
Web resource curator: Rani Singh, Visiting Scholar, Getty Research Institute; Director, Harry Smith Archives

Web resource project management: Linda Tadic

Research assistance: Mark Vevle

All of the images displayed on this Web site are from the Harry Smith Archives, and have several intellectual property rights owners. Please see the Copyright page for rights and permissions information to the images listed below.

Home page images

Top row, left to right:

1. Harry Smith, 1965. Photograph by John Palmer. © 2001 Harry Smith Archives

2. Harry Smith at Jane and Bataan Faigo's house, summer 1988. Photograph by Allen
Ginsberg. © 2001 The Allen Ginsberg Trust

3. Harry Smith recording birds in Manhattan, 1987. Photograph by Brian Graham.
© 2001 Brian Graham

4. Harry Smith, 1987. Photograph by Brian Graham. © 2001 Brian Graham

Bottom row, left to right:

1. "Harry Smith exhausted 3 AM over Chinese take-out supper. A car had backed into
him up on 12th Street corner Avenue A weeks earlier, compression-fractured his knee, so he stayed with me nine months in small room behind him he'd fixed with door-latch and lock. Old postcard of Manhattan Island on toilet door panel to his right. Ethnomusicologic archivist, film-maker, alchemist, he'd designed my new Collected Poems book cover, he'd been moved out of hotel room on 28th Street, lived in Bowery shelters, was now homeless in New York! June 17, 1985." Caption and photograph by Allen Ginsberg. © 2001 The Allen Ginsberg Trust

2. HS [Harry Smith signature]. © 2001 Harry Smith Archives

3. Buddha's Footprint. Allen Ginsberg noticed this design, known as Buddha's footprint, on a wall in India in the 1960s. He commissioned Harry Smith to draft this design for use on his Collected Poems and subsequent book covers. © 2001 The Allen Ginsberg Trust

4. Harry Smith listening to music in Allen Ginsberg's living room, 1987. Photograph by
Brian Graham. © 2001 Brian Graham

Roll-over painting details:

Details taken from Harry Smith, Study for Film no. 9, Prelude B, gouache on paper, ca. 1951. © 2001 Harry Smith Archives

Web site design: Citrus Studio, LLC,

Symposium organized by:

The Getty Research Institute

Thomas Crow
Director, Getty Research Institute

Karen Stokes
Project Specialist, Research & Education Department, Getty Research Institute

Andrew Perchuk
Research Associate, Director's Office, Getty Research Institute

Rani Singh
Visiting Scholar, Getty Research Institute
Director, Harry Smith Archives