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ID: 500016387
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Record Type: Person
Giambologna (Flemish sculptor, architect, 1529-1608, active in Italy)

Note: Born and trained in Flanders (Douai, his birthplace, is now in France but was once in Flanders), Giambologna traveled to Italy in 1550 to study Classical and Renaissance sculpture. There, he became court sculptor of the Medici Dukes. He was famed for compositional sophistication, sensuous, tactile treatment of human body, and sheer technical virtuosity. He was extremely influential because the Medici gave his works as diplomatic gifts and his style was thus known throughout Europe. His style also spread through his many students, who studied in Florence with him, and returned to Northern Europe. He died in Florence, Italy in 1608.

Giambologna (preferred,C,V,display,LC,English-P,NA,U)  ....  in Italy, from ca. 1550
Giambologna (Dutch-P,NA)
Giambologna (Italian-P,NA,U)
Giovanni da Bologna (C,V,Italian,NA,U)
Giovanni Bologna (C,V,Italian,NA,U)
Gian Bologna (C,V,Italian,NA,U)
Jean de Bologne (C,V,French,NA,U)
Jean Boulogne (C,V,French,NA,U)  ....  birth name
Jean de Boulogne (C,U)
Jean Bologne (C,V,French,NA,U)
Jan de Bologne (H,U,Dutch,NA,U)
Juan de Bolonia (C,V,Spanish-P,NA,U)
GIO BOLONGE (H,VSG,Italian,NA,U)  ....  signature, 1580s
Juianno da Boulogne / a Bologne (H,V)  ....  inscribed
詹波隆那 (C,V,Chinese,NA,U)
詹博洛尼亚 (C,V,Chinese,NA,U)
Τζιαμπολόνια (C,V,Greek,NA,U)
ג'אמבולוניה (C,V,Hebrew,NA,U)
Gianbologna (C,U)
Bologna, Giovanni (V,Italian,NA,U)

Flemish (preferred)
South Netherlandish

artist (preferred)
court artist

Gender: male

Birth and Death Places:
Born:  Douai (Hauts-de-France, France) (inhabited place)
Died:  Florence (Firenze province, Tuscany, Italy) (inhabited place)

active:   travelled to Rome 1550  Rome (Roma province, Lazio, Italy) (inhabited place)
active:   from 1553  Florence (Firenze province, Tuscany, Italy) (inhabited place)
active:   1563, was called to Bologna  Bologna (Bologna province, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) (inhabited place)
burial:   in Church of SS. Annunziata, in the chapel he had decorated for himself  Florence (Firenze province, Tuscany, Italy) (inhabited place)

Related People or Corporate Bodies:
apprentice of ....  Dubroeucq, Jacques  
........................  (Netherlandish sculptor and architect, born 1500-1510, died 1584) [500006447]
apprentice was ....  Tacca, Pietro  Tacca assumed full responsibility for Giambologna's workshop upon his death in 1608
..........................  (Italian sculptor and architect, 1577-1640) [500007371]
patron was ....  Marie de Médicis, Queen consort of Henry IV  
..................  (French queen consort, 1573-1642) [500122326]
patron was ....  Medici, House of  
..................  (Italian rulers, bankers, 15th-18th centuries) [500114961]
student of ....  Porta, Guglielmo della  
..................  (Italian architect, sculptor, and restorer, born between 1500 and 1510, died 1577) [500001864]
teacher of ....  Broecke, Willem van den  
..................  (Netherlandish sculptor, 1530-1580) [500016663]
teacher of ....  Francavilla, Pietro  
..................  (Flemish sculptor, architect, and painter, 1548-1615) [500000585]
teacher of ....  Marsy, Jaspard  
..................  (French sculptor, 1600-1674) [500044474]
teacher of ....  Mont, Hans  
..................  (Flemish sculptor and architect, born ca. 1545, died after 1582, active in Germany, Austria, and Bohemia) [500000982]
teacher of ....  Susini, Antonio  
..................  (Italian sculptor and bronze caster, active 1572-1624) [500055036]
teacher of ....  Susini, Giovanni Francesco  
..................  (Florentine sculptor, 1585-1653) [500022671]
teacher of ....  Vries, Adriaen de  
..................  (Dutch sculptor, ca. 1545 -1626) [500021335]

