   ............ Friedmann (French painter, active 20th century)
8390.   ............ Friedmann, Gloria (German sculptor and installation artist,
 ............ born 1950)
8391.   ............ Friedmann, Hermi (Austrian photographer, 1905-1989)
8392.   ............ Friedmann, John (American urban planner, author, and
 ............ professor, contemporary)
8393.   ............ Friedmann, Max (Israeli sculptor, born 1962)
8394.   ............ Friedmann-Otten, Marie Rosalie (Austrian artist, 1884-1955)
8395.   ............ Friedmann, Robert (German architect, 1888-1940)
8396.   ............ Friedmann, Walter (German architect, active 20th century)
8397.   ............ Friedman, Pearl (American painter, active 1960)
8398.   ............ Friedman, Raphael Nathan (American architect and engineer,
 ............ born 1890)
8399.   ............ Friedman, Roberta (American filmmaker and video artist,
 ............ contemporary)
8400.   ............ Friedman, Robert N. (American artist, born 1948)
9733 results
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