The Final Element /  Edwin Castro

The Final Element

By Edwin Castro

It was just one of those days, walking on grass at the peak of the morning sun. The grass, an ordinary part of nature, was not noticed yet until I stopped at will, dropped to the floor, like a crazy man's dream. Everyone around me was wondering what was going on, while I saw shadows, light, shapes, and wonder all against the morning sun that lied on the cold, beautiful sky. This world made by God and nature, and raised by life was found and captured by me. I felt myself being part of nature and inspired by life.

Every drop of water tells a story, but all you need to do is pay attention. This small piece of nature is at its peak and at its finest. This piece of grass transforms from the ordinary to extraordinary because it’s seen through a different perspective. I feel like I was one of the lucky few to notice what nature has to give in an ordinary place.

I hope that anyone who sees my photograph and reads my statement would love this picture as much as I do.