List/Hierarchical Position:
 ....  Persons, Artists
 ........  Giambologna (I)

Additional Notes:
Dutch ..... Jean Boulogne (1529–1608) werd geboren te Douai, in het toenmalige Vlaanderen. Als 14-jarige ging hij in de leer bij de beeldhouwer Jacques Dubroecq. Na zijn leertijd vertrok hij naar Rome om de beroemde beelden uit de renaissance en de klassieke oudheid te bestuderen. Daar mat Jean zichzelf de naam 'Giambologna' aan en maakte hij kennis met Michelangelo. Voor de paleizen en villa’s van de rijke Florentijnse bankiersfamilie de’ Medici maakte Giambologna levensgrote marmeren en bronzen werken. Zijn Sabijnse maagdenroof kreeg een ereplaats in het centrum van Florence. Een kleine bronzen kopie naar deze marmeren beeldengroep bevindt zich in het Rijksmuseum, evenals bronzen afgietsels van zijn serie Werken van Hercules. Aan deze beelden is te zien dat Giambologna gefascineerd was door lichamen: ze draaien en kronkelen, met gespannen spieren en verwrongen gezichten. Deze ‘maniëristische’ stijl vond in heel Europa navolging. 
Italian ..... Scultore (Douai 1529 - Firenze 1608). Ad Anversa (1540) apprese la scultura da J. du Broeucq. Recatosi a Roma insieme a F. e C. Floris, avvicinò Michelangelo. Si recò nel 1562 a Firenze, ove fu protetto da Francesco de' Medici. 

(Flemish sculptor, architect, 1529-1608, active in Italy) ..... [VP Preferred]
(Flemish sculptor, 1529-1608) ..... [NGA-DC]
(Italian sculptor (b. in Netherlands), 1529-1608) ..... [GRLPA]
(Italian sculptor, 1529-1608) ..... [RKD]
(Netherlands, artist) ..... [GRISC]
(Flemish artist, 1529-1608) ..... [PROV]
(Flemish sculptor, 1529-1608) ..... [Grove Art]
(Italian artist, 1529-1608) ..... [AVERY]
(Netherlandish sculptor, 1529-1608) ..... [CL-Courtauld]
(Italian artist, 1529-1608) ..... [WL-Courtauld]
(Flemish sculptor in ITA, 1529-1608) ..... [BHA]
(Flemish (Italian School), 1529-1608) ..... [JPGM]
(S. Neth., artist 1529-1608) ..... [GRL]
(1529-13.VIII.1608; Architect, Mannerist Sculptor, Bologna, Firenze, Roma) ..... [FDA]
(Sculptor, goldsmith, 1529-1608) ..... [CENSUS]
(Italian artist, 1529-1608) ..... [WCI]
(Italian artist, c.1524-1608) ..... [WCP]

Additional Names:
Bologne, Jean (V,French,NA,U)
Boulogne, Jean de (V,French,NA,U)
Bologne, Jean de (V,French-P,NA,U)
Bologna, Giovanni da (V,Italian,NA,U)
Boulogne, Jean (V,French,NA,U)
Boullongne, Jean (V)
Boulongne, Jean (V)
Bolongne, Jean (V)
Boulogne, Jehan (V)
Boulongne, Jean de (U)
Bologna (LU,U)
Bologna, Giovanni Da (LU,U)
G. Bologna (LU,U)
G. Da Bologna (LU,U)
g. di bologna (LU,U)
gian bologna (LU,U)
gianbologna (LU,U)
Gio: Bolog.a (LU,U)
Gio. Bologna (LU,U)
Gio: Bologna (LU,U)
Gio Bologna (LU,U)
Giovan Bologna (LU,U)
giovanni, bologna (LU,U)
giovanni da bologna (LU,U)
giovanni de bologna (LU,U)
Giovanni di Bologna (LU,U)
Giov. Bologna (LU,U)
giov. da bologna (LU,U)
Giov. di Bologna (LU,U)
Jane de Bolone (LU,U)
J. da Bologna (LU,U)
J. de Bologna (LU,U)
J. de Boulogne (LU,U)
Jean de Bollogne (LU,U)
Jean de Boullogne (LU,U)
John Bologna (LU,U)
John da Bologna (LU,U)

