Strange Tree / Gaby Garcia

Strange Tree

By Gaby Garcia

This tree is different from the rest of the trees. I like how deformed it is, how the wind made it when it was growing. This tree shape looks like a snake going up to the sky. I took this picture in school, outside the classroom. I took this picture because of how different it was and how tall it was. The tree looked liked it was about to fall when I took the picture.

The strange tree had a few leaves left; it looked lonely. It looks insecure and unsafe of how deformed they made it. I made it black and white because seeing that tree, I pictured it black and white and I liked how it looked. It needed to be with more of its kind so it wouldn't feel insecure anymore. It needed to be safe and secure with others. The bark shows different designs on it so it could show how it looks. I like the light shining off the tree and the dark texture on the tree.