During 6th Period / Sean Watanabe

During 6th Period

By Sean Watanabe

I was really bored during my 6th period and I started to stare at my gym shorts. I started to notice the texture of the shorts. It had patterned circles with string inside which looked pretty rough in the photo, but actually the material is soft. It was really weird, meaning the texture looked different from everything else. I guess when I am bored, my eyes become blurry and unfocused and I would see things in different ways. I am not sure how viewers would respond but I would hope they say that the photo looks cool. To tell the truth, what I did was put the camera on my shorts and the outside of the picture became out of focus. I focused on the middle of the picture clear and that's about it. Then I snapped the photo. I was really hopeful that the picture of my gym shorts would look extraordinary, even though they are ordinary. This reminds me, I need to bring my gym shorts home!