Sources and Contributors:
詹波隆那 ........ [VP]
..........  Archaeology Magazine [online] (2000-)
Τζιαμπολόνια ........ [VP]
..........................  Archaeology Magazine [online] (2000-)
詹博洛尼亚 ........ [VP]
............  National Palace Museum, Taiwan [online] (2007)
ג'אמבולוניה ........ [IMJ, VP]
........................  Israel Museum [online] (2018-)
Bologna ........ [PROV]
.................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Bologna, Giovanni ........ [AVERY, CENSUS, FDA, GRISC Preferred, GRLPA Preferred, Grove Art, VP]
....................................  Avery Authority files (1963-)
....................................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
....................................  M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
....................................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000)
....................................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986)
Bologna, Giovanni da ........ [GRL, RKD, VP, WCI, WCP Preferred]
........................................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
........................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
........................................  Witt Library, Authority files
Bologna, Giovanni Da ........ [PROV]
.........................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Bologne, Jean ........ [FDA, GRL, VP]
............................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
............................  Musée du Louvre [online] (2003-), 6 February 2023
............................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
Bologne, Jean de ........ [FDA, VP, WL-Courtauld]
................................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
................................  Foundation for Documents of Architecture database
................................  Witt Library, Authority files
Bolongne, Jean ........ [GRL]
..............................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
Boullongne, Jean ........ [GRL, RKD]
..................................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
..................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
Boulogne, Jean ........ [GRL, Grove Art, VP]
..............................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
..............................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
Boulogne, Jean de ........ [CENSUS, RKD, VP]
..................................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
..................................  Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance database (1980-)
..................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
Boulogne, Jehan ........ [VP]
................................  VIAF: Virtual International Authority File [online] (2009-)
Boulongne, Jean ........ [GRL]
................................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
Boulongne, Jean de ........ [RKD]
....................................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
G. Bologna ........ [PROV]
......................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
G. Da Bologna ........ [PROV]
...........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
g. di bologna ........ [PROV]
........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giambologna ........ [AVERY Preferred, BHA Preferred, CENSUS Preferred, FDA Preferred, FRICK, GRISC, GRL Preferred, GRLPA, Grove Art Preferred, JPGM Preferred, NGA-US, PROV Preferred, RKD Preferred, VP Preferred, WCI, WL-Courtauld]
.........................  AKL online (2000-) accessed 6 February 2023
.........................  Avery Authority files (1963-)
.........................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976) 2:137
.........................  Galleria degli Uffizi [online] (2000-), 6 February 2023
.........................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
.........................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
.........................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
.........................  Grove Dictionary of Art (1996)
.........................  J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
.........................  Library of Congress Online Catalog [online] (2003-) n 85252671
.........................  M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
.........................  Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2003-)
.........................  National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
.........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
.........................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
.........................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
.........................  VIAF: Virtual International Authority File [online] (2009-) VIAF ID: 34725916 (Personal)
Gian Bologna ........ [AVERY, GRL, VP]
..........................  Avery Authority files (1963-)
..........................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
gian bologna ........ [PROV]
........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
gianbologna ........ [PROV]
........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Gianbologna ........ [RKD, VP]
.........................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
Gio: Bolog.a ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Gio. Bologna ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Gio: Bologna ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Gio Bologna ........ [PROV]
........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
GIO BOLONGE ........ [VP]
................................  Musée du Louvre [online] (2003-)
Giovan Bologna ........ [PROV]
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giovanni Bologna ........ [NGA-US Preferred, PROV, VP]
..................................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
..................................  National Gallery of Art, Washington DC [online] (2002)
..................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
giovanni, bologna ........ [PROV]
..................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giovanni da Bologna ........ [JPGM, VP, WCI Preferred, WL-Courtauld Preferred]
......................................  Courtauld Institute
......................................  J. Paul Getty Museum database for collections (2000-)
......................................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) 14, 112
giovanni da bologna ........ [PROV]
....................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
giovanni de bologna ........ [PROV]
....................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giovanni di Bologna ........ [PROV]
......................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giov. Bologna ........ [PROV]
............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
giov. da bologna ........ [PROV]
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Giov. di Bologna ........ [PROV]
................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Jan de Bologne ........ [PROV, RKD, VP]
............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
............................  RKD Artists database (2000-)
Jane de Bolone ........ [PROV]
............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
J. da Bologna ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
J. de Bologna ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
J. de Boulogne ........ [PROV]
............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Jean Bologne ........ [GRL, PROV, VP]
..........................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Jean Boulogne ........ [FDA, FRICK, PROV, VP]
............................  Frick Art Reference Library database
............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
............................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
Jean de Bollogne ........ [PROV]
................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Jean de Bologne ........ [FDA, FRICK, GRL, GRLPA, PROV, VP]
..............................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976)
..............................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
..............................  Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium (2012-), 6 February 2023
Jean de Boullogne ........ [PROV]
..................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Jean de Boulogne ........ [JPGM, PROV, VP]
................................  J. Paul Getty Museum database for collections (2000-)
................................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
John Bologna ........ [PROV]
..........................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
John da Bologna ........ [PROV]
..............................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
Juan de Bolonia ........ [FDA, RKD, VP]
..............................  Galleria degli Uffizi [online] (2000-)
..............................  Museo del Prado online (2002-)
Juianno da Boulogne / a Bologne ........ [MET, VP]
.........................................................  Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2003-)

Subject: ........ [AVERY, BHA, CENSUS, CL-Courtauld, FDA, Gallery Systems, GRISC, GRL, GRLPA, Grove Art, JPGM, NGA-US, PROV, RKD, VP, WCI, WCP, WL-Courtauld]
....................  Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. Internationale Künstlerdatenbank (1993-2006)
....................  Avery, New Century Italian Renaissance Encyclopedia (1972)
....................  Avery, Radcliffe, et al, Giambologna (1978)
....................  Baigell, Dictionary of American Art (1982) 199-200
....................  Bénézit, Dictionnaire des Peintres (1976) 2:137
....................  BHA, Authority file (1973-)
....................  Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance database (1980-)
....................  Dhanens, Jean Boulogne = Giovanni Bologna Fiammingo (1956)
....................  Dizionario biografico degli Italiani (1960)
....................  Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (1931-1939)
....................  Encyclopedia of World Art (1959-1987)
....................  Foundation for Documents of Architecture database
....................  Gallery Systems (2000-) LOC ID: n85252671
....................  Getty Provenance Index Databases [online] (1989-)
....................  Getty Research Library Photo Archive database
....................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
....................  GRI Library, author records (1998-)
....................  Grove Art artist database (1989-)
....................  Grove Dictionary of Art (1996)
....................  Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) accessed 12 Feb 2003
....................  His Giambologna, c1984:
....................  J. Paul Getty Museum, collections online (2000-)
....................  LCNAF Library of Congress Name Authority File [n.d.]
....................  Library of Congress Authorities data (n.d.)
....................  Library of Congress Online Catalog [online] (2003-) NAFL85252671, accessed 29 September 2006
....................  M. Knoedler & Co. records, Finding Aid, GRI Special Collections (2012-)
....................  National Gallery of Art database, Washington (1987-)
....................  Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-)
....................  RILA/BHA (1975-2000) Subject, 1988
....................  RKD Artists database (2000-) 10165
....................  TCI Firenze
....................  Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Künstler (1980-1986) 14, 112
....................  VIAF: Virtual International Authority File [online] (2009-)
....................  Wikidata online (2000-) Q220136
....................  Witt Library, Authority files
English .......... [AVERY, Grove Art, PROV, VP, WL-Courtauld]
.......... Grove Dictionary of Art (1996) 112, 568 ff
.......... Provenance Index Databases, Authority file (1985-) loaded 2001
Dutch .......... [RKD]
.......... Rijksmuseum [online] (2000-)
.......... RKD (2016-)
Italian .......... [ICCD]
.......... Ministero per i beni culturali [online], Italy (2000-)
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